This weekend several states had Democrat and Republican contests.
Saturday, February 9
- Kansas Republican Caucuses - Huckabee
- Louisiana Primary - Obama & Huckabee
- Nebraska Democratic Caucuses - Obama
- Washington Caucuses - Obama & McCain
Sunday, February 10
- Maine Democratic Caucuses - Obama
Delegate Count:
Democrats Total
2,025 Needed (Explainer)
1. | Clinton | 1,063 |
2. | Obama | 962 |
3. | Edwards | 26 (Out) |
Republicans Total
1,191 Needed (Explainer)
1. | McCain | 714 |
2. | Romney | 286 (Out) |
3. | Huckabee | 217 |
4. | Paul | 16 |
Who do you think will be the Republican and Democrat candidate? Who do you think will be the Vice Presidents for each party?
I feel really bad for Paul. He only has 16 votes, and Mccain has 714...I think that is sad but I am still glad the Hillary is winning. She is good but I don't like the fact that she wants the war to go on.I just want Hillary to win.
I think the Democratic candidate is Hilary Clinton. And the Republican candidate is McCain. The simple, obvious, reason, is the delegate count. Also, that some candidates are out so that makes others have a bigger chance. Now, Vice President for the Democrat party will be Obama, because of the 2nd highest delegate count. For the Republican party, it will be McCain. Again, because of delegate counts. This is what I think.
I think Clinton is going to win. Even though I wanted Obama to win, I think Hillary will do good except that she wants the war to continue.
I know clinton's winning, but I really hope that Barack Obama is the democrat. Cli nton is very good, but I just perfer Obama to win because he will accept manty things and his words "we are one nation, and one people" are sitting right on front of you! Also, I like that McCain is winning. He's better than Romney, Huckabee and Paul.Also, he turns bad things right around into good things, and one more thing, he was the gorvener of two states in the United States of America.
I think the Republican candidate will be John McCain because he is currently leading the Republican Party. I think Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic candidate because she leads the democratic party. I believe Obama will be the vice president because he is second in the democratic party. And since Romney dropped out I think Huckabee. Then I think Clinton will become president and Obama will be vice president because they bot more points than anyone
I think that Clinton would win since she was more than a thousand votes and Obama has about 960. McCain may win since he was 700 votes and the next leading is two hundred only.
I think Clinton and McCain are going to win for Republican and Democrate candidate.Probably Obama and Romney sre going to be the Vice Presidents for each party.
I think that Hillary Clinton Or Obama will be the Republican & Democrat candidate.I think most likely Obama or Mccain. Nohely Olalde
I think that McCain will win for Republican. I also think that Clinton would win for Democrat. I would think that Obama will be vice president on the demorcrat side. I think that Huckabee will be the vice president on the republicans. This was my thoughts for the presidents and vice president on each side because the number of votes and their speech is the most important thing and I think that they had an exellent speech.
I think Clinton will win the Democrat candidate.Also that McCain will win for the Republicans.I think that the vice presidents will be Obama and
Huckabee.Well, Clinton does have a big chance of winning. More than Obama.Also that McCain has better chances than the other Republicans.
I think that the republic winner is going to be Mc.Cain. And i think the democratic winner mis going to be Hillary Clinton but i want Obahma to win. but it looks tough for him since he is 101 votes behind. But by the time he gets 101 votes or more Hilary would probably get more votes. For obahma I think he should try next time.
I think that Mcain is going to be the Republican candidate. I want him to win also. I am glad that Clinton is winning for Democrat. The bad thing is that she wants the war to continue. But at least she is going to lower down taxes. I think that Clinton is going to be Vice President for each party.
I think Clinton will win the democrat. I also think that McCain will win for the republican. They are the only ones that has the most votes but the only thing is that Clinton and Obama alot of people really like both so it almost like if half voted for Clinton and the other half voted for Obama.
I think the Republican canidate will be McCain because he has the highest votes and he is popular. I think the Democrat canidate will be Clinton because she also has the highest votes and she achieved alot. I think the Vice President for the Republicans will be Huckabee because he is popular in some states and he has the second highest votes of the Republicans. I think the Vice President for the Democrats would be Obama because it is almost equal between Obama and Clinton's votes and that he has the second highest votes.
