Robert Frost Middle School Math, Science, Technology Magnet
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Vermont, Rhode Island, Texas and Ohio are voting for the presidential primary election. Today is a big day for the Democratic Primary contest between Obama and Clinton. Who do you think will earn the most electoral votes?
I believe that Obama will get the most votes for the Democratic party. I would like to see Hillary Clinton get the most votes for Texas,Ohio, and Vermont. I think that Clinton might have a chance of winning.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.
I think this is very important to hilary because she is losing and she needs some votes. She is close to obama but he is still winning her by 100-200 votes. Obama might win the election and he will be preaident. If Hilary gets enough votes she would take the lead.
I think Hilary Clinton will win. Because Obama won the other states, I think other states feel sympathetic for Clinton. Now other delegates from other states might be outraged, and will vote for Clinton this time. Just as Obama won all states, Clinton may just get a higher state winning streak than Obama. This, I hope.
I think the person with the most votes will be Obama. He already had a lot of votes before. I'm not saying he's going to win because I want him to. He just has already a lot of votes. Clinton would be better for president because she will end the Iraq war. Obama also said that. They might be lying and they might not.
I think that Clinton would have a bigger chance of getting the most votes in Texas and in the smaller States i think that Obama would win those. But even though that if Clinton gets the most votes in Texas Obama is still in the lead in votes. To tell you the truth I think that Clinton dose not stand a chance against Obama.
I think Barack Obama will earn the most electoral votes. Hilary Clinton still has a chance of winning. Even though I vote for Hilary Clinton, I think Obama might make a good president for our country. I still vote for Hilary Clinton.
I believe Obama is going to get the most electoral votes because he is already winning against Clinton. Obama should win and become president because I believe he will help our country.
I think Obama will win because he has the most votes right now. I want Obama to win. I think Obama will make a better president. Hillary sill has a chanch to win. Hope she doesn't.
I think it will be Clinton. There's a lot of people that voted for her!! I think she is going to win. If she wins she will be the FIRST American President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I think who will win!!!
I think Hillary will win because she has more experience then Obama because she was married to a former president Bill Clinton. Also Hillary is the right person for it because we will not go to war a lot
The person who I think that will get more electoral votes is Hilary Clinton. I think she would get more electoral votes because she will be the first women President. Also because she would make a difference in the world. She donates money to the hungry and to the help. So thats why I think she would make a great President.
I think that Clinton will get more electoral votes because she would be a good president and also I admire her because if she wins she will be the first woman for president and I have confidence thst she will surely win the election.
I think and hope Obama will win. I want him to win because he would make a better president than Clinton because she uses being the first ladt for a couple of years as a support for votes. Being in the white house doesn't mean you know what to do and how. You need real experience, Obama was elected president at Harvard for being a great student. That makes me think he would be good for being a real president.
I think that Clinton will have a shot at winning the electoral votes. She has a new campaign manger so she might have a chance. I also think think that Obama can win because he has been wining a lot of states. That is what I think so far.
In the begining of the election Clinton took the lead. But, now looking at the votes, it looks likes Obama is in the lead with a few more votes than Clinton. I think that Obama will get more electoral votes because I think he has what it takes to make a difference. It looks like Clinton is getting a little bit frustrated with the votes. Most people must be thinking that Obama could make a big difference for the United Sates of America. Clinton might have to try a little bit harder.
Probably Obama will win because he has won all the other 11 states. If Clinton loses the election for the nominee she might drop out. Thats not good if she drops out. Then Obama will be the winner if Clinton drops out.
Ithink hillary clinton should win the election beacause she is more experience. After all she was maried to bill clinton. I know it doesn't make sence but think about it if he has a hard day he talks to her about it. Now she will know what to do if something should happen. I hope she wins because i think it would do a great good for our country
I think that Obama will win the electoral vote. I think this because he is going to do good things for this awesome country and fellow citizens.He will inspire us to make our planet healthier, no more pollution , and no more dumping in landfills.While Clinton will change some of the rules and keep some that her husband made. This is why i think Obama will win.
I think Obama will win because Clinton has been focused on just destroying Obama's reputation and not trying to boost her own reputation. I think that Obama is really the better candidate for this Presidency not clinton and McCain should not even be a candidate.
I think that the elections today are going to be very close. Hillary Clinton realy neds toget alot of votes if she wants to become president. Hillary is behind Obama that is why she must win. I think that Obama will win. I think that he will get more votes becaus from what I am hearing alot of people like him.
