- Were you surprised by the results?
- Did you match with a different candidate than you thought you would?
- Would you vote for the candidate that matched your ideas?
- What new things did you learn about the candidates?
- What results surprised you the most?
- What do you think will happen to the candidates?
- What issues are important to you?
- What issues are important to your family?
The last contest is Tuesday, June 3rd, a lot can happen in the next couple of months. Who do you think will be the final candidates for the Democrats and Republicans?
I was not surprised because i thought Clinton would win. No I stuck to Clinton. I want a president who can lower taxes and oil prices. I learned Clinton supports the war in Iraq. I think Clinton and McCain will win and in the end Clinton will be the president. My and my family want lower taxes and lower oil prices. Even though I don't support the fact that she will not end the war in Iraq.
i think clinton and mccain would win. I heard that Romney quit out of the election and nnow it is mainly between Mccain and Huckabee but Mccain is far ahead of him. I think that she should end the war in iraq also. but she said she will not. the war in iraq is a big blame of all these grase prices and troops are dieng
I was surprised because I thought Obama would win. I think that Clinton would win although I want Obama to be president. I think the environment is the most important because we are destroying our environment. M y family thinks that the president should lower gas prices.
Period 1
I was very surprised at my results. I thought I would match Hilary Clinton's results. I matched with Ron Paul, but not Hilary Clinton. I don't know if I would, but I would still vote for Hilary Clinton. I learned that some candidates have different points of view for each law. The result the suprised me most is that I didn't match with Hilary. I think that the other candidates will drop out soon. Some issues that are important are, taxes, the Iraq War, Global Warming, and health care. The issues that are important to my family is immigration.
it is to bad romney droppred out he could have been good for the state.obama and hillary are both very good to run the state.But the thing is i would not prefer hillary.obama should win and vote for obama.Obama knows opra and right now it is a very close race.an di really want obama to win
I forgot to put in my results.
1. Ron Paul
2. Tom Tacredo
3. Mitt Romney
I think Clinton and mccain are going to win. I wanted Obama and Romeny to win. Obama said he was going to end the iraq war.
i was surprised because i got mitt romney,John Mccain. and someone else i dont know. i did not match with someone i wanted to.i think that the evirement is a big deal also the taxes.
I was not surprised by the results. I got Dennis Kuclnich, John McCain, and Rudy Gluliani. I would vote for McCain because he answered most of my questions. I learned my match is McCian. McCain. I think McCain will win. Me and my family think the war in Iraq should end.
I got people i didnt even know. My number one was an old man who was already droped out. All of them were old mans. i doidnt even know them. leslie
No I wasn't surprised by the results.No I stuck with Clinton.Maybe if that person will lower down taxes.I learned that Clinton will help with the Iraq but won't end it. I got surprised that Mcain won.The issues that are important to me and my family is to lower down taxes and lower down gas prices.
I got #1- Hillary Clinton #2-Chris Dodd and #3-Joseph Biden. I was surprised by the result.Yes, I did match with a candidate that I thought I would. Yes, I would vote for Clinton.I don't know who the other two are.
I was really suprised.I definetly got someone I didn't think I would get. I wouldn't vote for the person I got.I learned that I agreed with canadites that I didn't even know.Knowing that all my canadites had dropped out was really suprising.I don't know what will happen to all my canadites.Lowering taxes and stopping the war in Iraq is my issues. Lowering taxes is what my family's issue.Theat test was so cool.
I was suprised for the results. I didn't think I would match with the same canidate that I thought I would. His name was Mike Gravel. My second and third choice was John Edwards and Dennis Kucinich. I still wouldn't have voted for this canidate because I don't even know who he is. I learned about these people today who have the same thoughts as me. What suprised me the most was that John Edwards was second because I think I heard of the name John Edwards before and he looks familiar. I think all of the canidates that matched up with me aren't going to make it because they aren't popular. The issues that are important to me are how to end the Iraq war and Global Warming. The issues that are important to my family is global Warming. Some things that me and Mike Gravel agree on are to bring the soldiers at Iraq back home. We thought we should have never sent our soldiers to Iraq at the begning of the Iraq war. That is who I matched up with.
