There is a lot of talk about change. People think that change will happen if one person gets elected instead of another.
- What needs to change?
- How will the change happen?
- What will the new president do to create that change?
- What will the change look like (evidence of the change)?
- What will stop the change from happening?
- What topics are the most important to you?
- What topics are the most important to your family?
Be specific!! Don't talk about generalities. All comments should be at least 5 sentences.
We lower taxes and lesser oil costs. Our president is supposed to change. She/He can lower taxes, make lesser oil costs, and end the war in Iraq. Lower taxes and more of our troops coming home. If our president will not be a good president. Me and my family want lower taxes and low gas prices + end to the war in Iraq
I think are president should change are envoriment.I don't like to see trash all over the sidewalks and writing on the walls. This will happen if the president just helps a little bit to clean up.People could stop throwing thier trash everywhere they want.The preident could put signs up that say not to liter. I just want my enviorment to be clean.
The Iraq War and Global Warming needs to change. If anyone was selected to be president, they should make these changes. The president might donate money to reasearch in getting rid of global warming, and should retreat all people back from the war. The evidence, is that Iraq will become more peaceful, and we will have less wars. The evidence of the Global Warming changing, is that places with arctic climate will become cooler, and won't melt. Iraq my strike back, and that will stop it from happening. There might not be enough technology to stop Global Warming. The topics most important, are the wars and global warming. The important topics to my family is immigration.
if obama would not win i would suport hillary she is also very smart and experinced :)
What needs to change is the taxes. People in the government need to lower the taxes. The change may happen if a president is elected and says that he will for sure lower the taxes. The taxes on items in the store is less expensive. The president will lower the taxes. The environment and the endangered animals is the most important for me. The topics that is important for my family are the lowering of taxes.
I think that we need to care about the environment also the wars and i think we should let immigrants enter the country because if we take them out who will replace their work. I also think the change will make the planet an all of us look better.
The Iraq war should end. The country will change if there is a new president. What the president would do to change the country is maybe make a deal with Iraq so there is no more war. We will know if the war ends because it will be on the news and other television shows. One thing that would stop this change is if Iraq lied and sabotaged our country. The most important topic to change is the Iraq war. I am not sure but I think my families favorite topic is Global Warming.
The Iraq war needs to change. The president will bring the soldiers back. No more dying soldiers, we will have more money for schools and stuff. The president does not change anything. The war ending.
I think that we need to recycle more to prevent global warming.To reuse thins or make them into something new
that is how change will happen.The new president will probally make it a law to recycle more.Our streets will be much cleaner.If nobody recycles at all.Global warming, it is the most important problem that we have beside the Iraq war.The war and global warming. Nohely olalde.
Obama might win over hillary. Obama might get more votes after they count them all. Correct the political system so no money is going into the pockets of the representatives. More problems will be fixed with more money like streets. The pesident makeing new bills, rights , or laws. Fixing where the money from our taxes are going to. No chemical testing on anything.
i think we should have lower taxes and lower gas prices. they cost a lot and to fill up ur car it is about 50$ or sometimes even more if u have a van/suv/ and especially a truck. now some people are going to different cities just to get ur car filled up because it is cheaper by .20$ but that is a lot because u can save about 3$, which isnt alot, but in gas it is
I am mostly concerned for immigrants.I don't think it should be hard for immigrants.The changes should not change that much.It is sad when children get separated from their parents because of immigration.I don't see why a lot things have to change after elections.
The event that needs to change is that there is to much war going so the change could be that there is no more war.Maybe the change could happen by the new president to agree with the president of Iraq.The thing that will stop the change to occur would be that the two presidents would not agree.One of the topics that are most important to me is the election.And one of the topics most important to my family is who will be president.
Taxes need to be lowered for a change, and it will happen by us voting for Clinton for president. Clinton would lower the state taxes. For evidence, look at the prices to see if it got lowered. Voting for president is stopping us. The important topic for me is lowering taxes. I'm sure that my family has the same topic.