I think Obama will win because I've been hearing so far that Obama is in the lead. This makes me think that Obama will get the most votes. Maybe Clinton is doing something wrong for her votes to frop down?
I think that for the democratic vote that Obama is going to win most of the electoral votes. I think that Obama is going to win because when I see the news, Obama is usually in the lead. And Obama seems better then Clinton. Maybe Clinton has a chance, she been wining a lot, But Obama has won more states.
I think who should win is Obama. A lot of celebrities and people are voting for him as well. He promised to make this country a better place to live in. In the other hand a lot of people says that she will drop out. Also he will be a better president then Clinton.
I think this is very important to Hilary because she is losing and she needs some votes. She is close to obama but he is still winning her by 100-200 votes. Obama might win the election and he will be president. If Hilary gets enough votes she would take the lead.( i really want Hillary to win)
I hope Hillary Clinton wins because I dont know what would happen if Obama wins. Clinton I dont know what would Hillary Clinton do also but she would be the very first woman to be the president of The United States Of America.
I think that Obama should win. And not Clinton. Obama has more votes. And Clinton has less then Obama. I think that Obama is going to win because when I see the news, Obama is usually in the lead. Obama thats all about him.!!!!!!!!!!!
Todays the day when they say that who wins. I hope Clinton wins. I want her to win because she has experence. And the weird thing is that if Obama wins he's the first african american to be president. And if Clinton wins she's going to be the first woman to be the president. They will be famous. But not that famous.
I hope Hillary Clinton wins because I dont want Obama to win. I dont know what Hillary Clinton do. She would be the very first woman to be the president of The United States Of America. Go Hillary Clinton.
I think that Obama will win by a little bit because he a few more votes than Clinton does. On the news I saw that they were advertising in Texas and they had a commercial saying !viva! Obama it was so funny. Hillari Clinton had some commercials. I really want Obama to win because I think he would be a great President. That's what I think about the primary election.
I think that Clinten has a better chance of winning because she make people vote for her. And I hope that obamma loses. Plus I want Clinten to be the first fe-mail president
i want hillary to win but obama has a really good chance of winning. but i really want hillary to win.a. A lot of celebrities and people are voting for him as well.think that he will get more votes becaus from what I am hearing alot of people like himIf Hilary gets enough votes she would take the lead.a.
I think Obama is going to win most of it at leaste. In my oppinion is that Hillary Clinton showd win. Vermont, Rhode Island, and Ohio is probebly going for Obama. Clinton is probebly with Texas and a little bit of Vermont. Clinton is my vote if I could vote.
I think that this is very important for clinton because she dosen't have alot of votes write now.She is almost close to obam but he is still winning the election by 100-200 votes.Obaam might win the election because hr has the most votes.If Hillary gets more votes she could win.But I want Hillary to win.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now. After all she maried Bill Clinton. He was president. It seems that Clinton has more of an idea of what to do. My big sister says that they both lied so it doesn't really matter. -- Orange
I think Hilary Clinton should deserve to wine. She will not do bad things she will do good things. Hilary Clinton is more experienced. She will know what to do if something happens. She has a new cam pain manger so she has a better chance of wining.
I think Hilary will get the most votes because she has good ideas on how change.She also persuades very well. Altough Olbama can also get a pretty big amount of votes. He is doing actully very well with things. He is ok but I think hilary will get the most votes.
I think Hilary will get the most votes because she has good ideas on how change.She also persuades very well. Altough Olbama can also get a pretty big amount of votes. He is doing actully very well with things. He is ok but I think hilary will get the most votes.
I think that we should watch this because we want to see who wins. I really want Hillary wins. Obama is winig so far but Hillary could catch up. If all the people vote for her she would win.
I think obama is Going to win because the last time that I saw Obama was winning that's why. I hope Cliton wins Because she promises to take the war of Irak away and lots of people are dieing in the war and it is not making nothing happen it is just killing more and more people. I think that Clinton should win too because she is hellping latin people. But Obama promises that to. But you never now if they are lieng
I think Obama should win. One reason is because Clinton doesn't have a chance. Another reason is because Obama is a good leader. Another is he will bring people from war home. He will probably lower gas prices, and mostly he is cool.