I am not happy with my results because I wanted Clinton and I got Giuliani. I learned that Giuliani does care about the state and that he dropped out. His answers were really fascinating. I bet if my family took this test they would get Obama as # 1 because they know a lot about him. I got 2 people that dropped out and one of them was # 1 for me. My 3 people are: Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Joseph Biden. I still want Clinton to become President!
Yes, I though Obama was going to win. Yes, they all dropped out. Maybe, depending on what he would exactly do. Obama didn't think what I though. That they all dropped out. Obama might win in the second run. Borders and illegal immigrants and Iraq, I think the same things are important to my family.
Yes,I was very surprised.Yes I thought I would get either Obama or Mcain.No one of my people I got dropped out of the race.That Duncan Hunter,John McCaian,and Mike Huckabee
think the way I do.I was most surprised that Duncan Hunter has
droped out of the race. I think that John McCain will be in the race longer than Mike Huckabee.Global Warming.Global Warming.
I was suprise of who I got. It was Bill Richardson for my first. For the second Barak Obama and for my third I got Hillary Clinton. I didn't think I would get them I thought I would get someone that I never heard of. I would for sure vote for Clinton I am not sure about Bill Richardson and Barak Obama.
No, I was not surprised by the results. I also voted for Obama, who was my presidential match. I also learned that Barack Obama wants to stop the Iraq war. I got 6/11 for Obama in all. But it's gonna be a bumpy road for both Obama and Clinton
Iwas not supprised because i was supporting obama and i got him as number one.For number two i got Crhis Dodd.For number three i was supprised that i got Hillary Clinton for number three. I an glad i took that Quiz. I think that Obama is going to be the president.
Well, I got Dennis Kucinich for my first choice (he dropped out)and for my second choice I got Mike Gravel. And finally for my third choice I got Ron Paul. I don't know anybody but if they by any chance become president then I guess I will like them. My answers and their answers did surprise me because I didn't think any candidate actually thought the same as me. Of course some answers were different but most of them we both agreed on.
I took the ouiz and I was like Bill Richardson, Joseph Biden, and Barack Obama.I was very suprised.I didn't think I would get these people.I would not vote for those people. I learned that I agreed with Obama the most.What suprised me the most isthat we actually agreed with eachother.Things happening in the iraq war. My family, Obama, and I all agree that the Iraq war should have never started. I hope it ends very soon. Those are the issues my family, Obama, and I have in common and those are the candidates that I am like.
I was really surprised with my results for the test.I thought I would get Hillary Clinton but,I got Ron Paul.I wouldn't be sure who I would vote for but,I probably would vote for Clinton.Well, who ever wins ,I just hope that he/she would make our environment much better.
I was surprised because all the people that i got were all dropped out. one of them was Mitt Romney and the other one was Rudy something. I forgot the other one. I would vote for Mitt Romney but not the other ones. I wanted to get Obama but oh well.
I got Hillary Clinton. I wanted to get her but some things she said I liked. But somethings I didn't like. But I still vote for her. Go hillary.
I was surprised by the results because I got Hilary Clinton. I matched with Hilary Clinton and I thought I would match with her. I would very much vote for the candidate that matched my ideas. I learned that she supports comprehensive immigration reform. She will strengthen the borders to make us safer from threat of terrorism.
Yes I was. surprised with the results. No I did not match with the candidate I wanted. Well, maybe I would. Well I learned that they don't want the soldiers in Iraq. All of the candidates that I had dropped out. They might go back being republicans or senates. The issues that I had that were important to me was that I would want the candidate to reduce the taxes. I'm sure that my family would have the same Ideas.
I was surprised about the results. I did match with someone that I thought I wouldn't get.The results that got were, number 1 was Barack Obama, number 2 was Joseph Biden but he dropped out the election. And number 3 was Mike Gravel. I would vote for my first candidate(which was Barack Obama)because I wanted to pick him for president in the first place. I learned want they wanted to do like stopping the battle in Iraq, lower tax prices, gas prices, & lots more!The results that surprised me the most was when I saw Barack Obama being number 1! I think a lot will happen like getting excited. Whats important to me and my family is having Barack Obama president!I think the finale republicans are going to be Romney and Huckabee,and the finale democrats are going to be Obama and Clinton!
