Did you see the lunar eclipse? I saw it at 6:52pm, when I was getting home, I was going to take a picture but I forgot. When I saw the eclipse it looked similar to the picture above. It was amazing to watch and realize that our planet is constantly moving.
it was so cool i saw Saturn yesturday and it's rings.
I could not see anything but I bet it looked intresting.
thats cool,but i thought your not supposed to look at the lunar eclipse because you can get blind or something like that???
i saw the eclipse yesterday when i was playing in the park and we noticed that it looked exactly like that it was amazing i was going to take a picture of it with my cell but i left it at home but it was really exciting.
I know, yesterday my family and I were walking back to our car because we were just coming from somewhere and my brother saw it!
I did not see it. I wanted to but no.=[=[=[=[=[
hey who saw the moon last night i thought it was so pretty you could see part of the moon and the sun man i can not wait till the solar eclipse
No i did n ot see it i wanted to see it so bad but i did not.=[
oh well i'l just wait until there is another one.I also want to see solar eclipse that one i have never seen it.
The lunar would be great to see. To bad I didn't see it. :(
I saw the moon yesterday when I was heading home, but the weird thing was that the moon turned red then black, then it was moving into different shapes. I tried to record it on my mom's digital camera, but I couldn't see it well. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
i didnot see the luneresplise.
I did see the lunar eclipe. when the clouds went away. It was so cool. I never seen one
it was cool
i did not see it i didnt even now the moon turn like that
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The luner Eclip was cool. I saw it at night with my parents and my family.
I didn't see the moon but i think it would of looked really cool i hope i can see another luner eclipes
All I have to say is: WWWWOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I didn't see it because I had to study for my history test which made me forget all about it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I surely wanted to see it too!! But I couldn't. So I missed it!!! I can't believe it that I miss it!!!!!!!!
I really dont see anything that might be unusual I reaally wanted to see idt but I forgot about it. I missed it and I finally realized that when I was going to bed at 9:30 at night iI got so mad i wanted to slap myself I really wanted to see somthing cool about science. And i dont even like science or shool.
I did not see the lunar eclipse.Ithink that it is cool and i wish that i would have saw it.I was mad that i missed it.I wish it can happen soon just so i can see it.
I did not see the lunar eclipe. But they said that it was cool i wish i had seen it.
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