Climate and weather do not mean the same thing. Everyone knows about what weather. It's what is going on in the atmosphere at a particular place and time. Weather is measured in terms of wind speed, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, and precipitation. In most places, weather changes from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, and season-to-season. The word climate refers to the average pattern of weather in a region.
Climate is the average weather in a location over a long period of time. A place that doesn't get much rain over many years would have a dry climate. A place where it stays cold for most of the year would have a cold climate.
Weather is the day to day forecast and climate is the average over a long term. For example, Southern California has a warm dry climate even though it might rain today.
What is your ideal climate? What weather conditions could be present in that climate (for example, clouds, snow, high winds, etc)?
Where in the world does that climate exist?
My idea of ideal weather is warm and sunny.The weather conditions that would be present would be the sun, a nice breeze, and some clouds.This climate exist in California, Mexico, and Arizona.
My ideal climate in Granada Hills is usually warm and sometimes theres a lot of wind. When it is warm there isn't a lot of clouds. The only time most clouds come are when it is going to rain. The wind can go very high. One day I found out that our neighbors tree fell down but it didn't hit their car. The weather here can be very harsh.
I would like it to be hot.If it were to be hot we would need sun or hot air.This climate can exist any where exept Alaska and Antartica.California has hot weather right now.Everybody is wearing shorts.I like when it is hot not cold.
My ideal climate would be cold. I love the cold, so I would love to live in Alaska, Canada, or the Netherlands. The will be A LOT of snow of course, there will probably many clouds, and maybe some a rain. The climate would exist in places near the Arctic, Alaska, Canada, or the Netherlands. I love the cold, so I would live there. :)
My ideal climate would be warm because I love warm weather. I like sweating. The weather conditions would be like blazing hot. I would like to live at places like Hawaii. This climate would exist somewhere near deserts. I would love to live hear.
I think today the weather is going to be nice. I think it would be like it has been all week. It has been around the 70-80's, and that feels really nice. Unlike last week the sun will be out and it will be warm outside. But today it will be around the 50-60's and a little bit cloudy. Today is going to be really nice.
My ideal climate is a warm climate. So it will not be raining. And so we can get wet or go to the beach.
At least I think it is better because if it is raining you can get sick or can't go outside to play.
My ideal climate is when the sun is out and it is warm with a nice cool breeze every once in awhile.This climate is here in california ,Hawaii,and many other places in the world
My ideal climate is a warm climate.
It could be raining or foggy possibly.It could be windy.It could be breezy.I could just like a warm climate.I like the climate from Nevada and Arizona.
My ideal climate is sunny and warm. The weather conditions that would be present in this climate is the sun and a bit of the wind. This climate exist in California, the Philippines, Hong Kong.
I think the weather for today is going to be very nice and sunny. The morning doesn't seem very cold or warm. I think it's been perfect so far. It looks like for the rest of the week it's going to be like this. My idea for the climate would be sunshine because it has been sunny and it hasn't rain. I also think that there is going to be no rain, or any really strong winds for a long time. This is what I think for the weather.
My ideal climate of the weather in Granada Hills is usually warm and sometimes windy. Sometimes it is really hot. This climate is in California,Arizona,and many other places.
My ideal climate is cold and not hot. I like it when it rains and even snows. I would also want there to be lots of clouds so it would be dark always, not only at night. I also like to be in a higher altitude. This exists in mountains, and as far as I can remember in Ukraine. Also in the arctic and Alaska.
My ideal climate is cold and cloudy. The weather conditions that would be present in this climate would be clouds and high winds. This climate exists in Texas, Antartica, and maybe in California. Weather and climate are not the same thing. So you better becareful.
My ideal climate is cold and when it is raining. I like clouds so it could be dark. No wind. Maybe I would like it to be snowing once in a while. This place is probably in Seattle.
My ideal weather is tropical. I like it when it is humid and moist and the air is kind of thick because its nice when all you have to wear is thin clothes like shorts and a sleeveless shirt. They would be clouds, breezes, and rain, lots of rain.
