They have different climates. Some places have arctic animals and others and others have different and changing amimals. There is the large marine eco system, watershed bounds, and political boundaries. Some animals in places change from time to time because of weather. Places have big animals, small animals, and sometimes both.
The rainforest,in this biome it is usually hot but it gets lots of rainfall.The vegetation of this biome is fruit.The animals there are monkeys and some we might not even know of.The geography is near the equater.
The Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal are the marine ecosystems. In the Euphotic marine plankton and fish and sharks live there. The whales and other fish live in the Bathyal ecosystems. In the Abyssal marine ecosystem there are lantern fish.
One zone is the Euphotic zone which can give sunlight to some creatures like plankton, another is the Bathyal zone which give little or no light, and the third zone is Abyssal which has no sunlight . The underwater geography has coral, sandy plains, and canyons, also mountains. More than 21 thousand types of fish live underwater. The climate is humid.
The different types of marine zones are:Inter tidal zones which are Ethotic zone which can support plankton, Bathiul and the Habituals zone. The ocean zone supports coral reefs, underwater canyons and etc. Different zones support different fish life. Just like you wont find a polar bear in the desert. In each zone there is a different amount of light.
Euohotic has things called planton.Bathyal and Abyssal are the other zones.The goegraphy down in the sea are canyons, a coral reef, and open water.You are going to find diffrent animals at diffrent zones.There are 21,000 diffrent kinds of fish.they break up fish into two diffrent groups.They are fish with jaws and teeth and fish without a jaw or teeth.
the euphoytic zone from the surface down to a 100 feet or so and gets alot of sun lite. The baythal zone has not alot of sun lite. The abbysal zone has no sun lite and the abbysal zone has absoloutly no sun.And has really cool animals. Coral reafs has been homes to manyanimal like starfish eals and well coral it is the rain forest of the sea. The different levels of the sea have different animals even i knew that i did not have to watch that vedio or you can just watch finding nemo hello.So any ways thre are more than 20,00 known spieces of fish like my sister she is fish.
The geography in the Marine Ecosystem are deep canyons, sandy plains, and more. The four different zones are Euphoric, Bathyal and Abyssal. The Euphoric zone, the animals are little creatures called "Planktons". Different animals live in different depths.
Different zones of the marine: Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal, and Benthtic. Those are the 4 zones of the marine ecosystem. Some animals in the Benthetic and Euphotic zone are rockfish, eels, starfish, lobsters, etc. Vegetation in the Euphotic and Benthetic is like corals, anemone, and seaweed. In bathyal, vegetation and animals consist of, sharks, whales, and maybe even some turtles. There is also some seaweed there too. But, in the abyssal zone, there are no plants because it is too dark, but there are still animals. Animals that live there are like the anglerfish. Climate can be hot or cold depending on the zone if it's higher or not. This is what I think.
One of the zones in the marine ecosystem is the Euphotic system. It gets enough sunlight to support small animals called plankton. In the ocean there are canyons, open water, sandy plains, and mountains. There are more than 1,000 types of animals in the ocean. You will find differnet species of animals in different zones. The animals are seperated by different parts. One group is the fishes with jaws. The other one is without jaws. There are four different zones in the ocean but I forgot them.
There are four different zones. There is deep canyons, coral reef, open water, and stretches. There is the Euphotic zone has sunlight and plankton. The Bathyal zone has little or no light. In the Abyssal there is no light. The pressure down there is very tight. You find different fish at different levels of the sea. At the bottom of the sea there are fish that have light on their head to attract their prey because it's so dark down there.
The four different zones in the ocean. The Euphotic and Benthtic zones get enough sun light to keep plankton alive. There is coral too. The next zone is the Bathyal zone which gets some sun light. Then theres the Abyssal zone that has no light at all but theres still life there. One animal that lives there is the angler fish.
Euphotic. In the euphotic there is coral reefs underground mountain ranges and trenches.A coral reef is made of mostly hard shelled animals and anemanies. Different Sea animals live in different zonesd of the sea.
There are 3 ecosystems one of them is called the Euphoic, Bathyal, and Abbyssal. Diffrent animals live in diffrent ecosystems that means they live in dirrent levles. In the Euphic zone there are muontains deep cayons and more. In Bathyal there is enough sunlight for little animals called planton to live there. In Abbyssal there is no sun, it is just dark. Some animals have a little light hangging from there heads and that atracts pray. Some animals have jaws and some don't. Also some animals have skellitons like the eel and some have bones like fish.
In the bottom of the ocean it is like the top. It has mountains, cliffs, and plants.It also has different depths.The depths are euphotic zone it has sun light.The Bathyal zone has little or no sun light and finally the Abyssal zone it has no sun light what so ever.
There are three types of ecosystems euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal. Plankton, small fish, tuna, whales, and sharks in different ecosystems. I never knew the ocean was so full.
There are four different zones. Three of them are euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal. The euphotic get enough light to support plankton and is about 100 meters deep. The Bathyal zone get less light,and goes from 100 to 3300 meters. . The abyssal zone get no light and can go as 6000 meters deep. The marine ecosystem has canyons, trenches, coral reefs, mountains, shelves, and open water.The marine ecosystem consumes 70% of the Earth. Different animals live at different depths.There are two types of fish, jawed and no jaw
The different types of zones are the Euphotic zone sharks can be found here And the vegetation that can be found here is smaller fish and plankton.the second zone is the Bathyal zone whales can be found here and the type of vegetation that can be found here is krill for the whales, the climate would be most likely warm in all the zones.The next zone Abyssal the lantern fish can be found here the vegetation would be saller fish.
The different zones of the ecosystem are Euphotic zone, the Bathyal zone, and the Abyssal zone. Euphotic zone has plankton and coral reefs. The Bathyal zone has whales, and some coral reefs live inthat zone.The Abyssal zone has fish with light on their heads and no plant life lives their. The climate for the Euphotic zone is warm water. The climate for the Bathyal zone is temperate. The climate for the Abyssal zone is cold.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are the euphotic zone, bathyal zone, and the abyssal zone. The animals that exist in the euphotic zone are flying fishes, moray eels, sea cucumber, cleaner wrasse, banded sea snake, ocean sunfish, and many more. The animals that exist in the bathyal zone are hatchetfish, Deep-sea anglerfish, oarfish, Squid, viperfish and many more. The animal that exist in the abyssal zone are anglerfish, deep-sea jellyfish, deep-sea shrimp , abyssal sea cucumbers, and many more.
The four different zones are: euphotic, bathyal, abyssal and benthic zones. Different animals live at different zones. There are 21,000 known species. The euphotic and benthtic zones get sun to keep animals like plankton alive. The bathyal zone gets a little bit of sun. Last, ther is abyssal zone and it gets no sun but still things can live there. The ecosystem has many different ways of living.
The three different zones in the marine ecosystem, Ethotic, Bathial and the Habituals. In the ethotic zone there is sunlight to support little animals. In the bathial there is little light but animals still survive. In the habitual zone there is almost no light but animals have techniques to survive. One animal has a little light on it's head to attract food.
The four different zones of the marine ecosystem are: Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. Euphotic might have sun and the other zones may not. The climate might be dry and a little humid. Different animals live in different zones. I think there are all kinds of different animals in each zone but not any in specific. The vegetation might be plants. The underwater geography has coral, sandy plains, and canyons, and mountains. Possibly more than 21 thousand types of fish live underwater.
There are diferent types of zones. They are Euphotic,Bathyal,and Abyssal. The Euphotic has sunlight and plankton. The Bathyal has a few light. The Abyssal has no light. There are diffrent sea animals that live in the different types of zones in the sea.
The different zones of marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal.Eupohtic has the most light of all three and the most animal life.Like eels,whale,and clown fish.The Bathyal has very little light it has some life but because of its atmposhere it does not havethe same animals as Euphotic.It has squid,oarfish,and anglerfish.Abbysal has absoutley no light but although it has no light there it still has animal life.Like shrimp,jellyfish,and sea cucumber.
