Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Make sure you verify your email address from wikispaces. (Check your email and click on the link from wikispaces.)

  • Table 2 = Chaparral
  • Table 3 = Grasslands - Prairie
  • Table 4 = Grasslands - Savanna
  • Table 5 = Tundra
  • Table 6 = Desert

Each person needs to pick a category and post comments under that category. Each posting needs to have at least 5 good sentences and a picture or video.

* Animals
* Geography
* Vegetation
* Climate


We will be viewing the tour videos for wikispaces.


1 comment:

Asiah Melville said...

I put a comment on desert in the section animals. I put a picture of a desert lizard. I wrote where it was found. I also put how long they can grow. It was hard to find it but i got it.