Period 1
My ideal climate would be a cold and wet or mild climate. I would like to have that climate because I like cold places and its fun to play in the snow. In my ideal climate there would most likely be mild snow, mild clouds, low wind, and definitely no avalanches. I don't really think there is a place that gets mild snow and doesn't have any type of really bad snow storms.
My ideal of weather today is warm and sunny. I live in Southern California and it is very warm and dry. In Southern California I think that the weather today is going to be sunny a bit of breeze and not that many clouds. This climate can exist in dry places like the rest of California, Texas, Arizona and even New Mexico.
My ideal of climate is cold, rainy, windy. It might also be foggy. This weather is likely to happen in Nevada and i think also Arizona.
My idea of of weather is warm and sunny,too. I really like warm and sunny weather because its not too hot and not too cold. Anyways, in Southern California it is hot here there is not a lot of cold weather, only sometimes. Only in Oregon, Washington, and more that has rain all the time!!
My ideal climate would be about sixty-five degrees. It would usually be cloudy,rainy,sunny or even dark. Where would this place be? That place would be my house. I think my house is a good place to live because it's always has a great temperature.
To me climate is like what weather is around you. Also I think that weather is the climate in different countries or states. But I learned that weather is only temporary for one day and the climate is like for a month or so.
My ideal weather is cold. I like it when it is cold because it will snow. I like it when it snows because you can have do snow ball fights. You can also have a fire in your fire place and eat marshmallows. It is the best weather!
I like it when the climate is really warm. I want it to have a hot sun a snow occasionally. This climate exsists in Hawaii and Palmdale
My ideal of climate is cold, windy and windy. It might also be foggy. This weather is likley to happen in Nevada. I also think Arizona.
My ideal climate is it is going to be hot to day. The weather conditions of today is a little bit of clods and probably be a little bit of wind.
My idea of climate would be hot instead of cold. I like the hot weather because we could go in the pool and go to the spa. I would want it to be sunny and not dark. This is why pools and spas exists. Just like Asia.
my idea of an ideal climate is a spring day with a little breeze and the sun shining down on you. this exhists in Nashville, Clifornia, and Georgia.
My ideal is that the weather is hot and sunny today but it can rain its possible.Its can rain even on a sunny day and the climate is sunny.Some places climate is sunny or snowy.It matters where the place is.
My idea of climate are the seasons. I also think that it is the weather. Climate really is it is what i think are the clouds. I also think that it is the rian. Or that it is rain water from the ocean.
My idea of climate is warm. I like warm climates because it is never too cold or too hot so I don't have to worry about what to wear.
my name is Jake.
I like water.
Water is wet.
Wet is water.
That is what water is.
My ideal climate would be a warm spring day. A little breeze but not to windy. Sunny but not blinding like the summer. Warm not to hot or cold. A few clouds but not enough to block out the sun.
My ideal climate is in a breeze wind and have a warm climate, but not to hot!!!!! And even cloudy and rain.The weather condition is windy, clouds, rainy, and even sunny(not too hot!!!!). Sometimes I like to be in a breeze when I want to cool off. This happens in I think in prarie, but I do not know where it has it!!!
My idea of the climate would be cool. I would like it to be cool because it is not to hot and not to cold. A little bit of wind wouldn't hurt. Also gives you a reason to relax in the pool. That is why I like cool weather because it wouldn't be to hot or cold.
My ideal climate is cold because I like to snuggle with the blankets. In this climate you could have snow but her in Granada hills it hardly snows. This climate exist in New York and I love New York. It could also exist in Chicago and also in Wyoming.
My ideal of climate would be spring. It would be sunny with a little bit of air. It's really nice to have that type of weather because it won't be too cool and too hot. With the type of weather is more peaceful and you get to relax. You can go to your backyard sit down and relax. That is my ideal of climate.
My idea of an ideal climate is a Fall day. When you see all the leaves change . When it has a nice breeze and the sun is out. It is really nice to see the process of the changing of the leaves. This happens in Tennessee and Georgia.
I would like to have the whaii climent
My idea of climate are the seasons. I think that it could be rain, sun and wind.Mostly in Californa.
my idea of climate would be in very hot climate like in the desert.people like me would like to be a pool chiling.like in central Asia.I would like to be in the central of asia.