The geography in the ocean is just the same as on the surface. Like sandy plains, mountains, trenches, and much more. There are three different levels in the ocean, The three levels are Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal, and each of these levels have different life living there. Euphotic have tiny plants and animals called plankton this level gets a lot of sunlight. Bathyal have whales and other fish living there and it gets little sunlight. Abyssal have lantern fish that has a light on its head that a tracks prey. Those are the marine ecosystem.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal. The animals that live in the Euphotic zone are sharks, plankton, and very small fish. The animals that live in the Bathyal are humpback whale, and tuna. The animals that live in the Abyssal zone are fish that have a glowing light on their entena to atrack their pray. The climate for the Euphotic is that the Euphotic zone has lots of sun light. The the climate for the Bathyal that the Bathyal zone has only a little bit of sun light. The climate for the Abyssal is that the Abyssal doesn't have any light at all.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal. The animals that live in the Euphotic zone are sharks, plankton, and very small fish. The animals that live in the Bathyal are humpback whale, and tuna. The animals that live in the Abyssal zone are fish that have a glowing light on their entena to atrack their pray. The climate for the Euphotic is that the Euphotic zone has lots of sun light. The the climate for the Bathyal that the Bathyal zone has only a little bit of sun light. The climate for the Abyssal is that the Abyssal doesn't have any light at all.
The Euphotic zone gives life to coral and Plantation and smaller fish. The Bthyal zone gets little light and gives life to big mammals like whales. The Abyssal zone fish need special lights to live because there is no light. The Euphotic has a much hotter climate then Abyssal and Bthyal. The Bthyal has a middle climate between Abyssal and Euphotic. The Abyssal has a very cold climate and is colder then Bthyal.
In the bottom of the ocean it is like the top. It has mountains, cliffs, and plants.It also has different depths.The depths are euphoric zone it has sun light.The Bathyal zone has little or no sun light and finally the Abyssal zone it has no sun light what so ever.
The abyssal has a very cold climate and is colder then bythyal.The BYthyal has a middle climate between byssal and Euphotic.The Abyssal zone fish need special light to live because there is no light.The Euphotic gives life to coral and Plantation and smaller fish. The Bythyal zone gets little light and gives life to big mammals like whales.
the marine animals and vegation is very different from are animal and plant.the marine life has fish,dolphine has whales and more creatures that we had not heard about.In land we have dogs ,cats , and elephant and more we had not heard about.
The Euphotic zone has energy to give life to coral, and fish. The Abyssal zone has fish that are predators with light in there antenna, live to haunt their prey. Without there light, they die or can't see. The Bthyal zone receives little or no sunlight.
One zone is the Euphtic Zone. There is enough light for any animal to live down there. The types of animals are crabs and eals. Another zone is the Bathyal Zone. It has little life which means hardly any animal lives there. Another zone is the Abyssal Zone. The Abyssal Zone has NO light at all. So only fish or other animals that have light attached to their body can live there.
T he different zones are Euphoticzone,bathyal zone,and lastly the Abyssal zone.there is little animals there called plankton that is inEuphotic zone .The next one was where there was little life but that is in the bathyal.The last one is where there is no lightbut that one is called abyssal.
The diffrent zones are the marine ecosystem are euphotic,bathyal,and abyssal. The animals that live in Abassal are the fish that have the glowing lights becuase there is no light under there. Then animals that live in the Euphotic zone are sharks amd plankton. And the animals that live in the Bathyal zone are the humpback whales. The climate in the Abyssal zone is so hot it can turn you in to paste.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal.There are different animals in the Euphotic zone sharks, plankton, and small fish. In the Bathyal there are whales, and tuna. Animals from the Abyssal zone are the Angler. The climate in the Euphotic is a zone that has lots of sun light. The the climate for the Bathyal is only a little bit of sun light. The climate for the Abyssal is that it doesn't have any light at all.
On Marian ecosystem is the Atlantic Ocean. It contains a chain of under water volcanoes that can burst at any time. In this kind of ecosystem, it is really hard to survive in a very harsh place like that. Unfortunaly the gases contain a bacteria that crabs and shrimp love to eat. it is also filled with tube worms that release the bacteria. When the volcano dies, all life dies of move to another place.
In the marine ecosystem there is many types of sea animals like sharks whales many animals that lie on the bottom of the ocean is still unknown and many other types of fish that aren't discovered. In the marine ecosystem. There are food sources like sharks would mostly eat anything and whales eat smaller fish then itself and there is no other fish bigger then the whale except for one the megalodon its an ancient shark people don't really know how it looks like but it's tooth was found. The marine ecosystem has 21 thousand species that eater by a bigger then eaten by another bigger fish then another bigger fish. In the ecosystem has 3 types of climate it starts with euphotic, Bathyal, and abyssal. In the euphotic there is sunny light for animals and in the bathyal there less sunlight and in the abyssal there is no light.
There are rivers lakes and the bigesst puddle the sea.There are fish shark plankton and many more.The vegetation that is under water are fish. In the ocean the climate is cold but if you are in for a long time you think that it is warm. If you go deep deep down to the sea your ear starts to hurt because of all the pressure hitting you on your body. And it starts to get colder and colder every minute.
There are three types of underwater habitats.Euphotic which is close to the sunlight and surrports creatures such as plankton. Bythyal is in the middle. It has little or no sunlight and supports life such as whales.Abyssal has no life at all.Angler fish live down there. THey have a special light on them to attract prey.Abyssal has enough pressure to turn into a paste. In coral reefs you can find an abundance of. Many different kinds of fish live there.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The Euphotic zone which can give sunlight to some creatures like plankton. The Bathyal zone which gets some sun light.Then theres the Abyssal zone that has no light at all but theres still life there. One animal that lives there is the angler fish.
♥The three zones in the ocean are the Euphtic Zone,Bathyal Zone, and the Abyssal Zone. The Euphtic Zone is were there is sunlight for the plankton to survive. The Bathyal Zone is were there is little or no sunlight. The Abyssal Zone is were a fishes with lights on there heads live.
Theirs in the pacific ocean and the Atlantis ocean, Artic ocean, India ocean, and the Gulf of mexico. The animals lives closes to the surface of the ocean is called plankton!! I think about each year the whale migrate down to the southern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are and go up to the nothern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are!! Which means that the whales goes close to the coast of the pacific ocean while they migrating. The 1 zone is where is the plankton are and is normal temperature here. The 2 zone is where a lot of animals are and is little cold. The 3 zone is where theirs no light down their which means that is cold their. Theirs and animal that has a light that actrats prey!!
The euphotic zone gives platon and coral life. The bathysli zone gives wales,sharks,and other mamals life.In the abbyssal zone fish have a speceal light on there head.
the different marine ecosystem are found under water or lakes. mostly under the pacific ocean because it cover most of the earth. the animals that live there are clams, sharks, dolphins, whales, and fish the vegetation is clams shrimp and leftover did you know some fish travel with wales to eat there leftovers that stack on its skin. it is near the equator so I guess that it is very hot and get lots of rain every year.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The euphotic zone gives life to plakton and to coral. The bathysli zone gives mamals life.In the abbyssal zone will give fish a speacial life.
The three zones in the ocean are Euptic zone,Bathyal Zone, and the Abyssal. The Euptic zone is where all the plants are at. Theres also the all the animals from the bottom of the food chain. The Bathyal zone is where theres barely any bright light. The Abyssal zone has no life at all only angler fish live down there.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The Euphotic zone which can give sunlight to some creatures like plankton. The Bathyal zone gets some sun light.Then theres the Abyssal zone has no light at all but animals still live there. One animal that lives there is the angler fish.
There are the tropical marine ecosystems, polar ecosystem, and the temperate ecosystem. In the tropical ecosystem there are many different types of fish and mammals. There are clown fish and puffin and seals and all sorts of different fish. There are manta rays and eels. There is a lot of coral also. In the polar zone there are otters and fish that only live in the subzero temperatures.
The diffrent type of marine ecosystems are the bathysli, euphotic,and the abbyssal. In the bathyal zone there is very little light or no light at all.In the abbysal zone it is always dark, and animals that can produce light live in this zone.And in the Euphotic is were alot of plankton live in and animals who need alot of light to survive.
The zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal. The Euphotic zone has sunlight. It is like the surface of the sea.The Bathyal has a little bit of light. The Abyssal zone is way down under and has no light. Only some animals can live in the Abyssal zone. Animals like the anglerfish.