The person who I think that will get more electoral votes is Hilary Clinton. I think she would get more electoral votes because she will be the first women President. Also because she would make a difference in the world. She donates money to the hungry and to the help. So thats why I think she would make a great President.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.
Polar region: They have high mountains that are covered in alot of snow.They also might have glaciers and ice burgs floating in the ocean. Tropical region: They might have mountains with tropical plants growing on them and water with fish in it. Arid region: They have hills and mountains with plants that are probobley dead because of there dry climate.
I think Hilary Clinton will win. Because Obama won the other states, I think other states feel sympathetic for Clinton. Now other delegates from other states might be outraged, and will vote for Clinton this time. Just as Obama won all states, Clinton may just get a higher state winning streak than Obama. This, I hope.
The person who I think that will get more electoral votes is Hilary Clinton. I think she would get more electoral votes because she will be the first women President. Also because she would make a difference in the world. She donates money to the hungry and to the help. So thats why I think she would make a great President.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.clinton should do more cermershals telling poeple to wote for her and why they should vote for her.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.clinton should do more cermershals telling poeple to wote for her and why they should vote for her.
I can't believe that Clinton is losing. She was on top. Now she is at the bottom. It's find with me though because I don't care about who wins. I just like Clinton.
Right now obama should be winning he has more votes than hillary clinton i really dont care who wins they both are good for the country.So I really don't care.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.clinton should do more cermershals telling poeple to wote for her and why they should vote for her.
I think that Clinten should win and I hope she does. I like that Clinten is running for president and I have allot of hope for her. I really hope Obamam loses and Clinten wins.
I think Clinton should win. Because I want her to be the first women president. And because I like for what she stands for. I really hope she wins. And if she does win I hope people respect her .
I hope Obama wins, I think he will be able to bring us at least 300,000 billion out of debt. Hillary was using negative campaigning and I think that that was wrong. After doing that I think she lost a lot of votes and may not get past Obama.
I think that Obama is going to win and i want him to. Clinton just lost one of her people. The last election results he was ahead of Clinton by 66 votes so far he is in the lead and i hope he stays there. Obama is a fun and caring man i think he is going to make a great president. That's what i think is a primary election.
Before everyone thought that Clinton was going to win and everyone wanted her to win. Now that Obama is winning you guys changed your minds.I always thought that Obama was going to win and I still do. I hope he wins because he will make a good President. There has been some problems with Clinton.
I think that obama will win becuase he is more positive then clinton.Obama got 66 more votes in a vote.Obama is more confident and more fun.He think will win ,I rely on him.
If i was able to vote. I would vote for Clinton because of the things that I have heard on the news. Also, I think it would be good for our country to have a women for a prsident because we would be able to see what the difference is between a man president and a woman president.
I want Clinton to win because I think she will be a good president.I think this because she has had much experience and because she will be are first woman president.Vote for Clinton.
I believe Obama is going to get the most electoral votes because he is already winning against Clinton. Obama should win and become president because I believe he will help our country
I wont Clinton to win the election. The bad news is that Obama is in the lead. I hope she caches up. She will make it allot better than Obama. She nows more allot these things. She will do the to help us.
I think that Clinton would earn the most electoral votes because she has good reasons to become the president. But right now shes losing to Obama. But I still think Clinton will get the most electoral votes.
I want hillary to win the election. I want her to win because she would be the first woman president that ever exested.Well I want hillary Cliton to win.
I think that Hillary Clinton will win the most electoral votes. I want her to win because she will be the first woman president. Also because George Clinton was her husband so she has as much right as her husband did to be a president. She also has experience in being president by watching her husband. I think it would be good for our country to have a woman president.
Well sice I'm posting after Obama won all of them and Clintons going down!!! I still think Obama will win because he has alot more electoral votes than Clinton. Also I think Obama will be our president of the U.S.A.
I think Obama should win because he has a strong backround. I also think he will stop the iraq war. But I am not very sure about that. Hillary Clinton Is supporting the war, so i don't like her. Obama would be the first african american president.
I think clinton is going to win because she has more experince than obhama and shwe has more votes than obama and because she would be the first women in president.
I think that Barack Obama will have the most electoral votes. The reason i think that is because he is going to other states and convincing people to vote for him. I hope that Obama will win in November. I think that he will win because so far he has the most electoral votes in the race. Also he has very good ideas for the U.S
I think Clinton should win because she was the first lady to Bill Clinton. If she won she would be the first women prez. I sooo hope clinton wins. Vote for clinton for prez!!