My ideal is that the weather hot and sunny but today it can be rainy its possible. It can rain in a sunny day and the climate is sunny today. Some place have a cold or sunny climate but it depends where the place is.
My ideal is hot weather because i get to go 2 the beach and have fun.I hate rainy days in the winter because it gets cold and you cant go outside.It could be sunny and it could rain its cool because when it ends a rainbow comes out. Every where you go its sunny or hot it depends where you are.
the weather i like is sunny and hot.because if it hot i get to go swimming. if am lucky.
I think my ideal weather would be a nice,sunny day. It is perfect for relaxing.This climate exists in Mexico and California.It is a perfect day to got to the beach.The weather right know is pretty good.
I think my ideal weather would be a nice,sunny day. It is perfect for relaxing.This climate exists in Mexico and California.It is a perfect day to got to the beach.The weather right know is pretty good.
My ideal climate is right here, southern california, because it is hot most of the time, and there is an occasional rainy week.
Our climate is warm or cold. But mostly this year it has been cold.
I would love snow kind of weather and sometimes sunny but most likely cold weather. I would love to live in Canada or Seattle. Over there the weather is exactly what I want. I have gone to both of those places. The weather was cold when I was in Seattle but there was no snow. In Canada the weather was warm not hot. There was no rain when I went to Canada.
Climate is the type of weather as to weather, is kind of like a forecast. Some types of weather is snow, sunny, and windy. My favorite type of weather is sunny and when it is nice and warm because it just makes me feel happy and feel more excited then like cold or rainy days. Those day kind of make me bored and always just want to be home.
My ideal for the climate is HOT. I like hotness because you could do all kinds of things. You could go to the pool. Go to all kinds of water parks. Thats my ideal weather.
My ideal climate would be a warm sunny day. The weather conditions when it is a hot day is when it is sunny. This climate would exist in Hawii. I would love to visit or maybe live there because it would be really nice there. I like it when it is sunny because you could play and have fun!!
Whether is the change in climate. Climate is the usuall weather that is occurring in a certain area. Climate exists all over the world even in antartica & in the north pole. My ideal climate is raining it occurs mostly in the mountains but sometimes the clouds move and go rain in the cites that is also caused by condinsation. I like it when it rains because then it doesn't get to hot and we get to collect water and do experiments with mixtures.
I think that climat is like when it is hot or cold. hot climat can cuase the watwer to evaperat and make clouds and then it rains.
climat can exists in every part of the earth.
I like winter. During winter it is really cold and there is a lot of rain.That means I can drink coffee better because it is colder. I hate it when it is summer because there are many bees and I hate them.
I would like to have a sunny climate. I would even like it to be sunny when it is raining. I wouldnt want it to be to hot but just warm enough to wear shorts. Climate is the overall temerature of a period of time. They have this exact same climate in Georgia and Alabama.
My ideal climate is warm weather but not to hot. Like in Hawaii when it rains people still walk around in swimming shorts and bikini. Even in the winter people are in the water like in the summer. It is soothing and feels nice to feel the wind. I would like to live in Hawaii.
My Ideal weather is cool sunny day. I like just sitting outside without having to worry about burning because it's not burning. I really dilike Really hot days because I get burnt and I eventually peel off my face... well I just peel off the layer of skin like the beggining of the school year when I tore it off. I really like rain also. My Ideal climate is A cool, wet one so I could play in the rain and sit outside.
My ideal weather would be warm and sunny. It can be wind, snow, hail, rain and clouds.There is a climate every where in the world.
My ideal climate is a sunny day. The weather conditions could represent the climate would be hot weather and evaporation creating rain in a few days. The place the climate could exist is in Florida, Miami, la, and Hawaii.
The weather is when it will be sunny for six days of the week but then on the seventh day it could rain. Plus the climate is what the weather is. For instants today at Frost the weather is sunny and the climate could be windy. So tis weeks forecast could be all sunny but next Tuesday could be raining. That is the difference for climate and weather.