The presidential game was so fun. I got who I wanted. it was so fun!!!
well I got people Ive never even heard of
I got who ive never even heard of
First I got Hillary Cliton and that is who I wanted to get.Because I support for what she stands for.And I hope she wins because she seems really nice.
I hope i got clinton but i got john mccain as my first choice. second choice was mike gravel. my last choice was mitt romney a drop out.
On my results I got the answers that I wanted. 1)Obama 2)Clinton 3)Mccain
I was surpise with my results becauase I caught the person that i was going to vote for.I think that cliton and macain would win I heard that Romney quit the election.
I was surpise with my results becauase I caught the person that i was going to vote for.I think that cliton and macain would win I heard that Romney quit the election.
I got clinten in the test .
I got Sam Brownback as my first but he dropped out and my second one dropped out too it was Joseph Biden.My Third one is Mike Gravel.
I would probably vote for them because they have the same thoughs as I have.
I was kinda suprise because i haven't really heard of them.
Well I was a little surprised. My first one was some guy named Mike Gravel. Second was Obama. I know who he is. I thougt I was going to get Obama and I did. Yes would Vote for the one that matched my ideas.
I got Mccain,Clinton,and some other guy
your favorite student
Lionel Mayorga
my match was Mike Hukabee
i got huckabee and obama...and someone who dropped out...
I think that Obama should have one. But Clinton is in the lead with the most votes. Clinton is competeing like she is in a race trying her best to stay in the front. Obama really suprised me by not giving it all that he has got but he really tried. But mostly the thing that has suprised me is that Clinton is in the lead. I thought she would lose.
i got romney ron paul and hunter dude or something
ewwwww I got Clinton
I got:
Romney & Giuliani already dropped out. I was surprised at my results because I thought my #1 pick would be from the democratic party.
that was pretty cool i guess but i dont know the people names that i got i dont even know them but kk
so wat did u get
I wanted to see Clinton to win and she did.for the Match-o-Matic my three matches were Dennis kucinich mike gravel and john edwards. but Dennis and john dropped out
Yes I was was really surprised. Yes I would because the match gives me an understanding of which president is going to do what I want. They really are going to help the Country and try to let immigrants in the U.S.A. That the person I really matched was McCain. That they are going to let the immigrants live here and do the same things that Americans do like pay fines, tax etc.
My match was Clinton, Huckabee and Obama. I hope if Clinton wins she will make a new U.S.A. The future depends on the type of President.
I wanted to Obama to win and so far he's doing good.When i was in the match quiz my results were right.COOL!
Yes I was surprised by the results. The candidate I matched with was someone I didn't even know but they all dropped out. That they want to withdraw the troops from Iraq immediately and they want to track down the illegal immigrants and send them to there original country. The results that surprised me the most was that my 1st 2nd and 3rd choice all dropped out of the running. The troops coming home and the healthcare issues are the ones most important to my family and I.
I am not surprised with the choices that I got. I do support Barack Obama and I have the same thoughts and ideas about how we should treat the war and what not. The war in Iraq should continue to be funded because we need our troops to be protected.
I was matched up with.John McCain,I do not who that is.But I wanted Obama because wait I do not know.I just wanted to agree with Obama.Awwwww who is that really.Ok as long as he takes away the law of immigration.
I got Clinton i love her i think that she will make a good president and so will Obama so I just want them to win preisdent.
I got Joseph Biden in first place. I was surprised because i don't even know who he is. Then I got Obama in second place. Last was Hillary Clinton. I was not surprised about gettin either of them.
Yes I was.I was atched up with as my number 1.Joseph Biden as my number 2.Hilary Clington and as my number 3.Mike Huckabee.
Well I Think that I would vote for him if he is offering evrything this country needs, So I think that he i9s what we need as our president.I learned that they were all standing for diffrent things but alsp for the same making this country a better place to be in.
What suptised was that I got somebody diffrent than i would of actually voted for.
Whats important to me is anything that will not help us and everything that will heppl us.
Me and my family shre the same issues and also about healthcare for the elderly!!