The taxes needs to be change.We will get a new president.He/She will lower the taxes and end the war in Iraq.Our taxes will be lower than before.If the president is a bad one than the won't be changed.I think that the president should at least be giving and help the unfortunate and try to give some of them homes.the same goes for my family.
I think that what should change is the taxes. They should lower them down because some people don't have alot of money.We should change the president. The new president should lower down taxes wich,will be better for us. If the new president doesn't me and my family will try to change the cost of taxes and try to stop the war in Iraq.
Well first off I don't think anybody should make a change. I mean what is there to change? I really don't much about the laws but I guess there all right. Maybe the future-president should change things that are really important to change. Some people just change things because they don't know what else to do and sometimes though changes can be wrong and not really helpful at all. I hope the changes that are made, (if there are going to be changes) are good ones and they serve everyone right.
In my opinion i think a change that we need at the moment is lower taxes and gas prices.I think this change can happen if the united states makes a right choice in which president they want.The presidentcan lower taxes and gas prices.I think this change is very important because it well lower taxes and gas prices which the extra money can be used in things for personal and nonpersonal objects.I think this well help my family too because it well lower on how one must pay for gas and taxes and more on necesity things.
we should really bring our troups home and reunite families people are dieing for our lives right now.we should also lower taxes they are just watsing are money we need.sure it for the state but what about your family.another thing we should do is lower gas prices .gas prises are getting higher and higher each year and peoples pay are not.in order to raise gas prices we need to get higher pays also.what do they do with all that money anaways.we also need asolution to global waming soon the human race will be exinct!!!!we need more money for are school insted of casinos and wasting money on gambleing.
what needs to change is the war. the president can bring our troops back. also the taxes are to high. i want that to change cause i want my stuff that i buy to be cheap. those are the changes i want.
why are we at a war anyways
we need lower taxes.our president can change that.i am pretty sure she/he can lower the taxes.me and my family will be very happy if they lower the taxes.if they lower the taxes my family can save money and we can spent it on things that we really need and we can also save money for my quinceanera.
1 thing that need to change are the taxes. They need to lower the taxes. they should lower the taxes by bringing stoping the Iraq war and bringing the troops home. we will tell that the taxes are lowered if the troops are brought back home. also if we are paying less taxes.
1 thing that need to change are the taxes. They need to lower the taxes. they should lower the taxes by bringing stoping the Iraq war and bringing the troops home. we will tell that the taxes are lowered if the troops are brought back home. also if we are paying less taxes.
Obama needs to win because he is a very smart and nice person. He is helping the Iraq War. Obama knows what to expect on the way to being president. He makes nice and convincing speeches.
people also need to lower prices that is somthing really big that is taking money from wallets people make thing more expensive than they should be.thing should stay the price every year exept for old stuff that shoul go down.
I think that the Iraq war should be stopped and our taxes should be lowered. This change will happen if we choose the right president and if we all cooperate and care for our communities. They will probably talk stop them. We will no when everything changes when the war is over. It will stop the change from happening if they don't cooperate with us and if they don't care how we feel. The most important topic to me is to stop the Iraq war and to help our communities. I think the most important topic for my family is that the Iraq war should stop and to have a safe environment.
If the President made a change I would want some of the laws to change. Like having guns inside your house. I think people should at least have their guns inside of a storage type area so no one would get hurt. In our country I think lots of laws and rules should get changed. I think people should think more about what there actions are. The topics that are going around in my family is who would make our country better and who would be a better President than Busch. For my opinion I think Clinton would make a great president because it looks like she cares a lot about our country and I think she would think more about what changes should be made. I also think Obama would make a good President because I think I can trust him. He also sounds like a nice person and he is willing to be our president. Both people are going to make great Presidents. They will probably make great changes if the changes need to be made. My family thinks Obama would be a great President because they think Clinton would be too sensitive and Obama would be stronger as a President.