I would like to have a sunny climate. I would like my climate to be sunny even when it's raining. I wouldn't want the climate to be so hot that I cant go outside. I want to be able to wear shorts and short sleeves. That climate is in Georgis and Alabama.
My choice would be summer because it the coolest time ever. It is very hot so you can go in water. Its also cool because you don't have to go to school. Spring is cool but it not the time were you don't have to go to school.
My type of weather is cold and snowy. I like it like this because it’s cool. The weather conditions that there would be are snowing, cold, maybe some wind, and some rain. This type of climate is in the mountains, and in some regions. I really don’t like spring; it’s to warm, and to many flowers, and colors.
My ideal climate is right here, southern california, because it is hot most of the time, and there is an occasional rainy week. And I like to swim at my dads place or the public pool. I also like playing with water guns at the beach. And I like to swim.
My ideal weather is tropical. I like it when it is humid and moist and the air is kind of thick because its nice when all you have to wear is thin clothes like shorts and a sleeveless shirt. They would be clouds, breezes, and rain, lots of rain.
My idea of climate is in Pennsylvania were it snows. I Love snowboading. The weather conditions that were in right now is sunny and hot. The slimate exist in the world and it starts in the equator. That was my hypothesis.
My idea of ideal weather is warm and sunny.The weather conditions that would be present would be the sun, a nice breeze, and some clouds.This climate exist in California, Mexico, and Arizona.
My idea is for it to be cold. I would rather for it to be cool. I rather for it to be cool then hot because you could always get warm. When its hot you cant get cool unless you jump in the pool.
the climate here in granada hills is warm and sometimes hot. The climate can change and be really really cold and you can feel like your are so not in granada hills.
I weather have cold and wet and sunny.For cold you could go to the snow or go to a cold place to cool down.And sunny also wet is fun to you could go to the beach or whaterver in summer.That is what i think about right now.So ya.
My ideal climate is warm because I like to be hot. Also because I can go Swimming in my swimming pool. Mostly so I can wear shorts. I like wearing shorts. Sometimes during the summer I wish that it would be cold but I love it when it's hot.
I like it when it is hot. I like it because I can get in the pool when it is hot. I also like it because it is hot in my birthday and we get to have a pool party. We also get to go to the beach when it is hot. I also get to go to wet plays es like water parks.
I like New York because it is hot over there but it snows on Christmas. It is one of the places to be in. But sometimes it is cold over. That is the best place to be in you could go to the swimming pool almost everyday.
I want the climate to be sunny.I like my climate to be sunny even when it's raining.I want the days to be so sunny so I could go outside and get in the pool.And so I could wear shorts and small sleeves.And it's up to the climate in the days.
I think that weather changes all the time . Ecepesuly because of all the smoke that is coming out of factories. The change of solar radiation is the vaper that goes up to the sky. Ususaly vaper goes to clouds and turns the clouds gray or black. Then when it has alot of vapor it starts to rain.
My idea of weather is sunny. The reason I like sunny weather is because I like wearing short. In the San Fernando it doesn't snow. There isn't any tornadoes neither.
Lets be glad that that we dont have ugly weathers around here.
Mr. Smith is starting to teach us about that and all of the class are starting to do projects on it and all of the class are having real good fun . Okay now back to work my ideal weather is going to be cool i will make t-shirts and the thing that i like the most are that when it snows or sometimes when it rains and sometimes when it is really windi but i mean very super extreme windy.
My favorite type of climate is snow and cold. I like this because at this type of year are very fun.I also like this type of year because I can have tea and peppermint bark by the fire.This is very exciting and fun. I like to spend this time with my mom.It is my favorite climate and time of year.
I like the high winds climate because that using happens in the spring and spring is my favorite season.Miss chamber i didn't know what climate really means until i saw the movie that you played it just made it easier for me to understand the word climate.
the southern california sun feels good especially when your at the beach but there are other climates cold, hot, and warm. but i still love the l.a. climate.
My idea of weather is cold. The reason I like cold weather is because I like wearing pants.In Van Nuys There isn't any tornadoes neither.
i am very happy that theres nothing like deferent kind of weather like that.