I say that obama should win because I think thast hes piont of view is more fair . Clington wants all the imigrants out of the country. I think that he will do a better job at being president plus he has a good background. Also he really care about our country. I think he will also stop the war in Iraq.
I think Obama is going to get more votes because 1: is I go for him,2: I want him to win,3: because he is awesome. He knows exactly what to say to get them to vote for him. Another reason is because he would be the first African American to be a president. He would do what ever it takes just to get the people on his side.
I think that obama will win. He has better reasons than Clinton. He has better plans for the war in Iraq. He will get are country on the top. He will do a bettter job than President Bush.
I'm pretty sure that Clinton should win against Obama. I say that Clinton will make all of the things better. I think that she will be more good than George Bush. If Clinton wins she will be the first girl president that we ever had. I hope that Clinton can win this.
I think that the votes are going to be very close. I think that Obama will get more votes though. I think he will get more votes because it seems like more people support him. I think allot of people will vote for him because they think his views on the war is good. I also think allot of people think he will be a good President.
I think that Clinton will be a better candidate because she will be the first women and her husband was running before her so she probably has experience. Thats what I think about the elections.
I believe that Obama will get the most votes for the Democratic party. I would like to see Hillary Clinton get the most votes for Texas,Ohio, and Vermont. I think that Clinton might have a chance of winning.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.
I think this is very important to hilary because she is losing and she needs some votes. She is close to obama but he is still winning her by 100-200 votes. Obama might win the election and he will be preaident. If Hilary gets enough votes she would take the lead.
I think Hilary Clinton will win. Because Obama won the other states, I think other states feel sympathetic for Clinton. Now other delegates from other states might be outraged, and will vote for Clinton this time. Just as Obama won all states, Clinton may just get a higher state winning streak than Obama. This, I hope.
I think the person with the most votes will be Obama. He already had a lot of votes before. I'm not saying he's going to win because I want him to. He just has already a lot of votes. Clinton would be better for president because she will end the Iraq war. Obama also said that. They might be lying and they might not.
I think Obama will earn the most electoral votes. I really want Clinton to win but, I think she isn't.
I think obama will win because he has more electoral votes than Clinton. Obama should win Vermont, Rode Island, Texas, and Ohio, without messing up.
I think that Clinton would have a bigger chance of getting the most votes in Texas and in the smaller States i think that Obama would win those. But even though that if Clinton gets the most votes in Texas Obama is still in the lead in votes. To tell you the truth I think that Clinton dose not stand a chance against Obama.
I think Barack Obama will earn the most electoral votes. Hilary Clinton still has a chance of winning. Even though I vote for Hilary Clinton, I think Obama might make a good president for our country. I still vote for Hilary Clinton.
I believe Obama is going to get the most electoral votes because he is already winning against Clinton. Obama should win and become president because I believe he will help our country.
I think Obama will win because he has the most votes right now. I want Obama to win. I think Obama will make a better president. Hillary sill has a chanch to win. Hope she doesn't.
I believe Obama will win he has most of the votes. Plus there was a problem between Clinton and Texas.I think Obama will be a great president.
I think that Obama should win. And not Clinton. Obama has more votes. And Clinton has less then Obama. It's all about Obama.
I think it will be Clinton. There's a lot of people that voted for her!! I think she is going to win. If she wins she will be the FIRST American President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I think who will win!!!
I think Hillary will win because she has more experience then Obama because she was married to a former president Bill Clinton. Also Hillary is the right person for it because we will not go to war a lot
The person who I think that will get more electoral votes is Hilary Clinton. I think she would get more electoral votes because she will be the first women President. Also because she would make a difference in the world. She donates money to the hungry and to the help. So thats why I think she would make a great President.
I think that Oboma will win the most electoral votes and i really hope he wins
I think that clinton will win.And not Obama.Clinton has more votes than obama.And obama has less vote.And clinton is cool.
I think Clinton is going to win because she has more votes and Obama has less and Clinton has more experience. Because her husband was a president
I will vote for Clinton,because she will that women can do anything anything a men can do and sometimes even better.that why am voting for Clinton
My vote would be H. Clinton because she make a difference in our wonderful country.
I think that Clinton will get more electoral votes because she would be a good president and also I admire her because if she wins she will be the first woman for president and I have confidence thst she will surely win the election.