There are three different types of zones in the Marine Ecosystem, they are Euphotic, Bathyal, and the Abyssal. The euphotic zone can help things in the ocean such as plants and coral life what we call plankton. The abyssal and the bathyal do not really help us but some animals. Such as fish, whales, sharks, ect. The marine ecosystem also holds animals such as fish, ect. The ocean holds predators and preys. What I mean is that there is a food chain that concerns fish. Really fish are eating their neighbors. So if you think that it is unusual for fish to at other fish, it isn't. Well sharks think that anything that is not their kind they will eat. And anything that is bleeding is the sharks breakfast, luch, and dinner.
They have the intertidal zone which has all of the rocks, sandy beaches, estuaries, mangrove swamps, and coral reefs. It has a cool climate because it is mostly on shore. Then theres the neritic zone that is the relatively shallow ocean that extends to the edge of the continental shelf. It has a cool water climate. Then there is the oceanic zone, this zone is located over the ocean basins. Its climate gets a little colder than the neritic zone. Then there is the euphoitic zone which holds many plankton and fish. Then the bathyal zone has little or no light that is very cold because of its elevation. Finally is the abyssal zone with no light at all and is under 10,000 feet and can support few life forms.
There are three zones in the oceans euphotc, bathysli, and the abbysal zoness. In euphotic zones there is always light and there is always live plankton. In the bathyal zone there is not that much light or there is no light at all. In the abbysal zone there is no light at the ocean. In the euphotic zone there is a lot of light for plankton and for animals to survive.
There is a thing called the marine ecosystem. Theres the euphotic has tiny animals called plantic. Bathyal zone has little lite or none. Abysal zone has no sunlight at all the pressure all the way down there is very thin. These are all three.
The different zones euphothic, bathytal,abyssal, and lots of otherzones. There are over 200,000 kids of sea creatures in the sea. Euphothic zone is the very top part of the sea and that is where planktons live. Bathytal zone is in the middle of the ocean and has little or no light but has alot of coral. Abyssal zone is the part of the ocean that is very deep it goes down to 6000 meters. It is where the angler fish lives in and it uses its light to hunt prey. Freaky!!
The different zones of the marine ecosystems are oceanic zones,intertidal zones, euphoric zones,neritic zones, abyssal zones,an the bathyal zones. The tropical community are features like the coral reef. In the coral reef there are fishes like the clown fish,flounders,seahorses,angel fishes,octopus,starfish, and rays. They live here because they have completely adapted to the pressure, temperature, and the light they get.There are seagrass, seaweed coral, and kelp grass. The climate in the the intertidal zone is that the temperature is cool, also the temperature is 62 *F and the humidity is 72%. Here is the climate in the intertidal zone.
The marine ecosystem has species from tiny animals to large animals. There are plankton, whales, and seals. Marine ecosystem require light and nutrients to produce food and energy.Marine which is water covers 2/3 of the surface of earth. Oceans largest ecosystems. You can find canyons and open water. Euphotic it can get enough sun light to have small animals named plankton and other kinds. Bathyal zone gets little sun light or none. Abyssal get no sunlight at all. The pressure down there can squish you. Benthic habitat is the surface of the floor. At different deft of the sea floor there are different types of animals and plants.
There are 3 different zones of the marine ecosystem there are Euphoric, Bathyal, and Abyssal.The Euphoric some is where most or all of the sunlight is for the plants around that area called plankton they are very hard to see but the sunlight helps them grow, they are a very big part of the food chain.In the Bathyal zone is where there is little or no sunlight.Then next zone is called the Abyssal zone it has no sunlight and that is the way deepest part of the ocean and the water pressure is so rough it's enough too turn you into a smooth piece.At different places in the ocean there are different fish in each zone.
There is euphotic, bathtysil, abbyssal. Each zone has diffrent climates and animals. Euphotic zones get enough sunlight to support animals like planktons. There is no sunlight in the abbyssal zone that can go down to 6,000 meters. The pressure down there is enough to turn you into a smooth person. ALL of these zones support diffrent typesd of sea life.
The three zones are euphotic, abyssal, and bathsal. They have different amounts of light and animals. Some have a lot of light and some have little or none. Some have whales and some have sharks.
There are a lot of different zones. Euphotic zones get enough sunlight to support animals like plankton. The bathyal zone hardly gets no sunlight. There is no sunlight in the abyssal zone which can go down to 6,000 meters. The pressure down there is enough to turn you into a smooth person. All of these zones support different types of sea life.
One of the zones are euphotic and the plankton lives there. There is also Bathyal is the middle of the ocean with no light. There is also Abyssol there is no sun light down there. In each marrine zone there is a diferent type of animal or fish. Coral Reefs look like rocks but they eat other type of fish.
The type of marine ecosystem is only water. There are three marine ecosystem 1(euphotic) [carry small animals plankton], 2(bathyal) 3(abyssal) [the pressure down there can kill you]. Different kinds of animals live there. Crabs, sharks, angler, whales, and more.
Larges eco system. Canyon coral reef, (they are skeleton of fish), ECT. Emphatic has plankton living. In it Bathyal has almost no life or little. Abyssal has no light can kill you.
One is the euphotic and plankton live in the euphotic. In the bathyal there is not that much light. In the abyssal there is not any light but there is still life. There is different life in different place's.
There are three types of marine ecosystem zones and they are erphotic, bathysli, abbyssal.In the erphotic zone there are under water plants like coral and sea weed.There were also other animals such as planton. In the abbyssal zone there are not many fish because there is no light down there.One example of a fish that lives in the abbysal zone is the angler fish.
There are 3 different oceanic zones. The 3 zones are neritic zone, oceanic zone, andthe abyssal zone. The abyssal zone is very deep and the pressure is very strong but there is still life there. In different depths of the ocean there are different types of animals. Fish are classified into to groups fish with jaws and fish without jaws.
There are 3 different zones in the ocean.The Euphothic zone is where plankton live. The bathyal zone and has little or no light and has alot of plants like coral. The abyssal is the deepest layer. The angler fish are down there and the pressure would smush us.-Ashley C
There are three zones, the Euphotic Zones, Bathyal Zones, and the Abyssal Zones. Euphotic Zones support plankton and other marine life. Bathyal Zones receive little or no light. Abyssal Zones receive no light. Angler fish live in Abyssal Zones. They have a special light to see. These are the three marine zones.
Marine ecosystems have three different zones. The euphotic where most plankton is, even though you can't see them. They are an important part of the food chain. The bathyal is the zone in the middle of the ocean. The Abyssal zone is pitch black. There is 21,000 types of fish (I think!) fish are classiefied by fish with jaws and fish without jaws.
Some places have arctic animals and others and others have different and changing animals.The tropical community are features like the coral reef. In the coral reef there are fishes like the clown fish,flounders,seahorses,angel fishes,octopus,starfish, and rays. They live here because they have completely adapted to the pressure, temperature, and the light they get. There is the large marine eco system, watershed bounds, and political boundaries.
They have different climates. Some places have arctic animals and others and others have different and changing amimals. They can die if they don't live in the right place were the right climate is for them. Some animals in places change from time to time because of weather. I think we shouldn't have zoos because we are not leting some animals live like there supose to.
There are three types of marine ecosystem zones and they are erphotic, bathysli, abbyssal.In the erphotic zone there are under water plants like coral and sea weed.There were also other animals such as planton. In the abbyssal zone there are not many fish because there is no light down there.One example of a fish that lives in the abbysal zone is the angler fish.
There are four different zones. Three of them are euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal. The euphotic get enough light to support plankton and is about 100 meters deep. The Bathyal zone get less light,and goes from 100 to 3300 meters. . The abyssal zone get no light and can go as 6000 meters deep. The marine ecosystem has canyons, trenches, coral reefs, mountains, shelves, and open water.The marine ecosystem consumes 70% of the Earth. Different animals live at different depths.There are two types of fish, jawed and no jaw.
The marine ecosystem that i chosse is the four different zones in the ocean. The Euphotic and Benthtic zones get enough sun light to keep plankton alive. There is coral too. The next zone is the Bathyal zone which gets some sun light. Then theres the Abyssal zone that has no light at all but theres still life there. One animal that lives there is the angler Angler fish live in Abyssal Zones. They have a special light to see. These are the three marine zones. fish.It is usally really cold and windy.The Baythal has few lite.that is the Marine Ecosystem that I Chosse.