I think that Obama will be the democratic candidate.I think McCain will be the republican candidate because he has more votes. I think the vice president for the democratic party will be Clinton. For the republican party I think Huckabee will be the vice president. Personally its to close to really tell how will win in the democratic party but I hope its Obama.
I think that Hilary Clinton will win for the democrat candidate and McCain for the Republican candidate. I think that Obama will be vice president for the Democrat party and Huckabee for the the Republican party.
I think that Clinton is going to win ,but I really want Obama to win. From the republican side McCain is going to win because he is in a very good position. I think that Romney should have stayed in the race.
Well, I am glad Hilary is winning right now. I think the candidate that is going to win for the Republican's might be McCain.The vice president for the Republican's might be Huckabbe since Romney is out. I think Clinton is going to win for the Democratic because she has the most votes so far. I think the vice president for the Democrats might be Obama. They all have high votes and a pretty good chances of winning. I think that they are going to win because they have a lot of votes and everybody thinks their ideas for president are fabulous.
I think McCain is going to win for Republicans. I wanted some one els to win instead of McCain. he looks like if he were mean. It also looks like if Hillary was wining for Democrats. i wanted here to win. I dont like the fact that she wants the war to go on but she does want to help.
I think that John McCain will be the person to be the Republican candidate.And I think that Hukabee will be the democrat candidate.And who do I think is going to be the vice president for each party?I think it will be Obama.The reason I think Obama will be Vice president because he will try to stop the Iraq war.
I think Clinton is going to win cause she is a girl. She is going to get alot of votes from women so she can be the first woman to be president of the u.s.a. I think obama is going to be vice president cause he didn't win but was close to winning. For the rebublicans I think mcCain is going to win because huckabee is no competion for mcCain. but huckubee will bee vice president cause paul only has 16.
I think for Democrat, Hillary will win because she made it really far and she is getting lots of votes. And for Republican Canidate I think McCain will win because he is getting lots of votes. I think for vice president for the Republican it will be Huckabee because I think he would be good at that type of job. I think for vice president for the democrats would be Obama because he has the second to highest votes with Clinton.
I think the Republican will be McCain because he has 714 votes. I wanted Romney to win because he said that he was going to lower taxes but he dropped out. I didn't want McCain to win because he wasn't going to do nothing really. I think the Democrat will be Clinton because she has 1,063 votes. I wanted Obama to win because he is a great man and he does good speeches. I didn't want Clinton to win because its not just that I don't like her, its just that I rather have Obama.I think the Vice President of the Republicans is going to be Huckabee. I think the Vice President of the Democrat is going to be Obama.
Right now hillary has the upper hand in this ellection she needs those things that she has she needs bill clinton and chelsea clintonwithout them shr has no chanse of winning hillary needs to keep the ship in the bottle if she does not she has no chanse but since she iswoman she also has a chance to win ages 40-65 year old woman will vote for hillary ages 18-30 will vote for senitor barak obama.i woul really like obama to win because he does not need specail people to ehlp him win the race the onley person that he ever brought on the race was oprah winfry but she needs to keep on the clinton family but 75% of the time you see obama by himself and 90% of the time you see hillary with chelsea and bill they need to keep on coming for her to win.that is why idont want her to win but right it is going pretty good for her.Also romney should never have dropped out of the race.right now macCain is winning all of the states he could be a good to run the united states of america because he is experinced in gouvernment things but not as a vice president he can do this job though because of how he is and it is going pretty good for him
Aaron O.
I think that Clinton will be the Democrat candidate because she has the closest votes to the amount needed. Plus she also has the most votes. I think that the Vice President for the Democrat side will be Obama because on the news Clinton was talking about how she liked Obama. I think that the Republican candidate will be McCain because he has the most votes on the Republican side and closest to the total amount wanted. I think the Vice president for the Republican party will be Huckabee because he has the second most votes.
I think the Clinton should win because she has the most votes and what she has said has reflect if as many people will vote for her or not vote for her and because i think it would be good for us to have a woman for a president.+
well I think obama should be vice president.
that is mest up Paul just got 16. Huckabee got 217. Romney got 286 and he is out. McCain got 714.
i think that is so cool that other canidents are winning too
I think the Repubican candidnate will be McCain. He has most of the votes. As for the Democratic candidate I think Clinton will win. I want Obama to win. Hillary will be fine though. I would want her more than a republican president. As for vice president I think its going to be Huckabee and Obama.
well I think the the two candidate from each party are going to be Clinton and McCain.