I think and hope Obama will win. I want him to win because he would make a better president than Clinton because she uses being the first ladt for a couple of years as a support for votes. Being in the white house doesn't mean you know what to do and how. You need real experience, Obama was elected president at Harvard for being a great student. That makes me think he would be good for being a real president.
I think that Clinton will have a shot at winning the electoral votes. She has a new campaign manger so she might have a chance. I also think think that Obama can win because he has been wining a lot of states. That is what I think so far.
I think Clinton will get the most electoral votes because to me she seems like a better person than Obama, and sha has had more experience.
In the begining of the election Clinton took the lead. But, now looking at the votes, it looks likes Obama is in the lead with a few more votes than Clinton. I think that Obama will get more electoral votes because I think he has what it takes to make a difference. It looks like Clinton is getting a little bit frustrated with the votes. Most people must be thinking that Obama could make a big difference for the United Sates of America. Clinton might have to try a little bit harder.
Probably Obama will win because he has won all the other 11 states. If Clinton loses the election for the nominee she might drop out. Thats not good if she drops out. Then Obama will be the winner if Clinton drops out.
Ithink hillary clinton should win the election beacause she is more experience. After all she was maried to bill clinton. I know it doesn't make sence but think about it if he has a hard day he talks to her about it. Now she will know what to do if something should happen. I hope she wins because i think it would do a great good for our country
I think that Obama will win the electoral vote. I think this because he is going to do good things for this awesome country and fellow citizens.He will inspire us to make our planet healthier, no more pollution , and no more dumping in landfills.While Clinton will change some of the rules and keep some that her husband made. This is why i think Obama will win.
I think Obama will win because Clinton has been focused on just destroying Obama's reputation and not trying to boost her own reputation. I think that Obama is really the better candidate for this Presidency not clinton and McCain should not even be a candidate.
I think that the elections today are going to be very close. Hillary Clinton realy neds toget alot of votes if she wants to become president. Hillary is behind Obama that is why she must win. I think that Obama will win. I think that he will get more votes becaus from what I am hearing alot of people like him.
I think Obama will win because I've been hearing so far that Obama is in the lead. This makes me think that Obama will get the most votes. Maybe Clinton is doing something wrong for her votes to frop down?
I think that for the democratic vote that Obama is going to win most of the electoral votes. I think that Obama is going to win because when I see the news, Obama is usually in the lead. And Obama seems better then Clinton. Maybe Clinton has a chance, she been wining a lot, But Obama has won more states.
I think who should win is Obama. A lot of celebrities and people are voting for him as well. He promised to make this country a better place to live in. In the other hand a lot of people says that she will drop out. Also he will be a better president then Clinton.
I think this is very important to Hilary because she is losing and she needs some votes. She is close to obama but he is still winning her by 100-200 votes. Obama might win the election and he will be president. If Hilary gets enough votes she would take the lead.( i really want Hillary to win)
I hope Hillary Clinton wins because I dont know what would happen if Obama wins. Clinton I dont know what would Hillary Clinton do also but she would be the very first woman to be the president of The United States Of America.
I think that Obama should win. And not Clinton. Obama has more votes. And Clinton has less then Obama. I think that Obama is going to win because when I see the news, Obama is usually in the lead. Obama thats all about him.!!!!!!!!!!!
Todays the day when they say that who wins. I hope Clinton wins. I want her to win because she has experence. And the weird thing is that if Obama wins he's the first african american to be president. And if Clinton wins she's going to be the first woman to be the president. They will be famous. But not that famous.
I hope Hillary Clinton wins because I dont want Obama to win. I dont know what Hillary Clinton do. She would be the very first woman to be the president of The United States Of America. Go Hillary Clinton.
I think that Obama will win by a little bit because he a few more votes than Clinton does. On the news I saw that they were advertising in Texas and they had a commercial saying !viva! Obama it was so funny. Hillari Clinton had some commercials. I really want Obama to win because I think he would be a great President. That's what I think about the primary election.
I think that Clinten has a better chance of winning because she make people vote for her. And I hope that obamma loses. Plus I want Clinten to be the first fe-mail president
i want hillary to win but obama has a really good chance of winning. but i really want hillary to win.a. A lot of celebrities and people are voting for him as well.think that he will get more votes becaus from what I am hearing alot of people like himIf Hilary gets enough votes she would take the lead.a.