The rainforest,in this biome it is usually hot but it gets lots of rainfall.The vegetation of this biome is fruit.The animals there are monkeys and some we might not even know of.The geography is near the equater.
The marine ecosystems have three zones. The euphotic ,bathyal, and Abyssal zones. The animals that they have is plankton, lots of fish. I think that the lower it is the darker it gets. I think that the abyssal zone is the darkest. That's what I think about the marine ecosystem.
On Marian ecosystem is the Atlantic Ocean. It contains a chain of under water volcanoes that can burst at any time. In this kind of ecosystem, it is really hard to survive in a very harsh place like that. Unfortunaly the gases contain a bacteria that crabs and shrimp love to eat. it is also filled with tube worms that release the bacteria.
The different types of marine zones are:Inter tidal zones which are Etholik zone which can support plankton, Bathicul and the Habituals zone. In the ocean there are two types of fish, jawed and no jawone supports coral reefs, underwater canyons and etc.In the ephotic there is coral reefs underground mountain ranges and trenches.A coral reef is made of mostly hard shelled animals and animals. Different Sea animals live in different zoned of the sea.
The four different zones are: euphotic, bathyal, abyssal and benthic zones. The euphotic and benthtic zones get sun to keep animals like plankton alive. The bathyal zone gets a little bit of sun. Last, ther is abyssal zone and it gets no sun but still things can live there. The ecosystem has many different ways of living.
There are three zones, the Euphotic Zones, Bathyal Zones, and the Abyssal Zones. Euphotic Zones support plankton and other marine life. Bathyal Zones receive little or no light. Abyssal Zones receive no light. Angler fish live in Abyssal Zones. They have a special light to see. These are the three marine zones.
Well in the alantic ocean there not much animals withe 4 legs.Only the animals there are fishes.It's sometimes there are rains,and sunlight.The alntic ocean is near the southern of erasia and north of the us.And fishes eat other fishes,coral,seaweed and others more I can't think of right now. emily
The marine ecosystem is the ecosystem underwater. The kind of things that are under the ocean are like diffrent plants and diffrent animals. The animals in the ocean have to live in water or else they die. That is what marine ecosystem is.
Theirs in the pacific ocean and the Atlantis ocean, Artic ocean, India ocean, and the Gulf of mexico. The animals lives closes to the surface of the ocean is called plankton!! I think about each year the whale migrate down to the southern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are and go up to the nothern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are!! Which means that the whales goes close to the coast of the pacific ocean while they migrating. The 1 zone is where is the plankton are and is normal temperature here. The 2 zone is where a lot of animals are and is little cold. The 3 zone is where theirs no light down their which means that is cold their. Theirs and animal that has a light that actrats prey!!
The three different zones in the ocean are the euphotic,bathyal zone,and the abyssal. The euphotic is where you could find plantons are but if you look at them you can see them well.The bathyal zone has little or no light and has alot of plants.The abyssal zone is the deepest layer.There's all kind of fish in the ocean that you could get.
There are three zones which are the Euphotic zones, Bathyal zones, and the Abyssal zones. The Euphotic zone is were plankton lives. The Bathyal zone has little light or no light at all. It also has allot of plants like coral. The Abyssal zone is the depest layer.
There is mountains in the bottom of the ocean like the surface. The eupotic zone has sunlight and has life like plangton down there. Bathyal zone has no sunlight. Finally Abyssal zone is a bottomless trench. Different animals live in different zones.
The three different zones are Plankton there you get 100 meters of water. The other one is Bathyal that get a little light. The last one is Abyssal is the deppest layer. Different animals live in different zones. I DONT LIKE THIS!!!
The different zones if the marine ecosystem are: euphotic zone ,Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone.The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places . The vegetation there are there are no vegetation there.
There are three types of zones the Ephotic, the abyssal, and the bathyal. There are different types of animals living in each zone. The geography has coral reefs, mountains, and deep dark trenches. The food chain is big fish eats medium fish and medium fish eats the little fishy. The Ephotic zone is the lighter kind of zone. The abyssal zone is the darkest zone. The bathyal is not that dark of a zone.
In the rain forest the climate is a lot of rain and it is humid,the vegetation is green grass,the animals are from monkeys to birds,and the geography is topics.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places.
The 3 different zones are the euphoric,bathyal, and abyssal zones. There are different types of animals living in each zone. The geography has coral reefs, mountains, and deep dark trenches. The food chain is big fish eats medium fish and medium fish eats the little fishy. The euphoric zone is the lighter kind of zone. The abyssal zone is the darkest zone. The bathyal is not that dark of a zone.
The diffrent zones are: euphoric, bathyal,abyssal and benthic.The animals that exist in each zone are a lot.It takes up 75% of Earth. There is mostly fish to eat there.It has deep canyons.
I like the Blowfish. Because when it gets scared it blows up. And it has spikes on it.And it is a circular fish. And it likes to eat on other smaller fish.
The diffrent zones are:euqhoric,bathyal,abyssal and bethic.The animal that exist in each Zone are a lot.It takes up 75% of earth.There is mostly fish to eat there.It has deep canyons.
The different types of marine zones are:Inter tidal zones which are Etholik zone which can support plankton, Bathicul and the Habituals zone. In the ocean there are two types of fish, jawed and no jawone supports coral reefs, underwater canyons and etc.In the ephotic there is coral reefs underground mountain ranges and trenches.A coral reef is made of mostly hard shelled animals and animals. Different Sea animals live in different zoned of the sea.
The diffrent zones are euqhoric, bathyal,abyssal and bethic. In each one has diferent things. One thing is that the ocean cavers mistly all of the earth. It covers about 75% of the earth. Thier are many animLS THAT LIVE IN THE OCEAN.
there are three different kinds of zones,they are Euphoric zone,bathyal zone,and the abyssal zone.There are different kinds of animals in each zone.One thing is that the ocean covers mostly all of the earth.It covers about 75% of the earth.The
The three different zones are the Euphoric,Bathyal,and the Abyssal zones.There are diffrent animals that are ibn each zone.The climate in each zone is usualy cold.I dont know the geography though.
The three different zones are The Euphoric, Bathyal, and the Abyssal. The Euphoric Zone is very warm, the Bathyal is very cool and also warm. The Abyssal zone is freezing.
The three zones of the marine ecosystem are:Euphoric and the bathyal zones.The euphoric zone's climate is usually cold or warm every year.the animals that live in the euphoric zone are usally small fish. The bathyal zone is deeper in the water most bigger fish live there like sharks,tuna and other bigger fish.the climate of the zones are warm and a clod breeze.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The euphotic zone gives life to plakton and to coral. The bathysli zone gives mamals life.In the abbyssal zone will give fish a speacial life.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places. The bathyal zone is deeper in the water most bigger fish live there like sharks,tuna and other bigger fish.the climate of the zones are warm and a clod breeze.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places. The bathyal zone is deeper in the water most bigger fish live there like sharks,tuna and other bigger fish.the climate of the zones are warm and a clod breeze.
there are three different zone in the ocean. there is the euphoric zone the bathyal zone. and the abyssal zone. the euphoric zone is where the surface is and where little fish are. the climate is really cold going further down into the ocean.
What three kind of zone in the ecosystem is euphoric zone, abyssal zone, and the bathyal zone. There are fish, sharks, dolphins, and plankton. The vegetation is grass and animals eat each other. The climate in each zone is pretty much really cold there.
The euphotic zone gives platon and coral life. The bathysli zone gives wales,sharks,and other mamals life.In the abbyssal zone fish have a speceal light on there head.The abbyssal zone gets barly any light.The bathysli gets light. The euphotice zone gets alot of sun light
They have different climates. Some places have arctic animals and others and others have different and changing amimals. There is the large marine eco system, watershed bounds, and political boundaries. Some animals in places change from time to time because of weather. Places have big animals, small animals, and sometimes both.
The rainforest,in this biome it is usually hot but it gets lots of rainfall.The vegetation of this biome is fruit.The animals there are monkeys and some we might not even know of.The geography is near the equater.
there are euphotic,bathyal, abyssal. There are plankonton, there are a little life down in the bathyal. But there is no life in the abyssal life.
The Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal are the marine ecosystems. In the Euphotic marine plankton and fish and sharks live there. The whales and other fish live in the Bathyal ecosystems. In the Abyssal marine ecosystem there are lantern fish.
