Monday, March 10, 2008


Describe the geography, animals, vegetation, and climate of the desert.


♪blink182 #1 fan aka ale♪ said...

The climate in the desert is really dry and hot. The animals that live in the desert are lizzards,scorpions,rattle snakes and many many more.The vegetation that is in the desert are catus.The animals such as scropions hunt there food. lizzards do not hunt there food. And the hawks just wait till something dies.

Richard Escobar said...

The geography of the desert is less rain and not enough trees!! There's snake, I think hamsters, and other desert animals!! The vegetation is hot and no rain that much!! The climate is extremely HOT!!!!!

Peter said...

The desert has rocks, sand dunes, and hills. The animals that live there are scorpions, snake, vultures, hawks, and many other animals. In the desert there are cacti, and a little bit of trees. The climate there is hot at day and cold at night. The is extremely hot at daytime, and it can drop below 0 at night

hotshot said...

Well the dessert is a very dry place to live at. It is very rocky and there is sand dunes. The animals that live there is mostly snake, lizards,and coyote. The dessert does not have tress but does have cactus. The dessert gets very little rainfall a year. During the day at the dessert it can really hot so is the night time.

Firebar said...

The desert has rocks and lots of sand. Reptiles, scorpions, and a few birds live their. Only cacti live their. The climate over their is very hot at day time and cool at night.

George Waw said...

The desert can be one of the worlds hottest areas. It is very dry and has a lot of cactus. it has a lot of cactus because cactus dont need much water to live. A lot of reptiles live there because their scales are good for that weather. In the deseert, it hardly rains.

Nico! said...

The climate in the dessert are usually hot dry or cold. Some desserts like the Gobi dessert have temperatures below freezing,The animals there can be birds, lizards, and snakes. The vegetation is little but there is vegetation. The vegetation are cactus, dry bushes, and the dry trees.

Dianne Per 1

Greg-O said...

Dessert is very hot. There is sand and cactus. There are rocks and boulders. Animals that live there are snakes, scorpions, and rabbits. There is some grass in the desert.

love 4 chobits said...

The geography would have Cacti, Small shrubs, and many rocks, the animals that would be there are desert foxes, lizards, spiders, hawks, and rabbits, the vegetation would have lizards, and rabbits,the climate would be mild and hot.

luis's blog said...

The geography of the desert is like the savana.The animals of the desert are cameleons, lizards, and scorpions.The vegetation of the desert is cactis.The climate of the desert is very hot.

Heather said...

Well the desert has sand, rocks, and hills. It is a very dry place to live. The animals that live there are birds, snakes, lizards, and coyote. The vegitation in the desert is cactus and in the desert there are plants. The climate in the desert is very hot even in the night time. I like traveling to the desert but I would never want to live in the desert.

Marina said...

The climate of the desert is really hot. The vegetation of the desert is the cactus.The animals there are rattle snakes,lizzards and many more.The geography of the deserts are there is less rain and not enough water.

Melissa said...

The desert, is a very dry climate. It has cactus, rocks,& there is not that much rain. The animals that live there are kangaroos, cayote, lizards, snakes,and more. It is very hot in the desert. Las Vegas is a desert.

Collin said...

The geography of the desert would have a little amount of trees, some plants that could live in dry weathers and sand. The animals that would live there would be lizards, snakes, and other things that could live in the desert. The vegetation would be cacti and maybe berries. The climate of the desert would be very warm and at night very cold.

Raquel said...

The geography of the desert is,dunes,and hills.The animals ar ecoyotes,snakes, mice, and much more animals which can live a very long time without water.The vegetation there are like cactus which store water so if there is a long period of time with no rain they can survive.The climate is very hot and dry.

Juan said...

In the desert the vegetation is cactus's and different types of plant that can survive in the desert or that don't need allot of water for along time. The climate in the desert the climate is hot and dry. In the desert rain falls like 3 times an year. The animals in the desert are snakes( rattle snakes and other snakes that live in the desert), coyote, reptiles and scorpions. The geography in the desert is that it is mostly dry and the ground is pretty hard and stiff and the ground is mostly flat and there are not that many hills in the desert.

Jacklyn Baltazar said...

The geoagraphy of the desert is dirt, grass,weeds, branches, and rocks.The animals there are coyotes, snakes, and scorpions.The vegeatation is cactus, small flowers, little trees and other small plants. The climate is super hot, dry air, and humid.There is bearly any rain falls, it is like a drought every single day, week, month, and year.

Jacklyn Baltazar said...
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sabrina said...

The geography in the desert has rocks and a lot of sand. The animals that live in the desert are snakes, scorpions, and other different kinds of reptiles. The vegetation in the desert are cactus and some plants. The climate in the desert is hot and dry.

Tia said...

The geography of this desert is dry land, a rocky surface, mountains, cliffs, and canyons. The animals that live in this desert are scorpians, spiders, birds, and other mamals. The vegetation this desert are dry grass, cati, and a little bit of water. The climate of this desert is very hot and at night it would still be sort of hot.

Andrew Gonzalez said...

The dessert has sand, rocks, and sand dunes. There are Scorpions, vultures, snakes, lizards, hawks, and coyotes. There is Cactus and a little bit of trees. The climate is hot in the day. It is cold in the night

AIR said...

The geography in the desert is very plain and rocky with only few mountains depending on what desert and area your in. The animals that live in the desert get their water from their food and are used to not having water for a long time. The vegetation in the desert is very little and mostly only cacti live there and are used to having no water for a long time. The climate is very very dry and almost has no humidity.

jacqueline a. said...