wow heather that is alot
What needs to change is trash all over our side walks, graffiti on our walls & buildings, they need to change our gas prices because their just to high now! This change will happen by having Clinton or Obama as our president! Our president will probably talk with the government! The change will look better in our community & hopefully the people who do that bad things will stop or will get in really BAD TROUBLE! Stopping the change from will be if the federals will catch them & throw them to jail! the topics that are most important to me is that having them stop having bills, gas prices, and more so HIGH!! The topics that are most important to my family are the same ones as mine important topics!!!
i think what should be change is the gas prices they r 2 high and almost everyone in califrnia has a car and not that much money
I think that we need to worry about the environment.And we need to lower the gas prices because we have to pay like $3.09 or higher.And we need to lower our taxes to.
i also think he should chang the enviorment and the gas prices. their way to high. and people need to put their trash in the trash can. people should come home to their famalies and not be in war.
What needs to change is that there is to much trash everywhere.The change will happen if hopefully Obama is president. He will most likely talk to the government so they can fix it.The change will be exciting and beautiful. All of the bad guys (gang members). That there is graffiti everywhere.The part that bothers my parents is the fact that almost everywhere we go there is trash/graffiti.
If a new president is elected change will happpen. New laws will probally be passed. The most important thing that needs to for me is the enviorment. We use to much gas and it pollutes the air. The most important topic for my fammilly is to get a democrat for a president.
i think what they should do is to put the gas prices 1 dollar lower but in the summer to put all the prices of the gas more because they people got to all the places in the summer and in the winter they don't so yeah that what i think about it.
i say what should be changed is the gas prices they are way to high. when a canditate wins i hope they change the gas prices. almost everyone has a car in california but no money. and people need money there paychecks havent been given to them. so people need gas but no money. i hope they change the gas prices.
we could change the world by not polluting in the Ocean....
Making The World a better place is really fun by helping your community......
I think what needs to change is the war.I think the new president should bring our troops back.And I think the new president should also change the prices of gas because the prices are to expensive.And i think the new president needs to lower the taxes.And lower the prices of things.
We need change in our gas because it is to expensive. I also think that we need change in our schools because schools are sometimes expensive. Change will happen if people vote for Hillary Clinton. The change that will stop that is if you vote for Obama and that is a mistake. The change wiil look like if it is a mirical that a woman presedent is the right chioce for everyone.
I think they should lower the prices of the gas.
And I also think our new president should bring our troops back because we are invading their contry and if they would do that we would like it.
The price of the gas are really expensive and I think they should lower the price.
The things that need to be changed is gas prices,and the laws.If H. Clinton is voted for president she could change our present laws and make future laws. She might give a speech on Television(HDTV) and tell everyone our new laws.The change will be more futuristic, and less dirty,even less crimes. If another president is voted he or she might change the laws. My home town clean,the schools are clean, and a better life for everyone. A better life.
I think that they should lower prices and stop war
I think that they should lower prices and stop war
I think that they should try to change some of the enviorments. They should try to bring down some of the prices that they made. And also try to make more people to try to buy there things.
I think the president should change the gas price because I think there really expenceve. the president should stop the wars in iraq
i think clinton should win we need a better president and we need to stop the fight bush made in iraq and we need to lower gas price.
I think the change is the pollution the change will cause low pollution. By making the markets have re-used recycled bags and do the program like Whole Foods market. Even make all of the houses get thier power from the wind power machine for the whole United States and more!! The change will look like alot of wind machines everwhere in open fields and people cleaning the nieghborhood and cars might have solarrays and batteries for 15 hours when it's night. thier might be cars that are powered by mini wind power machine when air goes inside the car and even there will be less taking out trees too!!!! What will stop the change from happening is people keep doing pollution and taking out more and more trees!!! What topic is important to me is not having water rises up and drown the land and not having animals lose thier homes. What topic is important to my family is to save the earth by recycle and putting up plants and more!! This is the change that the president should do.
the topics that are most important to me are math and other things.i like doing these things because they sre really fun.I also think our new president will change things by using all of the money they use to fix street lights and more.