My ideal climte is a mild climate. Mild climate is my ideal climate because it wont be to hot or to cold. It's usually sunny and part cloudy. It exists mostly in coastal areas. Mild climate would be a great place to plant trees, crops, or any thing else.
My ideal climate in Granada Hills is usually warm and sometimes theres a lot of wind. When it is warm there isn't a lot of clouds. The only time most clouds come are when it is going to rain.I really like the rain.right know the tempature is not helping me.
my ideal for chastworth is that it is really hot over there and that when it is cold then its really cold and also it gets really windy over there and when it rains then there is water winds and the weather gets really low so yah and when it is summer then u are going to go to the pool everdqay trust me it gets really hot over there
The weather and climate are very different. The difference between weather and climate is, weather is like rain, wind, snow, and also thunder. Climate is like if it is warm or sunny or cold or freezing. Those are very different from each other some people do not know the difference between those 2, weather and climate.
Well in canoga park It tends to get very hot there espiacailly in the summer Its like 100 degrees there.Though when it hits winter It is like 20 outy here you can see your breath.
Climent exsists everywhere. We have cold and hot weather. In the mountains we have wind. When it is rainey and windy sometimes we have snow wether. Snow is also water.
I didn't know that
Climate and weather do not mean the same thing.Also I did not know about atmospheric pressure it is so interesting. The thing that I learned is the average humidity in a year
My idea of a climate is sunny because is not to cold of too hot and we could go to the beach and we could play outside and I is not to cold and if it is to cold we could get sick. If it to hot we could sweat alot.
Our climate is warm or cold. But mostly this year it has been cold.My idea of ideal weather is warm.The weather that would be present would be the sun.This climate is in California.
A climate is the usual weather. Like California is a sunny climate. In the arctic it is a snowy climate. Climate is what happens in the atmosphere. I would like the climate in Hawaii.
My ideal climate is when the sun is out and it is warm with a nice cool breeze every once in awhile.This climate is here in california ,Hawaii,and many other places in the world. I like it sunney because that way i could go outside
My ideal climate in Granada Hills is usually warm and sometimes theres a lot of wind. When it is warm there isn't a lot of clouds.The reason I like sunny weather is because I like wearing short. In the San Fernando it doesn't snow. There isn't any tornadoes neither.
Lets be glad that that we dont have ugly weathers around here.
My ideal climate in Granada Hills is usually warm and sometimes theres a lot of wind. When it is warm there isn't a lot of clouds.The reason I like sunny weather is because I like wearing short. In the San Fernando it doesn't snow. There isn't any tornadoes neither.
Lets be glad that that we dont have ugly weathers around here.
My ideal climate is the rainy climate because it is fun to play in the rain. There are clouds and water everywhere. The places where rain falls is alot of places. It could be raining in england, it could rain her, it could also rain in the desserts. If it gets cold enough it could even snow.
My ideal climate would be a temperal climate. The reason why it would be a temperal climate is because it is very normal. I like warm summers and cool winters, in which the average temperature is always in the 70's. I really don't like it too cold or too warm. There would also be a normal amount of precipitationn and there would also be a normal amount of sunlight twoards the area. Thet is why I would pick a temperal climate rather than any other climate
An ideal Climate is in Sylmar. Then one day it is sunny. Then the next it is cold. Then the next day it is raining. Then the next day it is cloudy.
A climate is the average weather in a location over a long period of time. Washington d.c is a cold climate right now because it is snowing right now.My ideal climate is the rainy climate.It is my ideal climate because i like to splash my brothers with the water.In Washington d.c the present climate would be snow
The ideal climate here is verey obvious. Its super duper hot. we can have all types of weather here in california. In the mountins it snows. But it can rain, shine, or even hail. thats our weather.
Climate is sunny and warm. The weather conditions that would be present in this climate is the sun and a bit of the wind's. This climate exist in California, the Philippines,and Hong Kong.
My climate is rainy. It is nice when it's rainy, no dramatic heat and the nice sound it makes. It rains anywhere there is water. Deserts get very little water so very little rain. If I were able to choose a second climate it would be hot. I like to be in the water and plus it reminds me of summer, and that I love like any other kid would. It is hot somewhere that is near the equator. Like Hawaii or Southern California.