I think that because if you see the chart Clinton is on the lead for the Democrats. and for the Republicans McCain is on the lead too.
Well i think that the Vice President for the republicans is going to be Romney. And for the Democrats i think Obama is going to be.
I think that for Democrat Obama should win. As for Republican I think McCain should win. For Vice it would be nice if Clinton won Or Huckabee.
I think Hillary Clinton will be the Democrat candidate .I think the Republican vote will be Mcain because a lot of people are voting for him.I think the Vice president for the republican party will be Mcain because he has the most votes.But I hope Mcain loses because I want Hillary Clinton to win.And I want Hillary Clinton to bring the troops back.
i am going to vote for Clinton she rocks.
i think that Clinton should win the presidential vote and Obama should be vice but Clinton is sure to win the presidential vote and she's would be the first woman to be president and she can fix what bush has done and we need to have the gas price lower and if she can do all these stuff i think Clinton should win and Obama's not bad for vice president and Clinton had mostly all the votes she needs and McCain got 714 and Romney got 286 and he is out of the contest but i don't really want Clinton to win im only voting for her to stop the war bush had made and all the mess he has made so ill go for Clinton but i think Obama should win or maybe he can be a vice at least
I think Clinton should win as Republican canditate since she has accomplished so much and promises so much for the us. I think Obama should win for Democrat canditate since he has 962 votes and always going to be at 1,000 votes.
I think that Clintion and McCane are going to be the canidendents because clintion is in the lead and so is McCane. I think that McCane will be vice presedent because not as many pepole voted as much for Clintion. I think Clintion will make a good presedent because she has good ideas for the contriey and wants to help the U.S with problems the U.S.the other canedents have no chance between these two canedents. Thats why I think Clintion and McCain are going to be the repulic and Democrat canadents.
i think the democrat canidate will be Obama(yay),and therepublican canidate will be Mitt Romney,it hink yhe vice president will be Clinton,and Huckabee.
I think that for the Democrats that Clinton will win and for the Republicans that McCain will win!
I think Obama or at least i hope will be the democratic candidate . Also McCain will be the republic candidate. And i think Huckabee will be the V.P. But if hes not it might be whoever the other candidate was. I just hope Obama wins!!!
MAN, why is obama getting little votes.Its getting me mad.They are just mad I guess.But they have to vote for obama.Oh and what happens to a person when he or she drops out and they are still voting for them?Oh and what happens if someone wins but they dropped out?
I think Clinton wikll win for the democrats. I think Mccain will win for the Republicans. Then Clinton will win and become the president. So the vice president will be Mccain. Okay
i think that obama is going to win for the democrat and that he will be a good president and also for the republican that mccain is going to win i hope we make thye right choise and that they will do the right thing for us
I really hope Clinton wins.
Sometimes I think Obama is going to win.
Also sometimes I watch the news and then I think Obama is going to win.Poor paul he has only 16 votes.
I am really glad McCain is winning.
Now looking at the results I really think that Clinton will become President. Obama gave it his best shot to be President. So my thinking is that Clinton will be President and Obama will be vice president. These two people were really competetive. If, it could happen they both should be president.
well I'm not sure who's gonna win for the Democrats but I have to keep my hopes up!Well I think that CLinton might win for president sins so far she's winning but I want Obama to win!I'm not sure who's gonna win for the Republicans. McCain is winning so far so that's good!Best wishesto those who are losing amd winning!
I think that Clinton Might win for president.Then Obama Can win Vice President.I think that none of the republicans will win for president or vice president.I like none of the republicans.I only like the democrats which are CLINTON & Obama & EDWARDS!
I think that Clinton will win for democrat. Also that Obama will become vice president. I also believe that McCain will win for republicans. and that Huckabee will become vice president. That is what I believe will happen.
I think that for Republican candidate McCain will win. For the democrat candidate, I think Clinton will make it. For vice president of the Republicans I think Romney will be it because he is the second one who is winning the votes. For the democrat side, I think Obama will be the vice president because he can deel with a lot of things. These people should win because they have the have the right to.
I think clinton will become a democrat.If you look at the votes she has 1,063 votes so far.I also think MCcain will become a republican because his votes are 714 ut they still need 1,191 votes to go so who knows.
When will this thing end.Why cant they just pick a good person as president. My prediction is that they will choose Clinton as president. I think this because she will make a good president because she has much experience,and her husband was ounce a president.SO VOTE FOR CLINTON!