I think if Clinton wins she can make better changes for our country. I want her to end the war so no more dying soliders. She can lower tax levels. One topic that is important to me is the gas price. She can clean up of all Bushes mess that he made.
There are many changes to be made. The war in Iraq needs to be changed. We need to bring our troops back. We should have unarmed patrols ensuring that law and order remains but these troops should not be getting killed if the Iraqi"s can maintain their order if we just allow them to sustain it theirselves. +
The war in Iraq has to stop. I think Clinton can help us get out of it. My family thinks the same way . We all beleive that Hillary Clinton should be the next president. My family and I think this election is very important.
ThEy should lower the price of gas I also support that Obama wants to give a driver's license to people without papers.Now I really think Obama should win.The enviroment does have to be cleaner. People should start recycling because if people don't recycle more and more trees are cut down each day.
i think that our president should take out the law of immagration.I mean immagrants dont want to fight just for staying here.they have too just to live here.everybody wants to see that happen.oh and they should band cegerets becuase i dont want to see any of my family members past out .
I WOULD FOR CLINTON! I think people should vote for Clinton for president because she has morer experience. Hopfully if people vote for someone good they will stop the war, and bring our troops back home. I think most of the people that are in the war wont even beable to come home.
The person taht becomes preident should help save our envirment because some of the animals that we love are endangered. Plus the pollution in our air that is causing Global Warming. Plus people that are starting to cut down more and more trees are actually killing the wild life because they are cutting down animals houses, so now just thinking of all these bad things. I think that our new president should stop these horrible things that are happening on Earth and make the best change for everyone. The person that will become president should always think of everysingle person in the U.S.A.
I would like the war to end. It is a very devastaing thing in our family. I hope that the president considers the safety of our troops and of America. The countries would have to stop suffering, and if the president doesn't do what he or she promises then they pretty much let America down.
I think that people should abide by the laws. This will happen if the president elected enforces them and the people listen to the enforcements. When the new president makes the change you wont see as much car accidents, cleaner streets, better schools etc. If we don't listen to the laws none of these changes can be possible. Better education, and better schools and nieghborhoods. My family thinks that they should have medical with the jobs and things to do with the economy.
well what needs to change is lowering taxes, but if so we will be losing things like school amterials and benifits for other people.To create this change she is going to have to work hard so that we can lower our taxes but not lose as many things as we want to for instance like the things that we need.the change will look alrihgt as people say but schools might loose a few things like p.e equipment and paper for the students and printers and books and even computers.I think that the most thing that is important to me is how she is goin to help the communtiy be a better place for the rest of us.My family things that clington is a good choice for president because they think that she will do good for the elderly and the young to come!
I think what should be changed is the war in Iraq.The new president can make this change by stopping the war and bringing the troops back home to their family's and love ones.It would look like no one wants to fight any more and everything will be back to normal.What can stop the change from happening is Iraq if it still is going to fight back or they will come here.The most important thing is a better place to be in for me and my family.What I really want to change is the war I think that is the most important thing right to me is the WAR TO STOPPPP!!
I think that if Hellury Clinton win not only liesten to what the setesens need to say she should also help stop pollusion and clean up the streets.She should also give money to cheraties so every won wont be sufering for one thing or another.
I think that if Hellury Clinton win not only liesten to what the setesens need to say she should also help stop pollusion and clean up the streets.She should also give money to cheraties so every won wont be sufering for one thing or another.
I think there will be change. ther will be a bill. That tells what the change is going to be. As in a law or rule. that is how the chang will happen.
The thing that needs to be changed is the schools like in eldorado elementry school they don't have nice food to serve to serve to the kids that go there. How change happen is that Obama says that he will change the schools to a better education. Obama will do these by using part of the D.C's money to upgrade schools make better roads and much more. The thing that will stop the change is if you don't vote for Obama. The topics are the most important to my family is that how he is going make the schools much much beter.