One zone is the Euphotic zone which can give sunlight to some creatures like plankton, another is the Bathyal zone which give little or no light, and the third zone is Abyssal which has no sunlight . The underwater geography has coral, sandy plains, and canyons, also mountains. More than 21 thousand types of fish live underwater. The climate is humid.
The different types of marine zones are:Inter tidal zones which are Ethotic zone which can support plankton, Bathiul and the Habituals zone. The ocean zone supports coral reefs, underwater canyons and etc. Different zones support different fish life. Just like you wont find a polar bear in the desert. In each zone there is a different amount of light.
Euohotic has things called planton.Bathyal and Abyssal are the other zones.The goegraphy down in the sea are canyons, a coral reef, and open water.You are going to find diffrent animals at diffrent zones.There are 21,000 diffrent kinds of fish.they break up fish into two diffrent groups.They are fish with jaws and teeth and fish without a jaw or teeth.
the euphoytic zone from the surface down to a 100 feet or so and gets alot of sun lite. The baythal zone has not alot of sun lite. The abbysal zone has no sun lite and the abbysal zone has absoloutly no sun.And has really cool animals. Coral reafs has been homes to manyanimal like starfish eals and well coral it is the rain forest of the sea. The different levels of the sea have different animals even i knew that i did not have to watch that vedio or you can just watch finding nemo hello.So any ways thre are more than 20,00 known spieces of fish like my sister she is fish.
The geography in the Marine Ecosystem are deep canyons, sandy plains, and more. The four different zones are Euphoric, Bathyal and Abyssal. The Euphoric zone, the animals are little creatures called "Planktons". Different animals live in different depths.
Different zones of the marine: Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal, and Benthtic. Those are the 4 zones of the marine ecosystem. Some animals in the Benthetic and Euphotic zone are rockfish, eels, starfish, lobsters, etc. Vegetation in the Euphotic and Benthetic is like corals, anemone, and seaweed. In bathyal, vegetation and animals consist of, sharks, whales, and maybe even some turtles. There is also some seaweed there too. But, in the abyssal zone, there are no plants because it is too dark, but there are still animals. Animals that live there are like the anglerfish. Climate can be hot or cold depending on the zone if it's higher or not. This is what I think.
One of the zones in the marine ecosystem is the Euphotic system. It gets enough sunlight to support small animals called plankton. In the ocean there are canyons, open water, sandy plains, and mountains. There are more than 1,000 types of animals in the ocean. You will find differnet species of animals in different zones. The animals are seperated by different parts. One group is the fishes with jaws. The other one is without jaws. There are four different zones in the ocean but I forgot them.
There are four different zones. There is deep canyons, coral reef, open water, and stretches. There is the Euphotic zone has sunlight and plankton. The Bathyal zone has little or no light. In the Abyssal there is no light. The pressure down there is very tight. You find different fish at different levels of the sea. At the bottom of the sea there are fish that have light on their head to attract their prey because it's so dark down there.
The four different zones in the ocean. The Euphotic and Benthtic zones get enough sun light to keep plankton alive. There is coral too. The next zone is the Bathyal zone which gets some sun light. Then theres the Abyssal zone that has no light at all but theres still life there. One animal that lives there is the angler fish.
In the euphotic there is coral reefs underground mountain ranges and trenches.A coral reef is made of mostly hard shelled animals and anemanies. Different Sea animals live in different zonesd of the sea.
There are 3 ecosystems one of them is called the Euphoic, Bathyal, and Abbyssal. Diffrent animals live in diffrent ecosystems that means they live in dirrent levles. In the Euphic zone there are muontains deep cayons and more. In Bathyal there is enough sunlight for little animals called planton to live there. In Abbyssal there is no sun, it is just dark. Some animals have a little light hangging from there heads and that atracts pray. Some animals have jaws and some don't. Also some animals have skellitons like the eel and some have bones like fish.
In the bottom of the ocean it is like the top. It has mountains, cliffs, and plants.It also has different depths.The depths are euphotic zone it has sun light.The Bathyal zone has little or no sun light and finally the Abyssal zone it has no sun light what so ever.
There are three types of ecosystems euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal. Plankton, small fish, tuna, whales, and sharks in different ecosystems. I never knew the ocean was so full.
There are four different zones. Three of them are euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal. The euphotic get enough light to support plankton and is about 100 meters deep. The Bathyal zone get less light,and goes from 100 to 3300 meters. . The abyssal zone get no light and can go as 6000 meters deep. The marine ecosystem has canyons, trenches, coral reefs, mountains, shelves, and open water.The marine ecosystem consumes 70% of the Earth. Different animals live at different depths.There are two types of fish, jawed and no jaw
The different types of zones are the Euphotic zone sharks can be found here And the vegetation that can be found here is smaller fish and plankton.the second zone is the Bathyal zone whales can be found here and the type of vegetation that can be found here is krill for the whales, the climate would be most likely warm in all the zones.The next zone Abyssal the lantern fish can be found here the vegetation would be saller fish.
The different zones of the ecosystem are Euphotic zone, the Bathyal zone, and the Abyssal zone. Euphotic zone has plankton and coral reefs. The Bathyal zone has whales, and some coral reefs live inthat zone.The Abyssal zone has fish with light on their heads and no plant life lives their. The climate for the Euphotic zone is warm water. The climate for the Bathyal zone is temperate. The climate for the Abyssal zone is cold.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are the euphotic zone, bathyal zone, and the abyssal zone. The animals that exist in the euphotic zone are flying fishes, moray eels, sea cucumber, cleaner wrasse, banded sea snake, ocean sunfish, and many more. The animals that exist in the bathyal zone are hatchetfish, Deep-sea anglerfish, oarfish, Squid, viperfish and many more. The animal that exist in the abyssal zone are anglerfish, deep-sea jellyfish, deep-sea shrimp , abyssal sea cucumbers, and many more.
The four different zones are: euphotic, bathyal, abyssal and benthic zones. Different animals live at different zones. There are 21,000 known species. The euphotic and benthtic zones get sun to keep animals like plankton alive. The bathyal zone gets a little bit of sun. Last, ther is abyssal zone and it gets no sun but still things can live there. The ecosystem has many different ways of living.
The three different zones in the marine ecosystem, Ethotic, Bathial and the Habituals. In the ethotic zone there is sunlight to support little animals. In the bathial there is little light but animals still survive. In the habitual zone there is almost no light but animals have techniques to survive. One animal has a little light on it's head to attract food.
The four different zones of the marine ecosystem are: Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. Euphotic might have sun and the other zones may not. The climate might be dry and a little humid. Different animals live in different zones. I think there are all kinds of different animals in each zone but not any in specific. The vegetation might be plants. The underwater geography has coral, sandy plains, and canyons, and mountains. Possibly more than 21 thousand types of fish live underwater.
There are diferent types of zones. They are Euphotic,Bathyal,and Abyssal. The Euphotic has sunlight and plankton. The Bathyal has a few light. The Abyssal has no light. There are diffrent sea animals that live in the different types of zones in the sea.
The different zones of marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal.Eupohtic has the most light of all three and the most animal life.Like eels,whale,and clown fish.The Bathyal has very little light it has some life but because of its atmposhere it does not havethe same animals as Euphotic.It has squid,oarfish,and anglerfish.Abbysal has absoutley no light but although it has no light there it still has animal life.Like shrimp,jellyfish,and sea cucumber.
The geography in the ocean is just the same as on the surface. Like sandy plains, mountains, trenches, and much more. There are three different levels in the ocean, The three levels are Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal, and each of these levels have different life living there. Euphotic have tiny plants and animals called plankton this level gets a lot of sunlight. Bathyal have whales and other fish living there and it gets little sunlight. Abyssal have lantern fish that has a light on its head that a tracks prey. Those are the marine ecosystem.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal. The animals that live in the Euphotic zone are sharks, plankton, and very small fish. The animals that live in the Bathyal are humpback whale, and tuna. The animals that live in the Abyssal zone are fish that have a glowing light on their entena to atrack their pray. The climate for the Euphotic is that the Euphotic zone has lots of sun light. The the climate for the Bathyal that the Bathyal zone has only a little bit of sun light. The climate for the Abyssal is that the Abyssal doesn't have any light at all.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal. The animals that live in the Euphotic zone are sharks, plankton, and very small fish. The animals that live in the Bathyal are humpback whale, and tuna. The animals that live in the Abyssal zone are fish that have a glowing light on their entena to atrack their pray. The climate for the Euphotic is that the Euphotic zone has lots of sun light. The the climate for the Bathyal that the Bathyal zone has only a little bit of sun light. The climate for the Abyssal is that the Abyssal doesn't have any light at all.
