Presidents Day (or Presidents' Day), is the common name for the federal holiday officially designated as Washington's Birthday. It is celebrated on the third Monday of February.
In the late 1980s, with a push from advertisers the term Presidents Day began its public appearance. The theme has expanded the focus of the holiday to honor another President born in February, Abraham Lincoln, and often other Presidents of the United States.
Although Lincoln's birthday, February 12, was never a federal holiday, approximately a dozen state governments have officially renamed their Washington's Birthday observances as "Presidents Day", "Washington and Lincoln Day", or other such designations.
It is also interesting to note that "Presidents Day" is not always an all-inclusive term. In Massachusetts, while the state officially celebrates "Washington's Birthday," state law also prescribes that the governor issue an annual Presidents Day proclamation honoring the presidents that have come from Massachusetts: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Calvin Coolidge, and John F. Kennedy. (Coolidge, the only one born outside of Massachusetts, spent his entire political career before the vice presidency there.)
Alabama uniquely observes the day as "Washington and Jefferson Day," even though Jefferson's birthday was in April.
In Connecticut, while Presidents Day is a federal holiday, Abraham Lincoln's birthday is still a state holiday, falling on February 12 regardless of the day of the week.
In Washington's home state of Virginia the holiday is legally known as "George Washington Day."
What president's do you think we should honor and why? What can you do this weekend to honor our presidents?
I want to to honor president Washington because he was the first president and the first person to actually to help the world. To celeabrate I am going out to dinner with my family and thats all.
I think we should honor Abraham Lincoln. Also George Washington. Abraham Lincoln Stop Slavery. That was very important! Maybe we would still have slavery.
I like presidents day mostly because we dont have school and we can have fun with our family and spend more time going places. this weekend is good for going to las vegas because I usually stay there for 2-4 days and we can go but I went during the winter brake.I think presidents day is good because they celebrate the presidents
I think we should honor his birthday because he was one of the presidents in the United States of America.
I also want to honor George Washington because he was a great man and was the first president. I don't know what I am going to do this weekend to honor the presidents.
I think this day is to presidents like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and many more. For president's day we can hold parties to honor our dead presidents.
The president that i want to celebrate is George Washington who was the first president of the united states. so i think that that is very important to me because he was the first leader to help us become our own state. for presidents day i am going to bye a cake and put his face on top of it.
President's Day is the day to honor presidents. I think we should honor Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I think we should honor Abraham Lincoln because he help to stop slavery and segregation of people and their color. I also think we should honor George Washington because he was the first president of the United States and he is considered the father of the United States of America
I would honor president George Washington becouse he was the firt president of the United States.
On presidents day we should celebrate the ones that had a birthday this month since in my family we always celebrate a holiday/birthday. What I can do to celebrate it is have fun on my extra day off.
I also like presidents day.We don't have to go to school but we also learn something about our presidents.
I think that we should honor ronald regan. the reason why i think this is because he gave alot of people their papers.
When I think about presidents day i think that its when they the presidents r remebered.And 4 all the good things they did 4 our country and freedom.One of the presidents that i admier is honest abe.I admiare him because he gave blak people freedom.
Well I think that the president we should honor is Abraham Lincoln because he was a good president and very kind to the state. He even signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves on January 1, 1863. He was a good man and our 16th president. He freed the slaves which was good and I think it was a very good idea to be president's day on February considering it is Black History month and Lincoln did free the Africans Americans. I might bake some cookies with my brother (if he wants to) and write A.L.-(Abraham's Lincoln initials) on the cookies. It is really important to remember all the good presidents.
I would honor George Washington because he was the first president. I think he was a good president because he did that BIG job first (as being president). He also learned a lot like the morals, manners, and the body of knowledge for an 18th century Virgina gentleman, so he really wnated to become president and he also showed it. He also was a helpful person because he helped survey Shenandoah lands. I think George Washington was a good president. To honor our presidents I will look up information about them to learn more about how they did their job.
I think the president we should honor is president Abraham Lincoln. He is the one who freed the slaves. He was born in Febuary 12, 1809. He died in April 15, 1865 when he was assasinated during a play. He was a good man. One thing i could do to honor Abraham Lincoln is wear a top hat and wear a beard like him.
I think we should honor George Washington. I am not going to school to honor him.
I would like to honor Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I would like to honor Abraham Lincoln because he was the one who freed all the slaves. I would like to honor George Washington because he was the first president to help our country. This weekend I will honor them by wearing a hat and making a speech to my family.