I think what should change is there should be more community service so our country can be clean.This change will happen if more people participate. When this change happen our country or the world can be a better place to live in.This change will prevent from happening is if people are keeping littering.The new president can help by putting more funds.
one thing that needs to be changed is that we should have lower taxes,and every family should have health insurance...even if there immagrants!ALSO,the pollution in the air the new president should make a law to cutr down the air pollution in our atmosphere,or at least take some of the cars that are old and pollute more off the road...and the new president should not force the immagrants to leave either!i really dont know how the change would happen...the president will have to sign a law and make it happen.the change will look like the U.S.A is a better place for every one...no matter where there from.there are many things that could stop the chang,such as riots,and some people in the parys will disagree,too.the topics that are most important to me are immagration stuff,and the air pollution.well i think there the immagration stufff...and thats all i know...so thats what i think!
I don't know what needs to change I don't pay attention to the bad things. The change will happen by the prez. doind something about it. I don't know what he/she will do. Are state will look better. Nothing is important to me except family and friends.
The thing that needs to change is that we need to save the invierment and help endangered animals survive. The person that gets elected can make a comercial and tell the people that we need to help and save the inviorment and the endangered animals before they go extinxt. The president can tell people that we need to keep the streets and don't litter so we can save the inviorment and there will not be any hunting in woods, jungle, or the forest. If we agree to what I just said the endangered animals will be safe in their habitat and the United States will look very nice and clean.
I think our president should do something by the pollution. If the O-zone layer is destroyed then we will starve and burn to death. We can easily do this but no one cares at all.
I think that the way we treat our planet needs to change in order to stop global warming.Maybe if we made new laws to stop it things can be diffrent.I don't know what the new president will do for us but I hope it will be great.When the change happens we will know because there wont be pile and piles of trash on the streat.people could ignore the law and try and stop it from happening. what is most important to me is to stop tearing up our forest to build somthing, and the fact that we dont treat our land or natrul resorses with respect.
well there is alot of things that need to be changed in the world.such as no polluting in the oceans. No litering anywhere. Well other things as well.Some of these things would help us and the world!
The demecrats think the war has to stop but th republicans think otherwise.The change depends on whoever gets elected president.to stop the change from hapining congress will have to disagree with the presidents proposel to change something.The topic that is most important to my family is the war.the topic that is most important to me is the war.
If I had to vote I would vote for obama but yet ont he other hand for Hillary Clinton because both can make a change for the state. If one of them was elected I would want he or she to lower taxes and gasoline prices. These prices are so high that my dad even complains. Second of all the president should stop the war with Iraq because there are so much soldiers who have to suffer. Last of all, the president should make the envoirment more cleaner because there is so much trash on the ground which just blow away from place to place. If the president does this then he or she was right to be elected.
I think that we need to lower taxes. I think that the president should lower the taxes because my family is always complaining about taxes. The new president should lower the taxes for everone because I dont think that anyone likes/would like to pay taxes.If the new president dose not change any thing than I think that everone will thuink we made a bad choice. the most important topic to my family is probaly who the new president is going to be.
Kaitlin DeRegla
What needs to change is the schools they need to get newer thing like texts books and more new things.
Change will happen by choseing the correct president for the job.
He/She will fund money to school districts to buy things.
Schools with new text books and new desks.
Choosing the wrong president for the job.
Getting a better education in school.
To do better in school and get a good job.
i think that imagrants should get the chance to be able to stay in the us instead of being deported becuz how is evry one sopoused to know how great the us is if we dont give them a chance to even see for them selfs!i think that this change will happen if the goverment instead of deporting them should haelp them become citizens!the new president should make a change and try to help the imagrants.we will finally see thuis change when we see more people from all around the world come to the us instead of trying to sneak in through the border. If our new president doesnt decide to help the imagrants then this problem will never change. My most concerns are imigration.I am really concerned aboutbthis topics because if i was an imigrent i wouldnt like to be deported i would like to be given a chance to explore the us.