I think Obama is going to win most of it at leaste. In my oppinion is that Hillary Clinton showd win. Vermont, Rhode Island, and Ohio is probebly going for Obama. Clinton is probebly with Texas and a little bit of Vermont. Clinton is my vote if I could vote.
I think that this is very important for clinton because she dosen't have alot of votes write now.She is almost close to obam but he is still winning the election by 100-200 votes.Obaam might win the election because hr has the most votes.If Hillary gets more votes she could win.But I want Hillary to win.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now. After all she maried Bill Clinton. He was president. It seems that Clinton has more of an idea of what to do. My big sister says that they both lied so it doesn't really matter.
I think Hilary Clinton should deserve to wine. She will not do bad things she will do good things. Hilary Clinton is more experienced. She will know what to do if something happens. She has a new cam pain manger so she has a better chance of wining.
I think Hilary will get the most votes because she has good ideas on how change.She also persuades very well. Altough Olbama can also get a pretty big amount of votes. He is doing actully very well with things. He is ok but I think hilary will get the most votes.
I think Hilary will get the most votes because she has good ideas on how change.She also persuades very well. Altough Olbama can also get a pretty big amount of votes. He is doing actully very well with things. He is ok but I think hilary will get the most votes.
I think that we should watch this because we want to see who wins. I really want Hillary wins. Obama is winig so far but Hillary could catch up. If all the people vote for her she would win.
I think obama is Going to win because the last time that I saw Obama was winning that's why. I hope Cliton wins Because she promises to take the war of Irak away and lots of people are dieing in the war and it is not making nothing happen it is just killing more and more people. I think that Clinton should win too because she is hellping latin people. But Obama promises that to. But you never now if they are lieng
I think Obama should win. One reason is because Clinton doesn't have a chance. Another reason is because Obama is a good leader. Another is he will bring people from war home. He will probably lower gas prices, and mostly he is cool.
The person who I think that will get more electoral votes is Hilary Clinton. I think she would get more electoral votes because she will be the first women President. Also because she would make a difference in the world. She donates money to the hungry and to the help. So thats why I think she would make a great President.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.
Polar region: They have high mountains that are covered in alot of snow.They also might have glaciers and ice burgs floating in the ocean.
Tropical region: They might have mountains with tropical plants growing on them and water with fish in it.
Arid region: They have hills and mountains with plants that are probobley dead because of there dry climate.
I think Hilary Clinton will win. Because Obama won the other states, I think other states feel sympathetic for Clinton. Now other delegates from other states might be outraged, and will vote for Clinton this time. Just as Obama won all states, Clinton may just get a higher state winning streak than Obama. This, I hope.
The person who I think that will get more electoral votes is Hilary Clinton. I think she would get more electoral votes because she will be the first women President. Also because she would make a difference in the world. She donates money to the hungry and to the help. So thats why I think she would make a great President.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.clinton should do more cermershals telling poeple to wote for her and why they should vote for her.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.clinton should do more cermershals telling poeple to wote for her and why they should vote for her.
I can't believe that Clinton is losing. She was on top. Now she is at the bottom. It's find with me though because I don't care about who wins. I just like Clinton.
Right now obama should be winning he has more votes than hillary clinton i really dont care who wins they both are good for the country.So I really don't care.
I think that Clinton should win because she is a really good president for us and she knows what she doing for the best of the united states.
I think Cliton, but I'm not very sure because Obama has more votes than Cliton right now.I need to tell the truth I think Obama has a chance of winning the peoples votes.clinton should do more cermershals telling poeple to wote for her and why they should vote for her.
I think that Clinten should win and I hope she does. I like that Clinten is running for president and I have allot of hope for her. I really hope Obamam loses and Clinten wins.
I think that obama will get the most votes, becuase he has gotten lots of states.
I think Clinton should win. Because I want her to be the first women president. And because I like for what she stands for. I really hope she wins. And if she does win I hope people respect her .
I hope Obama wins, I think he will be able to bring us at least 300,000 billion out of debt. Hillary was using negative campaigning and I think that that was wrong. After doing that I think she lost a lot of votes and may not get past Obama.
I think Clinton should win because she would be a good president. I really want her to win.
I am not sure. I do hope hillary wins though. For know Obama has gotten the most votes. If hillary wins she will be the first women president.
I hope that obama would win because he will try to stop the iraq war.
I think that Clinton should winn the elections. She would be a good president. Did I mention the first female president.Yeah!
