California is one of the states that participate in Super Tuesday and will hold the presidential primaries this Tuesday, February 5th.
If you were 18 years old, who would you vote for and why??
Obama / Clinton
Romney / McCain


Super Tuesday Results:
obama and hillary
I might vote for Romney but I'm not sure. I probably vote for him because he seems like a good person and he seems experienced because he was a governor.
I would vote for Clinton. She can be the first United State's woman president. She is also the wife of former president Bill Clinton. Just like Bill Clinton, she may just be a good president like Bill Clinton.
I would vote for Hillary because it would be something new for our stste. I also think she is a strong woman for making it this far in the elections. I think Hillary would take good care of the state and will help people better than Busch. Hillary would be a great president
Aaron never mind imean obama and romney!!!!!!!!ug
I vote for Obama and Romney
Period 1
I am voting for Clinton because she will make taxes go down
I would vote for Hilary Cliton because she would make history. She should become president because she would help schools and would help lower taxes.She said she would help more people and try to give them shelter.I think she would be a great president.I hope she wins.
i think obama is going to win .
I would vote for Clintan because she is going to try to lower taxes.Romey is going to stop the Iraq war.
If I was 18 years old I would vote for the democrat Clinton because she said that she would lower taxes, In the republican side i would vote for Romny because he said that he would stop the Iraq war
I'm going to vote for Clinton. She said she is going to help people with taxes by lowering them and helping poor people.
I would Vote for Obama because i trust my brothers judgement.
i would vote for Obama because of what he's said, i think he would make a good president.
If I were to be 18...I would vote for Clinton and Obama.
i would vote for clinton because she will be the first women to be perecident.
If i was 18 years old i would vote for Clinton because she will be the first women President.and i think she would make a great President.....
I would vote for Clinton I finally want a girl president to win and she is the husband of Bill Clinton.
i would probably vote for clinton.
i will vote for her because she would be the first women to be president.
or i would also vote for McCain.
I'm not sure.
If i were able to vote i would vote for Obama and romney because i think obama could have a chance at winning becuase he is really rsonsible
i thik hillery clintin will win the peresidentoinal award because since she is a girl people will want to vote for her just to see how hillery does.
im going 2 vote 4 clinton 'cuz if she wins she could be the first prez.
super tuesday im gonna vote for romney and there is 2 main system and ill vote for the same person as my parents but it matters who they vote for and the super tuesday is a vote for presidential primary
I would vote for Hilary Clinton because, we never had a woman president and Hilary Clinton could be are woman president in hisory!!!!!!!!!!
I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I like for what she stands for.And ones she wins she is ready to begin her work as a president. And she seems really nice.And i think its about time a lady ran for president .So i hope she wins.
I think Obama will win.
I would vote for Clinton because she would be the first girl president and I think she would make a good president.
well if i was 18 i would vote for hilary clington becuase she has much experiance from her husband being president.
thats who i would vote for!
Im going to vote for Obama because to me he seems he can do a lot for the state.
I would go for Obama because i am a democrat and i beleive we shouldnt be paying for illeagel immagrants because they cause trouble.
I would vote for Hillary Clinton because she should ve US's first girl president.
I would vote for McCain because my parents are voting for him and thinks he is a good leader. Hope he wins.
i would vote for obama
i think obama is going to win 'cause he is the koolest!!!and he is going to be the first african american president!!!YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would vote for obama because he looks like a better Democrat than cliton and I would not vote for clinton
well i would vote for Clinton because it would great to have a female president and she could help our country and McCain or republican because he has been through alot and he would be good
i probably might of voted for Obama because he is a cool guy and probably forMcCaine!
i would vote for obama because he would be the black presdent.
i think Obama is going to win the presidantial election.
I would vote for Obama
I would vote for Clinton because she has more experience in things the presidents have to do.
if i were 18 years old i would vote for obahma.I would vote for him because tody i heard that we are spending about 9billion a month and he said that he will use most of that money to build schools and even more to help us young people.
I think and I hope that Obama becomes president because he would be the first African American president in the United States of America. I would vote for Obama because I would like to see the changes he would make and I finally want someone that would make a difference and one that does not make changes that would not hurt the U.S.A.