I think that eny of the people that become president will do somthing good.Like make a law that says school will end at 12:00 lol j\k. I hope Clinton wins because she has more time inthe WHITE HOUSE. She also might become the first woman president.
you shouldnt change if you dont want to you should change if you want to not if some one else wants you to change
Nothing really needs to be changed everthing is ok. I think its important because well we need someone to kind of tell us whats right and whats not.
I DONT GO FOR ANYBODY ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!! because i dont like none of the people that are running for president because i just ahve a feeling that i just dont go for anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think change will make the troops from Iraq. Also change can lower taxes down. Change can do a lot of things. Change will make us have a new president. Changes can also make new things
I think that a change has to be make by the president that was elcted because they elected him our her so she can do what she or him promise i think it has to be that the street is more safe
I think that the president should take out the drugs. It will happen if the president takes it out. I think he will figure it out. I think the president should also lower the gas prises.It's to high.
i think you should change if you wamt to not if some one else wants you to change.we need to lower our gas prices they are way to high i would rather walk instead of paying so much money for gas.I think what should change is there should be more community service so our country can be clean.My most concerns are imigration.I think that we need to lower taxes.
The gas prices need to change. In the city i live in, the lowest gas prices are $3.22 a galoon for my mom's car. Also my dad has a car that just eat's, and eat's, and eat's gas. He has a Hummer 2. We should only pay at least $37 dollars in one tank in amy mom's car. That is one of a million things that needs to chamge in L.A.
I think that what needs to change is the war in Iraq. The way it will change is if the President whoever it may be, can stop it with some help. He/she might go to Iraq and make peace with them. The change will be a world that won't be afraid that their loved one could be dead if they were in Iraq. What could stop change from happening is if the President doesn't do anything about the problem.
Sometimes change is good. I think a change is what we need at the moment is lower taxes and gas prices.To reuse thins or make them into something new that is how change will happen. Also the way we treat our planet needs to change in order to stop global warming. Last the country will change if there is a new president. :)
I think we should stop puluting. If we stop the air that we breath is not puluted. If we can putch in we can stop. It is good for every one. The president might try to stop pulution.
I think people should use their cars less so they wont increased the chances of getting Global Warming. They should also use less hairspray and other things that could poison our air. People who are using the carpool and bus transporting are decreasing the chances of getting Global Warming .Many people are cleaning the area so they are also decreasing the chances of getting Global Warming.I want to change how people are treating the planted.
What needs to change is how our streets are and how our cities are so dirty, and ugly. The change will happen with a good president and I think that should be Hilary Clinton. I think Hilary Clinton will help us with our taxes and maybe help endangered animals. The changes she will make are going to look nice and our steets will look nice for once. If any other president wins all of the other elactions they will surely make other changes but ones not as good as Hilary Clintons. My most important topic is Endangered animals because soon we'll have none left. My familys most important topic is I think the streets and the taxes.
One thing that I want to hange is taxes. I think the taxes now are to much money. Also if taxes change i can by stuff i like and and spend as much money. When a president gets selected hopefully they will stop the war in iraqu
Wendy says...
That we don't have to change anything because it's all okay.
But we still need someone to tell us what to do.
I think the priesdent should chage the gasses to 1 dollar.Changes will happen by choseing the correct president for the job, like Hillary clinton!Schools need computers because kids dont have one at home,or they cant go to the libary. The new president should lower the taxes for everone because I dont think that anyone would like to pay taxes.that is all i know.
Our lives and united states needs to change. The change will happen if we get a better president. make people change and bring the troops that are fighting in war to come back home to see their family. the world will have more people. this could stop the change by, if we get the same president.
One thing that has to change is that we have to keep our world clean, by not throwing things in the streets.The new president will help the world stay clean.The evidence will be that the world will look cleaner.People not caring will stop the change from happening. keeping the world clean is a very important topic.
I think that the enviorment is good it is what we live in.We need to lower tax prices. We also need to stop littering. It ruins our enviorment. It goes into the ocean.
i think that the envirorment is good and we need to lower tax prices and gas to and we also need to stop littering because all of that gose to the ocean and the animals die and they get sick to
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