The Euphotic zone gives life to coral and Plantation and smaller fish. The Bthyal zone gets little light and gives life to big mammals like whales. The Abyssal zone fish need special lights to live because there is no light. The Euphotic has a much hotter climate then Abyssal and Bthyal. The Bthyal has a middle climate between Abyssal and Euphotic. The Abyssal has a very cold climate and is colder then Bthyal.
In the bottom of the ocean it is like the top. It has mountains, cliffs, and plants.It also has different depths.The depths are euphoric zone it has sun light.The Bathyal zone has little or no sun light and finally the Abyssal zone it has no sun light what so ever.
The abyssal has a very cold climate and is colder then bythyal.The BYthyal has a middle climate between byssal and Euphotic.The Abyssal zone fish need special light to live because there is no light.The Euphotic gives life to coral and Plantation and smaller fish. The Bythyal zone gets little light and gives life to big mammals like whales.
I like the Blowfish. Because when it gets scared it blows up. And it has spikes on it.
the marine animals and vegation is very different from are animal and plant.the marine life has fish,dolphine has whales and more creatures that we had not heard about.In land we have dogs ,cats , and elephant and more we had not heard about.
The Euphotic zone has energy to give life to coral, and fish. The Abyssal zone has fish that are predators with light in there antenna, live to haunt their prey. Without there light, they die or can't see. The Bthyal zone receives little or no sunlight.
The different zones in are planet are vegetation, and others. The animals that are different are or live in the ocean are star fish lobster and crab.
One zone is the Euphtic Zone. There is enough light for any animal to live down there. The types of animals are crabs and eals. Another zone is the Bathyal Zone. It has little life which means hardly any animal lives there. Another zone is the Abyssal Zone. The Abyssal Zone has NO light at all. So only fish or other animals that have light attached to their body can live there.
T he different zones are Euphoticzone,bathyal zone,and lastly the Abyssal zone.there is little animals there called plankton that is inEuphotic zone .The next one was where there was little life but that is in the bathyal.The last one is where there is no lightbut that one is called abyssal.
The diffrent zones are the marine ecosystem are euphotic,bathyal,and abyssal. The animals that live in Abassal are the fish that have the glowing lights becuase there is no light under there. Then animals that live in the Euphotic zone are sharks amd plankton. And the animals that live in the Bathyal zone are the humpback whales. The climate in the Abyssal zone is so hot it can turn you in to paste.
The different zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal.There are different animals in the Euphotic zone sharks, plankton, and small fish. In the Bathyal there are whales, and tuna. Animals from the Abyssal zone are the Angler. The climate in the Euphotic is a zone that has lots of sun light. The the climate for the Bathyal is only a little bit of sun light. The climate for the Abyssal is that it doesn't have any light at all.
On Marian ecosystem is the Atlantic Ocean. It contains a chain of under water volcanoes that can burst at any time. In this kind of ecosystem, it is really hard to survive in a very harsh place like that. Unfortunaly the gases contain a bacteria that crabs and shrimp love to eat. it is also filled with tube worms that release the bacteria. When the volcano dies, all life dies of move to another place.
In the marine ecosystem there is many types of sea animals like sharks whales many animals that lie on the bottom of the ocean is still unknown and many other types of fish that aren't discovered. In the marine ecosystem. There are food sources like sharks would mostly eat anything and whales eat smaller fish then itself and there is no other fish bigger then the whale except for one the megalodon its an ancient shark people don't really know how it looks like but it's tooth was found. The marine ecosystem has 21 thousand species that eater by a bigger then eaten by another bigger fish then another bigger fish. In the ecosystem has 3 types of climate it starts with euphotic, Bathyal, and abyssal. In the euphotic there is sunny light for animals and in the bathyal there less sunlight and in the abyssal there is no light.
There are rivers lakes and the bigesst puddle the sea.There are fish shark plankton and many more.The vegetation that is under water are fish. In the ocean the climate is cold but if you are in for a long time you think that it is warm. If you go deep deep down to the sea your ear starts to hurt because of all the pressure hitting you on your body. And it starts to get colder and colder every minute.
There are three types of underwater habitats.Euphotic which is close to the sunlight and surrports creatures such as plankton. Bythyal is in the middle. It has little or no sunlight and supports life such as whales.Abyssal has no life at all.Angler fish live down there. THey have a special light on them to attract prey.Abyssal has enough pressure to turn into a paste. In coral reefs you can find an abundance of. Many different kinds of fish live there.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The Euphotic zone which can give sunlight to some creatures like plankton. The Bathyal zone which gets some sun light.Then theres the Abyssal zone that has no light at all but theres still life there. One animal that lives there is the angler fish.
♥The three zones in the ocean are the Euphtic Zone,Bathyal Zone, and the Abyssal Zone. The Euphtic Zone is were there is sunlight for the plankton to survive. The Bathyal Zone is were there is little or no sunlight. The Abyssal Zone is were a fishes with lights on there heads live.
Theirs in the pacific ocean and the Atlantis ocean, Artic ocean, India ocean, and the Gulf of mexico. The animals lives closes to the surface of the ocean is called plankton!! I think about each year the whale migrate down to the southern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are and go up to the nothern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are!! Which means that the whales goes close to the coast of the pacific ocean while they migrating. The 1 zone is where is the plankton are and is normal temperature here. The 2 zone is where a lot of animals are and is little cold. The 3 zone is where theirs no light down their which means that is cold their. Theirs and animal that has a light that actrats prey!!
The euphotic zone gives platon and coral life. The bathysli zone gives wales,sharks,and other mamals life.In the abbyssal zone fish have a speceal light on there head.
the different marine ecosystem are found under water or lakes. mostly under the pacific ocean because it cover most of the earth. the animals that live there are clams, sharks, dolphins, whales, and fish the vegetation is clams shrimp and leftover did you know some fish travel with wales to eat there leftovers that stack on its skin. it is near the equator so I guess that it is very hot and get lots of rain every year.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The euphotic zone gives life to plakton and to coral. The bathysli zone gives mamals life.In the abbyssal zone will give fish a speacial life.
The three zones in the ocean are Euptic zone,Bathyal Zone, and the Abyssal. The Euptic zone is where all the plants are at. Theres also the all the animals from the bottom of the food chain. The Bathyal zone is where theres barely any bright light. The Abyssal zone has no life at all only angler fish live down there.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The Euphotic zone which can give sunlight to some creatures like plankton. The Bathyal zone gets some sun light.Then theres the Abyssal zone has no light at all but animals still live there. One animal that lives there is the angler fish.
There are the tropical marine ecosystems, polar ecosystem, and the temperate ecosystem. In the tropical ecosystem there are many different types of fish and mammals. There are clown fish and puffin and seals and all sorts of different fish. There are manta rays and eels. There is a lot of coral also. In the polar zone there are otters and fish that only live in the subzero temperatures.
The diffrent type of marine ecosystems are the bathysli, euphotic,and the abbyssal. In the bathyal zone there is very little light or no light at all.In the abbysal zone it is always dark, and animals that can produce light live in this zone.And in the Euphotic is were alot of plankton live in and animals who need alot of light to survive.
The zones of the marine ecosystem are Euphotic, Bathyal, and Abyssal. The Euphotic zone has sunlight. It is like the surface of the sea.The Bathyal has a little bit of light. The Abyssal zone is way down under and has no light. Only some animals can live in the Abyssal zone. Animals like the anglerfish.
There are three different types of zones in the Marine Ecosystem, they are Euphotic, Bathyal, and the Abyssal. The euphotic zone can help things in the ocean such as plants and coral life what we call plankton. The abyssal and the bathyal do not really help us but some animals. Such as fish, whales, sharks, ect. The marine ecosystem also holds animals such as fish, ect. The ocean holds predators and preys. What I mean is that there is a food chain that concerns fish. Really fish are eating their neighbors. So if you think that it is unusual for fish to at other fish, it isn't. Well sharks think that anything that is not their kind they will eat. And anything that is bleeding is the sharks breakfast, luch, and dinner.