If I was 18 I would vote for Obama because he is going to stop the war and bring the troops home. He will also be the first African-American President Of The United States.
I would vote for Clinton because she can be the first ever woman president and she is the best presidential candidateb this year.
Vote for Obama because he is onest and he is going to give money to schools so we can get a better education because education is the most importin thing in life bisides family.
OBAMA should win
he may not have the great experience clinton does but his plans for america are great and he can fix up the mess bush made(actually all of them can)
but i think hilary will get the most votes cuz shes bills wife and her experience must be great but Obama has been really clear with what hes gonna do but not so sure about hilary
i would vote clinten because she is bill clinten's wife and she will be the first girl president. I would also vote Roney because he seems like someone we can trust
i would vote clinten because she is bill clinten's wife and she will be the first girl president. I would also vote Roney because he seems like someone we can trust
I will vote for clinton because she is the woman
I would vote for obama because he said that he would bring the troops home from Iraq and I have a cousin who's in iraq.
I will vote for clinton
i would for Clinton because she is the wife of Mr Clinton and he is now living in Washington dc in the white house and i also vote for her because she looks like a good president
I would vote for Clinton. I would vote for anyone because I don't know anything about all thoughs people.
I vote for Hilary Clinton because we need a good president and anyway she will be our first girl president. I think she would be a great president anyway. I love Hilary Clinton she is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am surprised a lot of boys in our period 6 class voted for Hilary.
I will vote for clinton because she will be the first girl to be a president.
[I am voting for Clinton because she will make taxes go down.]
I want Hilery Clinton to win for Democrat and Hackabee to win for Republican.
i would vote for hillary clontin because i think she deserves it and she is the right person 4 the job.obama sais that he would bring the american trups back 2 america but i dont realy beleve him because he liad about everything else he said.CLINTON ROCKS...GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that hilary will win because she is doing things to make the world better.I also think rommey is going to win.Tese are my votes!!!!!!!!!!!!
I woul d vote for Hillary Clinton bEcause she would probaly bring back the marines from iraq.!!!!!!!!!!
if i was 18 i would vote for clinton because she is the only girl running.
OBAMA ROCKS!!he is so kool,and he said that he would stop the war in iraq and i like that!!
i would vote for clinton cause she will be da first women 2 be president.
For the Democrat Candidate, I pick Barack Obama and for Republican Candidate, I pick Romney!
I would vote for Clinton because she seems like a good president and she'll be the first woman preident in the United States, which may be a good change for now.
if i was 18 i would vote for hillary. i would vote for hillary cause she would be the first woman. also cause my nmom was voting for her.
iwould vote for clinton. i think she will win.
hillary and romney
i do not like hillary clinton she is old obama should win
it is to bad hillary haz been winning
If I was old enough to vote would vote for Hilary Clinton because I think she would make a good president. If she wins she will be the first women to be president.
i would vote the same as yesturday because that is who i want to win.
ms.chambers the person i voted for was Hillary Clinton in the super Tuesday.
i want obama to win
OBAMA should win. he's the right choice
I hope McCain wins he seems like a better republican for us
I want Hillary Clinton to win because she will be the first women to be a president in America.
i will vote for clinton because she is the best. she should win!!!
No, Obama!
i think hillary clinton and romney should win the nomination. so far hillary is in the lead and mccain is winning but hopefully romney wins instead of mccain
I want Hillary Clinton to win because she is making taxes go down. Also because she will make war stop. I think that war should stop and there should be no fighting. Clinton is the best President for this contest of Obama and Hillary Clinton. If she wins she will be the first women to be a president.
I still think hillary is going to win the election
If I was 18 I would vote for cliton because she would be the first women to be president and she has good benifics.
I hope clinton winsm because obama is not selling himself and clinton is giving more thing for us then obama snd she promeses more to us then obama he is not promosing to do anythin and clinton is
I would vote for the persons who can lower pollution.Thiers way too much pollution right now. It's way too bad for the earth. The eviroment is dieing of the carbon dioxode!! I don't watch the news so I don't know them!!
If I were 18 years old i would vote for hilary clinton because she says she is going to lower taxes. Also because she is a woman and i think she is responsible enough to be the first woman president.
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