My favorite climate is summer. It is very hot and sunny. This climate exist every part of the world except antartica and greenland and iceland. That is the reason that I like this climate
My favorite climate is summer. It is very hot and sunny. This climate exist every part of the world except antartica and greenland and iceland. That is the reason that I like this climate
My favorite climate is summer. It is very hot and sunny. This climate exist every part of the world except antartica and greenland and iceland. That is the reason that I like this climate
The whole idea of climate is like the diffrent tepatures in diffrent places. I love the climate here in Granada Hills because it warm when it is summer but so cold when it is winter I love it.
My ideal of weather is a little cold and sunny. I live In the southern of the united states. So it's mostly sunny. I would like to live in the polar because i like cold weather and see animals i never seen before.
Climate can be cold,sunny,windy,or both.Were I live it is sort of sunny right now.I like that it is sunny now beccause the butterflys come out and fly.I ike to try to catch them.Piece out!
Climate can be cold, sunny, windy, or both. Were I live it is sort of sunny right now. I like that it is sunny now beccause the butterflys come out and fly. I ike to try to catch them.
There are different types of climate, like cold, sunny, and windy.I like the cold climate
There are different types of climate,like cold,sunny,and windy.I like the cold climet alot.I like it been cold because you could cover you'r self and you can't be cold and when it's hot you could not do nothing to not be hot.I don't like hot day's.The reson i love cold because it's better than hot.
Climate is the overall weather over a certain period of time. Some areas located near the equator have very hot and moist. Others have cooler winters and warmer summers. Weather is the forecast for one day. Climate and weather are very different. The five climate types are tropical: found close to the equator and are very hot, arid(dry climates): get less than 25 cm. of rainfall every year, they have dry hot deserts, temperate(mild): the summers can be hot but the winters are not so cold in places like Austrailia, South Africa, and South America, continental: have a wider temperature range with much colder winters, polar: have average climates below 10 degrees celcius. Various climates determine the type of animals that live there.
There are a bunch of different types of climate, dry climate is in hot places like, Greece, Austrailia, and Egypt. Chilly climate are in places like Antarctica, Greenland, Canada, and Russia. Mild climate are just regular places that are not cold or hot.
Climate are the regal weather of a biomes.like the tundra is cold .And the desert is hot.that a climate.
think that dogs can survive in this climate. The climate that we live in is realy bad. Our climate is like hot cold hot cold. Anyone who lives in this climate can get sick.In diffrent places there are diffrent climates.Like in the desert its is hot and dry. And its raniy.In the rain forst. And in the artic area its cold.
To me climate is like what weather is around you. Also I think that weather is the climate in different countries or states. But I learned that weather is only temporary for one day and the climate is like for a month or so.
The climate everywhere is very different. The thing they have in common is that the climate doesnt last that long. If it rains it wont last very long. Thats is what I learned about climate.
Climate is important because there are animals that need to stay in a hot sun or a cold winter. The higher you go the colder it gets, one example is the Mount Everest. This is one reason it gets cold when you get higher. Also as you get higher the air pressure gets thinner and thinner. It gets harder to breathe.
The ideal climate here is very obvious. Its super duper hot. We can have all types of weather here in California. In the mountains it snows. But it can rain, shine, or even hail. That’s our weather.
What is your ideal climate?
An ideal Climate is in Sylmar. Then one day it is sunny then the next it is cold. Then the next day it is raining then the next day it is cloudy. And that is my ideal climate.
Climate are different in our world sometimes it can be cold, warm, snowy, and rainy. Sometimes a climate doesn't last long and sometimes it does. Climate can usually be anywhere around you. Climate is common to all biomes. Climate can sometimes effect thing also.
My ideal climate in Granada Hills is usually warm and sometimes theres a lot of wind. When it is warm there isn't a lot of clouds. The only time most clouds come are when it is going to rain. The wind can go very high. One day I found out that our neighbors tree fell down but it didn't hit their car. The weather here can be very harsh.
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