They have the intertidal zone which has all of the rocks, sandy beaches, estuaries, mangrove swamps, and coral reefs. It has a cool climate because it is mostly on shore. Then theres the neritic zone that is the relatively shallow ocean that extends to the edge of the continental shelf. It has a cool water climate. Then there is the oceanic zone, this zone is located over the ocean basins. Its climate gets a little colder than the neritic zone. Then there is the euphoitic zone which holds many plankton and fish. Then the bathyal zone has little or no light that is very cold because of its elevation. Finally is the abyssal zone with no light at all and is under 10,000 feet and can support few life forms.
There are three zones in the oceans euphotc, bathysli, and the abbysal zoness. In euphotic zones there is always light and there is always live plankton. In the bathyal zone there is not that much light or there is no light at all. In the abbysal zone there is no light at the ocean. In the euphotic zone there is a lot of light for plankton and for animals to survive.
There is a thing called the marine ecosystem. Theres the euphotic has tiny animals called plantic. Bathyal zone has little lite or none. Abysal zone has no sunlight at all the pressure all the way down there is very thin. These are all three.
The different zones euphothic, bathytal,abyssal, and lots of otherzones. There are over 200,000 kids of sea creatures in the sea. Euphothic zone is the very top part of the sea and that is where planktons live. Bathytal zone is in the middle of the ocean and has little or no light but has alot of coral. Abyssal zone is the part of the ocean that is very deep it goes down to 6000 meters. It is where the angler fish lives in and it uses its light to hunt prey. Freaky!!
The different zones of the marine ecosystems are oceanic zones,intertidal zones, euphoric zones,neritic zones, abyssal zones,an the bathyal zones. The tropical community are features like the coral reef. In the coral reef there are fishes like the clown fish,flounders,seahorses,angel fishes,octopus,starfish, and rays. They live here because they have completely adapted to the pressure, temperature, and the light they get.There are seagrass, seaweed coral, and kelp grass. The climate in the the intertidal zone is that the temperature is cool, also the temperature is 62 *F and the humidity is 72%. Here is the climate in the intertidal zone.
The marine ecosystem has species from tiny animals to large animals. There are plankton, whales, and seals. Marine ecosystem require light and nutrients to produce food and energy.Marine which is water covers 2/3 of the surface of earth. Oceans largest ecosystems. You can find canyons and open water. Euphotic it can get enough sun light to have small animals named plankton and other kinds. Bathyal zone gets little sun light or none. Abyssal get no sunlight at all. The pressure down there can squish you. Benthic habitat is the surface of the floor. At different deft of the sea floor there are different types of animals and plants.
There are 3 different zones of the marine ecosystem there are Euphoric, Bathyal, and Abyssal.The Euphoric some is where most or all of the sunlight is for the plants around that area called plankton they are very hard to see but the sunlight helps them grow, they are a very big part of the food chain.In the Bathyal zone is where there is little or no sunlight.Then next zone is called the Abyssal zone it has no sunlight and that is the way deepest part of the ocean and the water pressure is so rough it's enough too turn you into a smooth piece.At different places in the ocean there are different fish in each zone.
There is euphotic, bathtysil, abbyssal. Each zone has diffrent climates and animals. Euphotic zones get enough sunlight to support animals like planktons. There is no sunlight in the abbyssal zone that can go down to 6,000 meters. The pressure down there is enough to turn you into a smooth person. ALL of these zones support diffrent typesd of sea life.
The three zones are euphotic, abyssal, and bathsal. They have different amounts of light and animals. Some have a lot of light and some have little or none. Some have whales and some have sharks.
There are a lot of different zones. Euphotic zones get enough sunlight to support animals like plankton. The bathyal zone hardly gets no sunlight. There is no sunlight in the abyssal zone which can go down to 6,000 meters. The pressure down there is enough to turn you into a smooth person. All of these zones support different types of sea life.
One of the zones are euphotic and the plankton lives there. There is also Bathyal is the middle of the ocean with no light. There is also Abyssol there is no sun light down there. In each marrine zone there is a diferent type of animal or fish. Coral Reefs look like rocks but they eat other type of fish.
The type of marine ecosystem is only water. There are three marine ecosystem 1(euphotic) [carry small animals plankton], 2(bathyal) 3(abyssal) [the pressure down there can kill you]. Different kinds of animals live there. Crabs, sharks, angler, whales, and more.
Larges eco system. Canyon coral reef, (they are skeleton of fish), ECT. Emphatic has plankton living. In it Bathyal has almost no life or little. Abyssal has no light can kill you.
One is the euphotic and plankton live in the euphotic. In the bathyal there is not that much light. In the abyssal there is not any light but there is still life. There is different life in different place's.
There are three types of marine ecosystem zones and they are erphotic, bathysli, abbyssal.In the erphotic zone there are under water plants like coral and sea weed.There were also other animals such as planton. In the abbyssal zone there are not many fish because there is no light down there.One example of a fish that lives in the abbysal zone is the angler fish.
There are 3 different oceanic zones.
The 3 zones are neritic zone, oceanic zone, andthe abyssal zone. The abyssal zone is very deep and the pressure is very strong but there is still life there. In different depths of the ocean there are different types of animals. Fish are classified into to groups fish with jaws and fish without jaws.
There are 3 different zones in the ocean.The Euphothic zone is where plankton live. The bathyal zone and has little or no light and has alot of plants like coral. The abyssal is the deepest layer. The angler fish are down there and the pressure would smush us.-Ashley C
There are three zones, the Euphotic Zones, Bathyal Zones, and the Abyssal Zones.
Euphotic Zones support plankton and other marine life. Bathyal Zones receive little or no light. Abyssal Zones receive no light. Angler fish live in Abyssal Zones. They have a special light to see. These are the three marine zones.
Marine ecosystems have three different zones. The euphotic where most plankton is, even though you can't see them. They are an important part of the food chain. The bathyal is the zone in the middle of the ocean. The Abyssal zone is pitch black. There is 21,000 types of fish (I think!) fish are classiefied by fish with jaws and fish without jaws.
Some places have arctic animals and others and others have different and changing animals.The tropical community are features like the coral reef. In the coral reef there are fishes like the clown fish,flounders,seahorses,angel fishes,octopus,starfish, and rays. They live here because they have completely adapted to the pressure, temperature, and the light they get. There is the large marine eco system, watershed bounds, and political boundaries.
They have different climates. Some places have arctic animals and others and others have different and changing amimals. They can die if they don't live in the right place were the right climate is for them. Some animals in places change from time to time because of weather. I think we shouldn't have zoos because we are not leting some animals live like there supose to.
There are three types of marine ecosystem zones and they are erphotic, bathysli, abbyssal.In the erphotic zone there are under water plants like coral and sea weed.There were also other animals such as planton. In the abbyssal zone there are not many fish because there is no light down there.One example of a fish that lives in the abbysal zone is the angler fish.
There are four different zones. Three of them are euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal. The euphotic get enough light to support plankton and is about 100 meters deep. The Bathyal zone get less light,and goes from 100 to 3300 meters. . The abyssal zone get no light and can go as 6000 meters deep. The marine ecosystem has canyons, trenches, coral reefs, mountains, shelves, and open water.The marine ecosystem consumes 70% of the Earth. Different animals live at different depths.There are two types of fish, jawed and no jaw.
The marine ecosystem that i chosse is the four different zones in the ocean. The Euphotic and Benthtic zones get enough sun light to keep plankton alive. There is coral too. The next zone is the Bathyal zone which gets some sun light. Then theres the Abyssal zone that has no light at all but theres still life there. One animal that lives there is the angler Angler fish live in Abyssal Zones. They have a special light to see. These are the three marine zones.
fish.It is usally really cold and windy.The Baythal has few lite.that is the Marine Ecosystem that I Chosse.
The rainforest,in this biome it is usually hot but it gets lots of rainfall.The vegetation of this biome is fruit.The animals there are monkeys and some we might not even know of.The geography is near the equater.