I think that Obama is going to win and i want him to. Clinton just lost one of her people. The last election results he was ahead of Clinton by 66 votes so far he is in the lead and i hope he stays there. Obama is a fun and caring man i think he is going to make a great president. That's what i think is a primary election.
Before everyone thought that Clinton was going to win and everyone wanted her to win. Now that Obama is winning you guys changed your minds.I always thought that Obama was going to win and I still do. I hope he wins because he will make a good President. There has been some problems with Clinton.
I think that obama will win becuase he is more positive then clinton.Obama got 66 more votes in a vote.Obama is more confident and more fun.He think will win ,I rely on him.
If i was able to vote. I would vote for Clinton because of the things that I have heard on the news. Also, I think it would be good for our country to have a women for a prsident because we would be able to see what the difference is between a man president and a woman president.
i want Clinton to win but Obama is in the led , so i really hope Clinton will get a head .
I think that obhama will win.I thought clinton was going to win just because she would be the first woman president. But i think obahma will win.
I want Clinton to win because I think she will be a good president.I think this because she has had much experience and because she will be are first woman president.Vote for Clinton.
I think Clinton will win. she is smart. Obama is a good leader too. I'd be happy. thats what I think.
I believe Obama is going to get the most electoral votes because he is already winning against Clinton. Obama should win and become president because I believe he will help our country
I hope hilary will win.Sill has a chance of winning.If she dosent then I'll be mad.Sheis smart.
I wont Clinton to win the election. The bad news is that Obama is in the lead. I hope she caches up. She will make it allot better than Obama. She nows more allot these things. She will do the to help us.
I think that Clinton would earn the most electoral votes because she has good reasons to become the president. But right now shes losing to Obama. But I still think Clinton will get the most electoral votes.
I want hillary to win the election. I want her to win because she would be the first woman president that ever exested.Well I want hillary Cliton to win.
I want obama to win because I think he will be a good president. I think Obama will get the most votes because he is so convincing.
I think that Hillary Clinton will win the most electoral votes. I want her to win because she will be the first woman president. Also because George Clinton was her husband so she has as much right as her husband did to be a president. She also has experience in being president by watching her husband. I think it would be good for our country to have a woman president.
Well sice I'm posting after Obama won all of them and Clintons going down!!! I still think Obama will win because he has alot more electoral votes than Clinton. Also I think Obama will be our president of the U.S.A.
I think Obama should win because he has a strong backround. I also think he will stop the iraq war. But I am not very sure about that.
Hillary Clinton Is supporting the war, so i don't like her. Obama would be the first african american president.
I think obama will.
I think clinton is going to win because she has more experince than obhama and shwe has more votes than obama and because she would be the first women in president.
I think that Barack Obama will have the most electoral votes. The reason i think that is because he is going to other states and convincing people to vote for him. I hope that Obama will win in November. I think that he will win because so far he has the most electoral votes in the race. Also he has very good ideas for the U.S
I vote for Clinton. She has a husband that has experience. She can learn from him. Obama has some problems. he has no experience.
I think Clinton should win because she was the first lady to Bill Clinton. If she won she would be the first women prez. I sooo hope clinton wins. Vote for clinton for prez!!
I say that obama should win because I think thast hes piont of view is more fair . Clington wants all the imigrants out of the country. I think that he will do a better job at being president plus he has a good background. Also he really care about our country. I think he will also stop the war in Iraq.
I think obama will win because the people seem to like him here but the eastcoast likes hilary better for some reason
im for obama all the way
I think Obama is going to get more votes because 1: is I go for him,2: I want him to win,3: because he is awesome. He knows exactly what to say to get them to vote for him. Another reason is because he would be the first African American to be a president. He would do what ever it takes just to get the people on his side.
I think that obama will win. He has better reasons than Clinton.
He has better plans for the war in Iraq. He will get are country on the top. He will do a bettter job than President Bush.
I'm pretty sure that Clinton should win against Obama. I say that Clinton will make all of the things better. I think that she will be more good than George Bush. If Clinton wins she will be the first girl president that we ever had. I hope that Clinton can win this.
I think that the votes are going to be very close. I think that Obama will get more votes though. I think he will get more votes because it seems like more people support him. I think allot of people will vote for him because they think his views on the war is good. I also think allot of people think he will be a good President.
I think that Clinton will be a better candidate because she will be the first women and her husband was running before her so she probably has experience. Thats what I think about the elections.
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