For the Democrats I think that Clinton is going to win.For the Republicans I think that McCain Will win.I Think Clinton is winning becuase alot of women are sapporting her and other people to that think that she will help us improve our lives.I also think that McCain is wining becuase he also has alot of sapporting people who also think that he will do good for us.Either way I think that one of them will do good for us.
Wonder who will the contest? This contest between canidates is getting more competitive. I wonder who will win this contes? I want Clinton to win. Each president will have different changes for this country.
I want Clinton to win. She has bin in the white before. so she probably Knows what to do. If she dose not win it'll be Ok eany ways. but what ever happens i'll be happy.
I think that Clinton is going to win and Obama is going to be the the vice president of Clinton. She is probably going to win because some voters want a women as a president. I wish that people should have voted for Obama. In the republican party I think that McCain will win because the results show he his wining. I think that his vice president will be Huckabbe.
I would want Obama and or McCain to win. I'm rooting for McCain and Obama because my parents are rooting for them. Also, I think those two people can make a difference to America. I think McCain will win because he has a lot of votes(714 votes). Also he said if he is elected for president he will do anything or everything he can do to make America A better place to live in.
I think obama should be the presidential candidate. He is my favorite canidate for the democrats. I think that if anything if clinton wins the republican should be Huckabee. I prefer Obama and Huckabee over anyone else. I think Obama will be our next president.
i think that obama should be president.at first i wanted clinton to be vice president...but then i realized that Obama and Clinton would not get along at all.or is they did then there might be alot of arguements atleast.so onw i think that Romney should be vice president.
I feel really bad for Paul. He only has 16 votes, and Mccain has 714 I want Clinton to win. She has bin in the white before. so she probably Knows what to do. If she dose not win it'll be Ok eany ways. but what ever happens i'll be happy.
I can't believe that Clinton. I am happy. I am go for her. If i could have voted I would vote for her.I wish she becomes president. And she will be the first woman to be a president.
I know Clinton will win. Just look at the votes. Its a lot for her and a little for Obama. But Obama is catching up.
I really hope clinten wins.It seems that obamma can catch up.I hope he doesn't. I think that clinten will be a great president
i hope mccain wins because he wont stop the war and he will send more troops to win iraq and because if they stop the war the iraq people will come and throw bombs KILL us !!!!!!!!! so that is why i hope that mccain wins the election ror 2008
I think that since Clinton is in the lead for the democrat side she will win. She will probably win the primary election. In the republican side that McCain is in the lead that he will win. He has the most votes in the primary election. thats who I think is going to go to the election.
I hope Muckabee wins the voting. He has a nice and interesting history. Another resan I'm voting for him to win is that my mom likes him also. Not so much my dad. Go Muckabee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Well I think Hillary Clinton should win.Also Hillary is on the upper hand.I think the Democratic candidate is Hilary Clinton. And the Republican candidate is McCain. The simple, obvious, reason, is the delegate count.
I think that clinton should win and I also feel bad.I feel bad for paul.I also think someting. That olbama should be president.
I think that hilary is going to be pedsdent.Well she's a strong woman.She will be known for history.And i think that mcain will be vice predsent. And they both will do the best.
i think hillary clinton shoul win because she deserves it.
I think that hilary clinton is going to win because she got more votes.i think mcain is going to win for republican.
I think Clinton should be president. Why because she is the only girl running for president. She is my favorite. If Clinton doesn't win I think Oboman should wins. He is my second favorite.
I feel really bad for Paul because
he dosen't have alot of votes.And there some other people that have more votes.Even though I want clinton to win.Because I think that if she win she will do great because she has been in the white house.
I know Clinton will win. Just look at the votes. Its a lot for her and a little for Obama. But Obama is catching up.
I want Clinton to win because she cool and it would be cool to have a woman as president because guys should not be the only one to do everything because they think they could do everything .
I want Clinton to win because she knows what to do. She will do the best thing. She has bin around for a long time so that is a good thing.If I cold vote I wold vote for Clinton. If she doesn't win I will be like to bad.
I want clinton to win because she would change the world and because she would be the first women in president.
My predictions are that Obama will be the democratic choice and Mccain will be the republican canidate. Both have things going against them. Obama is balck and Mccain is for the war. Personly I would go for Obama.
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