The marine ecosystems have three zones. The euphotic ,bathyal, and Abyssal zones. The animals that they have is plankton, lots of fish. I think that the lower it is the darker it gets. I think that the abyssal zone is the darkest. That's what I think about the marine ecosystem.
On Marian ecosystem is the Atlantic Ocean. It contains a chain of under water volcanoes that can burst at any time. In this kind of ecosystem, it is really hard to survive in a very harsh place like that. Unfortunaly the gases contain a bacteria that crabs and shrimp love to eat. it is also filled with tube worms that release the bacteria.
The different types of marine zones are:Inter tidal zones which are Etholik zone which can support plankton, Bathicul and the Habituals zone. In the ocean there are two types of fish, jawed and no jawone supports coral reefs, underwater canyons and etc.In the ephotic there is coral reefs underground mountain ranges and trenches.A coral reef is made of mostly hard shelled animals and animals. Different Sea animals live in different zoned of the sea.
The four different zones are: euphotic, bathyal, abyssal and benthic zones. The euphotic and benthtic zones get sun to keep animals like plankton alive. The bathyal zone gets a little bit of sun. Last, ther is abyssal zone and it gets no sun but still things can live there. The ecosystem has many different ways of living.
There are three zones, the Euphotic Zones, Bathyal Zones, and the Abyssal Zones.
Euphotic Zones support plankton and other marine life. Bathyal Zones receive little or no light. Abyssal Zones receive no light. Angler fish live in Abyssal Zones. They have a special light to see. These are the three marine zones.
Well in the alantic ocean there not much animals withe 4 legs.Only the animals there are fishes.It's sometimes there are rains,and sunlight.The alntic ocean is near the southern of erasia and north of the us.And fishes eat other fishes,coral,seaweed and others more I can't think of right now.
The marine ecosystem is the ecosystem underwater. The kind of things that are under the ocean are like diffrent plants and diffrent animals. The animals in the ocean have to live in water or else they die. That is what marine ecosystem is.
Theirs in the pacific ocean and the Atlantis ocean, Artic ocean, India ocean, and the Gulf of mexico. The animals lives closes to the surface of the ocean is called plankton!! I think about each year the whale migrate down to the southern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are and go up to the nothern hesmipire for warmth till it becomes winter where they are!! Which means that the whales goes close to the coast of the pacific ocean while they migrating. The 1 zone is where is the plankton are and is normal temperature here. The 2 zone is where a lot of animals are and is little cold. The 3 zone is where theirs no light down their which means that is cold their. Theirs and animal that has a light that actrats prey!!
The three different zones in the ocean are the euphotic,bathyal zone,and the abyssal. The euphotic is where you could find plantons are but if you look at them you can see them well.The bathyal zone has little or no light and has alot of plants.The abyssal zone is the deepest layer.There's all kind of fish in the ocean that you could get.
There are three zones which are the Euphotic zones, Bathyal zones, and the Abyssal zones. The Euphotic zone is were plankton lives. The Bathyal zone has little light or no light at all. It also has allot of plants like coral. The Abyssal zone is the depest layer.
There is mountains in the bottom of the ocean like the surface. The eupotic zone has sunlight and has life like plangton down there. Bathyal zone has no sunlight. Finally Abyssal zone is a bottomless trench. Different animals live in different zones.
there are three zones in the ocean called euphotic with plankton, bathyal has less sunlight, and abbysal is the darkest part of the sea.
The three different zones are Plankton there you get 100 meters of water. The other one is Bathyal that get a little light. The last one is Abyssal is the deppest layer. Different animals live in different zones.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem are: euphotic zone ,Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone.The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places . The vegetation there are there are no vegetation there.
There are three types of zones the Ephotic, the abyssal, and the bathyal. There are different types of animals living in each zone. The geography has coral reefs, mountains, and deep dark trenches. The food chain is big fish eats medium fish and medium fish eats the little fishy. The Ephotic zone is the lighter kind of zone. The abyssal zone is the darkest zone. The bathyal is not that dark of a zone.
In the rain forest the climate is a lot of rain and it is humid,the vegetation is green grass,the animals are from monkeys to birds,and the geography is topics.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
The Marine Ecosystem is like pure water it is the largest thing in the whole wide world. The Marine Ecosystem is like 75% of the earth and the rest of the earths ground is 25%.
i dont know any of this imformation.sorry.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places.
there are euphoric,bathyal, abyssal. There are phytoplankton, there are a little life down in the bathyal. But there is no life in the abyssal life.
The 3 different zones are the euphoric,bathyal, and abyssal zones. There are different types of animals living in each zone. The geography has coral reefs, mountains, and deep dark trenches. The food chain is big fish eats medium fish and medium fish eats the little fishy. The euphoric zone is the lighter kind of zone. The abyssal zone is the darkest zone. The bathyal is not that dark of a zone.
The diffrent zones are: euphoric, bathyal,abyssal and benthic.The animals that exist in each zone are a lot.It takes up 75% of Earth. There is mostly fish to eat there.It has deep canyons.
I like the Blowfish. Because when it gets scared it blows up. And it has spikes on it.And it is a circular fish. And it likes to eat on other smaller fish.
The diffrent zones are:euqhoric,bathyal,abyssal and bethic.The animal that exist in each Zone are a lot.It takes up 75% of earth.There is mostly fish to eat there.It has deep canyons.
The different types of marine zones are:Inter tidal zones which are Etholik zone which can support plankton, Bathicul and the Habituals zone. In the ocean there are two types of fish, jawed and no jawone supports coral reefs, underwater canyons and etc.In the ephotic there is coral reefs underground mountain ranges and trenches.A coral reef is made of mostly hard shelled animals and animals. Different Sea animals live in different zoned of the sea.
The diffrent zones are euqhoric,
bathyal,abyssal and bethic. In each one has diferent things. One thing is that the ocean cavers mistly all of the earth. It covers about 75% of the earth. Thier are many animLS THAT LIVE IN THE OCEAN.
I really love the marine's. The marine's has alot of cool animals. I really do love the ocean. Iwould love to swim in it like a fish.
The Marines have alot of animals. The food chain their is large. The animal I think thats the animal that is the most feared is the shark.
there are three different kinds of zones,they are Euphoric zone,bathyal zone,and the abyssal zone.There are different kinds of animals in each zone.One thing is that the ocean covers mostly all of the earth.It covers about 75% of the earth.The
The three different zones are the Euphoric,Bathyal,and the Abyssal zones.There are diffrent animals that are ibn each zone.The climate in each zone is usualy cold.I dont know the geography though.
The three different zones are The Euphoric, Bathyal, and the Abyssal.
The Euphoric Zone is very warm, the Bathyal is very cool and also warm. The Abyssal zone is freezing.
The three zones of the marine ecosystem are:Euphoric and the bathyal zones.The euphoric zone's climate is usually cold or warm every year.the animals that live in the euphoric zone are usally small fish. The bathyal zone is deeper in the water most bigger fish live there
like sharks,tuna and other bigger fish.the climate of the zones are warm and a clod breeze.
The different zone of the marine ecosytem are the Euphotic, Bathyal, Abyssal. The euphotic zone gives life to plakton and to coral. The bathysli zone gives mamals life.In the abbyssal zone will give fish a speacial life.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places. The bathyal zone is deeper in the water most bigger fish live there
like sharks,tuna and other bigger fish.the climate of the zones are warm and a clod breeze.
The different zones if the marine ecosystem is euphoric zone, Bathyal zone and the abyssal zone. The animals that live in the zones are fish but different fish live in different zones and places. The bathyal zone is deeper in the water most bigger fish live there
like sharks,tuna and other bigger fish.the climate of the zones are warm and a clod breeze.
there are three different zone in the ocean. there is the euphoric zone the bathyal zone. and the abyssal zone.
the euphoric zone is where the surface is and where little fish are.
the climate is really cold going further down into the ocean.
What three kind of zone in the ecosystem is euphoric zone, abyssal zone, and the bathyal zone. There are fish, sharks, dolphins, and plankton. The vegetation is grass and animals eat each other. The climate in each zone is pretty much really cold there.
The euphotic zone gives platon and coral life. The bathysli zone gives wales,sharks,and other mamals life.In the abbyssal zone fish have a speceal light on there head.The abbyssal zone gets barly any light.The bathysli gets light. The euphotice zone gets alot of sun light
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