The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines." Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The mid-nineteenth century Valentine's Day trade was a harbinger of further commercialized holidays in the United States to follow. The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

You can make a valentine for your family and I'll print it out for you!!
happy valentines day Ms.Chambers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know. I might cook dinner!!
Happy Valentines Day Ms. Chambers. I am going to treat my family to dinner.
I am going to make them a card saying "Happy Valentines Day".
I might make a dessert
My family and I are going out 4 dinner later on.also today it is my little sister's b-day. This is one of my second favorite holiday.
Happy Valentines Day MS. Chambers!!!! I might buy my family some candy after school with my money.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone.
I might cook dinner for them
Happy Valentines Day Ms. Chambers! I am going to actually do nothing for my family yhey are going to make dinner for me and our friends are coming over.
I am going to help around the house and I might go to my cousins house or they might come over. It might be a lot of people or there might not be a lot of people. They are one of our closest cousins and we see them almost every weak. I like them because there is a person for everyone to have fun with i like playing with my cousin who is 13 but he is very...very tall
The thing that I'm going to do today is: clean my room, clean the cat box, clean the kitchen, and clean the living room without them telling me to.
I'm going to try to at least get a better grade for my family. Happy Valentines Day.
i think i am going to buy them something.
Happy valentines day almost everyone! Valentines day is a great holiday. Plus, as an added bonus, my brother is turning 1 year old just tommorow at 11:45 a.m so if you see me in a really good mood, dont be scared. I'm just a regular kid who loves his family. What a week for me!!!!!
I might buy my mom a Valentines Teddy bear. She realy loves them.
I'm going to spend time with them. I'm also going to have dinner with them. I might even make my on Valentine's Day card with them. Then, the rest of the day is Family Guitar Hero Day. That is what I'm going to do with my family on Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentines Day Ms.Chambers!!!!!!!!!!!! What I'm going to do for my family is that I am going to bake alot of deserts for them.
Happy Valentimes day Ms.Chambers!I am going to give my family a gift and make them dinner/
My family and I are going out to eat to celeabrate Valentines day and my brothers first valentines day.I am also passing out valentines cards to my family and friends.So far I am having a great Valentines Day.
Happy Valentines Day everyone.
I might cook dinner for my family.
Me and my family are going to make a special dinner
Happy Valentines Day Ms. Chambers!! I don't really know if my family & I are going out for dinner! But I want to!
Since my family is kind of wealthy and i got $300 bucks that I have been saving, I am taiing my family to Cheesecake Factory afterschool. I love my family.
Im going to make cards for my family. Then I might make food for them if they want something made by me. My aunts and uncles might come over because they usually come over on holidays.
i just gave kiss in the cheek to my whole family.
I will take them out to dinner. I hope people have a great Valentine's Day and they spend it with someone special.
Happy Valentine's Ms.chambers
hi Ms.Chambers happy valentines day and i hope you have a lovely valentines day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Valentines Day Ms. Chambers. I am going to dinner with my mom and some friends.
Happy valentines day. I am going to be super nice to my mom and my brother and sister.
Happy Valentine's Day Ms.Chambers And to all my Friends I might cook them dinner or we might go somewhere to eat!!!!!!!
I might let them take me out. And I might clean my dog's house.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Valentine's Day♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Happy Valentines Day Ms.Chambers.I think I will make them someting nice like a card.Or I will make them dinner.Or I can just buy them something.
Happy valentines day well I will really nice to family and friends espicially my family
Happy valentines day well I will really nice to family and friends espicially my family
I don't really know ,but I am going to think about it in school.
♥ Happy Valentines Day Ms. Chambers! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
well first of all Happy valentine's day Ms. Chambers
Hope everybody has a great valentine's day.♥
My family and I make dinner and we give gifts to each other.
I think valentine's day is really great because you can express you love in many different ways.
Happy Valentine's Day♥
Happy Valentine MS.CHAMBERs. I think I am going to buy my parents some thing.
Hey Ms. Chambers who is your valentine mine is Ana Vera from your 5th period...Happy Valentinez day
happy valentine;a day
Happy valentines day Ms.Chambers and what iam goibg to do for my family is tha iam going to take them out and buy a bear to my mom that she realy likes and that she told me that she now how's going to buy her one
happpy valentines day. I do not know what i am doing. Dinner probley
ms. chambers!!
I am making brownies for my family(if they let me)!
I will cook dinner and give my mom some flowers.clean all my pets house and feed them.
we do nothing but eaqt choclate and share wat we got for valinhtines day.
I don't now what am doing tonight maybe I am going to get dinner with my family.
valentines day is a day about love that people go like to places that they like to be alone or sometimes they go to resturants and eat together and sometimes they go to places to dances and dance with each other
valentine's day is great love is in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love valentine's day
i am not doing nothing i do not celebrate valintins
Happy Valentines Day MS. Chambers!!!! i am not going to do anything for my parents if they want to do something they can go do it but i am going to stay at home and go on my space ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Valentine's Day♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
i'm going to make a cheese cake to my family.
happy Valentine's day Ms.chambers.
Happy Valentine's day Ms.Chamber !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):)
Today I'm taking my mom to Olive Garden. She got my the most silly Valintines Day prestent ever. It is The Simpsons Valintine Boxers. On the back, they say, "will you be mine." I really never liked Valintines Day, but when I get home I get more relaxed.
I might go out to dinner with my family. And then give them a suprise that I got for them. Mabey later I will make them some hot chocolate and desert. After that I'll let them rest and watch T.V. That's most likely what I'm gonna do with my valitine's day.
Happy Valentines Day Ms. Chambers!we do nothing but just set around and enjoy each other.Rent a movie and whatch it together.
I might be spending the day at my house. I did give candy to some people. I got nothing. I think it might be boring at my house. I gave 3 backes of candy. I hade 4. But I don't know who to give it to. What I don't know what to give is a chocolate rose. The red is chocolate.
Happy Valentines Day Ms. Chambers. I am going to buy a card for my whole family telling them how much I love them. I think valentines Day is so cool. I wish I had a valentine.
I love valentines day.Today we are going to eat out.I hope people have a great Valentine's Day and they spend it with someone special.I am going to be super nice to my mom and my dad and sister.OH and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY :) ♥ ♥ ♥
I am making a card fgor my family.I will take theme some candy to. The card will be fild with gliter. I will also put some other pritty stuff on it. I will also put stickers on th card.
Happy valentimes day. I helped my sister with her valentime cards. She past them out to her friends. I am making a card for my family. I also put stickers on th card.
Will what I did for my parents was to go eat in a speacil restuarnt. hope your valentine was feel with joy and happiness Ms.chambers.
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