When I played the quiz I was really surprised that I didn't get John McCain. Instead I got Hilary Clinton. Then I got John McCain second.I still wouldn't vote for Hilary Clinton because I wanted to support McCain because my dad is voting for him and I want to support him.Go McCain!!!!!!!
The Quiz was wierd but fun. The picturs at the end that showd the faces was funny. It was instrasting. I did not what i wanted but still I would vote for Clinton. no matter what people say,
I was suprised on the results there was. I was matched up with a guy whose name started with John. I don't really know what the last name was but I really wanted Obama. I want Obama because he can really make a good president for the U.S. On the other hand I also go for Hillary because she can do a lot also just like Obama.
The candidate that the quiz said I am most similar to is Mitt Romney .I was not surprised by the results of the quiz.I matched with the same person that i wanted to.I would vote for the person that I matched with on the quiz.the candidate that i am most similar to dropped out.
i wasnt very surprised i got romny cuz he was my main choice for republicans
i would vote for him if i was a republican
I really thought Clinton was going to win.I want someone to lower tax prices!!!!!!!!!We pay to much. All you have to do is fill it up to make your car go.That is all.
I don't think i match up with who I got. I got Romney. I don't want to vote for him either.
i was very srprised that i was like obama. but i really dont care because i dont like yo vote for stuff life that. but he's a pretty nice man.
did your parents vote????!!!
who are you alike with?!!!
i wasnt very surprised i got dennis kucinich.I don't even know who he is. I wanted to get hillary clinton.I got Mike gravel for my second and for my third i got Chris dodd.But my third and my first person dropped out from the race.
i got Mike Gravel, dennis Kuchinch
john edwards two people dropped out it was kind of weird i keeped on geting the same person
Wow I was really suprised what my results were because I got all the people that droped out. It was really fun doing the quiz. Mabey I can do it again and see if I get the same results as I did before. The 3 people that I wanted to get is Obama,clinton,and Mcain. But that was awesome.
The results that suprised me the most is the presedent I was like. One thing that shoct me the most on the questions. The one issue that is important to me is medical condition. I got Romny Cuz. I was suprised.
The presidential game was so fun.I was surprised because i don't even know who he is. I was really surpised of who i got.I got #1 mike gravel #2 Denis Kucinich and #3 Chis Dodd.But it was cool.
I was not suprised. I got Hillary Clinton. I want her to win. She would be the first woman president to win. That would be good. It would be googd because all the presidents are men
I got a man named Denis. I was quite surrprised because i thought he was bad at first. He think's the same thing in hot topics. Now he is cool as ice. Now, I know much more about him.
I was really suprised because I thought obama would win because almost everyone voted for Obama. So then I saw on T.V that Hillary is winning the votes.
I didn't like the people I got Ms. Chamber but if they agree mhat i chosed then they are not have bad .
I got Hiary Clinten John edward and Ubamma. Only edward dropped out. I like that game game it's cool. and in hope Hilary clinten wins the election.
I was so suprised I got hillary clinton.I wanted clinton to win because I think she wil be a good prisedent.If hillary clinton wins she will be the first girl prisedent.That will be cool.Because all the other presidents are men.
i got john mcain he relly is going to get immogtaion papers i relly happy for that
I think I got Obama because he wants to end the Iraque war. I also think I got Obama beause he also wants to lower our taxes.I really wanted my match to be Hilary Clinton. I wanted my match to be her because I think she will lower our taxes, end the Iraque war,and more. I dont want Obama to win because I think he is really cocky.
I got midromney and that is so stupid.That is not even who I wanted to win.Which is really weird.
I wos surpriesed beacause I don't know the people I got. But the game was fun and I know more presidents know.I think I will get the same person if I play it agen.Iwonted to get hillery clinton. i gess what I got is ok to.
I was not surprised by the results.I got a man called Rudy Giviliani.I dont know who he is but he sounds cool.Know i am going to researh him on the internet.
I don;t know how I got Mike, John, and Mitt. I liked the questions. Not all. I still don;t know about the marrage of same sex. I did not kcow what to say ? But I liked the quiz.
i really surprised because I would was think that Obama would win. I want Obama to be president. I think the environment is the most important thing because we are destroying our environment.I'm thinking that the president should make things change like money almost every thing is a lot of money.
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