I think that the presidential voting is very important in life. And I still support Obama.
i want to honor abe for freeing the slaves. my family is going to do nothing.
I think we should honor George Washington and Abraham Lincoln because they are great men. George Washington was the first to be president, thats why he is on the 1 dollar bill, and he helped fight the British, thats how we got this name "America". Abraham Lincoln helped the North Union fight the Confederates in the Civil War, the North Union was "blue" and the Confederates was "red". He was the 16th president, and he is on the 5 dollar bill. I think I should honor them by celebrating their B-DAY!!!
well I cant what for presidents days because we have no school
I think we should honor Abraham Lincoln.Because he did alot to help and stop slavery.And I think we should honor George Washington becuse he was the first president .And because he help fight the british thats how we got this name " America".
i like president day because we can stay home and we are celebrating the birth day of gorge
washington and in virginia the holiday is mostly known as george washington day
I think that we should honer allthe presedents. Because all the presedents(exsept Gorge Bush) help my contriey be a better state. I still respect Bush even though he is a really bad presedent. All of our presedents(and vice presendts) has helped our contries in may ways.this is what I think who should we honer on presedent's day!!!!!!!!
I think we should honor Ronald Reagon,Bill Cliton, and Abraham Lincoln. Because they did alot of good to the U.S. This weekend I will honor the Presidents by spending it with my family.
I think we should honor Abraham Lincoln.I think because he was a great man and he did a lot for slavery.He let the slaves free and i think that is great because everybody should be let free.
He was graet as a president.
we can help the comunity. I think we should hononr abe lincon and gorge wasinton becase they did wonderful things to this contriy.
♥man a 3 day weekend i am so happy it is going to feel like a 3 week holiday!!!!♥
we should honner lincoin.he is the best and he rocks
I want to to honor president Washington because he was the first president and the first person to actually to help the world. To celebrate.George Washington was the first to be president, thats why he is on the 1 dollar bill. Also he helped fight the British, thats how we got this name.
I like this sign because it shows the sign of The United States Of Ammerica and because it has a picture of an animal in ti that is an eagle that is holding leaves and things that kind of look like swords but they are not swords.
♥man a 3 day weekend i am so happy it is going to feel like a 3 week holiday!!!!♥we can help the comunity. I think we should hononr abe lincon and gorge wasinton becase they did wonderful things to this contriy.I think we should honor Abraham Lincoln.I think because he was a great man and he did a lot for slavery.He let the slaves free and i think that is great because everybody should be let free.
I think president's day is a great holiday.It is full of great stuff this weekend for president's day I am going to california adventures for two days and disneyland
I think president's day is a great holiday.It is full of great stuff this weekend for president's day I am going to california adventures for two days and disneyland
I think we should honor Abraham Lincoln. Also George Washington. Abraham Lincoln Stop Slavery. That was very important! Maybe we would still have slavery
I think we should represent Gorge Washington because he was our first president in the U.S.A. He was the man to fight for our country to get rid of kings. Also he is also on the 1st dollar bill because he is number 1. He has a great history also. The only thing that I don't understand is how he got fake teeth.
Well I can't wait for president day because I do't go to school and because I get to spend more
time with oour parents.
I would like to honor Abraham Lincoln. I would like to honor Abraham Lincoln because he was the one who freed all the slaves. This weekend I will help honor Lincoln by just me honering him.
I wont to honer all the presidents because they are all spesle. They have done alot of great thing s to make it a beter place. To honer our presidents this weekend I will go out to a restouront. Meybe I will even go to a far away place. All of my family and I will be together.
I would honor Abe lincon for freeing the slaves. Also George Washington because he was our first President of the United States. I would honor Abe Lincon by researching the Gettysburg adress. I would honor George Washington by wearing a White wig that was curled like his hair. thats probably how I would spend my presidents day.
I think we should honor president abram lincoln because he stop slavery. I can't wait for president day because we get a 3 day vaction.
I think that we should honor Lincoln. He did a lot more useful things then the others to me.He helped a lot of people,too.My family and I had a cookie contest to see who can make the best Lincoln body and face. I won the body one and my mom won the face one.She really good at these things But I managed to beat her once.It was so fun.
we should honor Lincoln because he was a wonderful president and gave a wonderful speech.
I think that we should hounor Lincoln.I think that we should honor hom because he made a difference and it was important.
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