The climate of the desert is hot and dry. The geography of the desert is rocks, dirt, and cliffs. Vegetation there is cactus and a lot of it. Animals that live there are reptiles. It hardly rains there and the cactus doesn't really need water.

The Cheerful alexa said...

The desert's geography may have sand dunes, hills and a lot of rocks. The vegetation may be plants, cactus and other bushes. The climate of the desert is very hot but cold at night. Finally the animals that might live there could be lizards, and all types of snakes. That's how the desert is.

Marissa said...

I would say the dessert is a very hot climate. At the dessert there is rocks,sand,and cactus.The animals that live in the dessert are snakes,lizards,coyotes,and other animals.At the dessert it is very hot.

Pedro said...

The desert is a rocky, sandy place. It has a little bit of vegetation. It has cactus and tumble weed. The animals are hawks coyotes and snakes. It is very hot.

maria said...

The geography of the desert is very little trees and cactus. The animals that live there are spiders, snakes, lizards, coyotes, roadrunners, and much more. The vegetation would be cactus and tumbleweed. THe climate would be very dry and hot.

maria said...

The geography of the desert is very little trees and cactus. The animals that live there are spiders, snakes, lizards, coyotes, roadrunners, and much more. The vegetation would be cactus and tumbleweed. THe climate would be very dry and hot.

Leslie said...

The geography in the dessert would be rocks, cactus, sand, not much grss, a bit of dry grass, and not much trees eather. The animals that live in the dessert would be snakes, lizards, and other animals that dont need a lot of water like a camle. There is not much vegitation in the dessert becouse of the heat, but there are cactus, a bit of frass and diffrent strange plants. The climate in the dessert would be realy hot. There is not much water in the dessert thats why animals that live there are supose to be able to live in dry places.

Jed-Eye the weirdest guy said...

The geography of desert is mostly canyons, mesas, ridges, and mountains. It also contains some grassland and sandy plains. Animals consist of snakes, scorpions, camels, and some wolves. Vegetation in the desert are things like, cactus, tumbleweed, weeds, and other dry plants. Climate is mostly dry and hot, but during the winter it has cold nights.

Abe said...

The geography of the desert biome can sometimes be a very jagged or smooth ecosystem. There can also be cliffs, canyons, few rivers, maybe an oasis or two, and many other stuff.
The desert is not a home to many species of animals, just cold-blooded creatures, such as reptiles. Some of these creatures are lizards, snakes, iguanas, and many more where that came from!
The vegetation of a desert is not a lot, just some weeds, cactus- es, and just only a couple of trees. Not much to it but what I typed!
The climate of the desert is hot all year and averages are 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the Summer and winter. The desert is the hottest biome ever!

Asiah Melville said...

The deserts have different types of rocks, sand domes, hills. The animals you might see there are like snakes, scorpions, hawks, vultures and other animals. In the deserts there are lots of cacti and little bit of trees and little plants. The climate in deserts are hot in the day and cold in the night. It is unbelievably hot in the day and can drop to below 0 in the night.

Kel said...

The geography of the desert is that there are cliffs, canyons, rivers, and many other stuff. Deserts have many species of animals, like reptiles. There are lizards, snakes, iguanas, and many more. The vegetation of deserts are cactus-es, and just a couple of trees. The climate of deserts is that it is hot all year!

Fulper's Blog said...

The geography at the desert is a flat plain. The animals there are snakes, lizards and birds. The vegetation is plants and the juice from the cactus. And the climate is hot and dry and a little rain every once in a while.

T.O.M. said...

The climate of the desert is very hot(arid)the animals that live in the desert are lizards, snakes, bugs, armidilos, and a kangoroo in Austrailia. The vegetation could problaby be water.

Karina said...

The geography of the desert is rivers , mountains, cliffs, and canyons. Some of the animals that are in the desert are lizards, snakes, coyotes, road runners, and owls. In the desert there is hardly any plants and if there was it is cactus, and dead trees. The weather of the desert is very hot sometimes it will rain but hardly. If it does rain there would be a flash flood.

Chelsea holland said...

The desert is very hot and dry. It has a very rocky terrain and recieves very little rainfall. There are few plants that live there. There a many cacti living there.Lizards, owls, insects, coytes, roadrunner, jackrabbit, cottontail rabbit, rattlesnakes, spiders,and mexican wolves are all examples of animals that live in the desert. They have adapted to desert climate over a long period of time.

munik said...

The dessert is mostly all sand and it has a very warm climate. The dessert has only cactus the only plant that survives the dessert is the cactus. The aren't many animals in the dessert mostly scorpion they are mostly the only animals and there are birds in the dessert. There are a lot of rocks and sand in the dessert there can be a sandy dessert and mostly rocky or even just plain. The dessert is a hot climate so it has no water the only water you can get it mostly the spikes from the cactus. The dessert has a lot of different types of animals in the dessert there are snakes, road runners, and other types of animals. A camel can survive in the dessert. There few kinds of camels. I don't know many camels there 2 types of camels that i know.

Princess said...

I can describe the geography, animals, vegetation and climate. The animals that live in the desert are lizards snakes and more. The geography in the desert is dry and a lot of plants. The vegetation in the desert is dry and lots of animals. The climate in the desert is humid dry and very very very hot.

Princess said...
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Mush said...

in the desert there is not a lot of animals,and plant.for the animals there rattle snakes,scopeins, elf owls,and sometimes camels.for plants thier cactoues,their all kinds of cactaose.

maria miranda said...

The geography of the desert can be found in navada,the animals thatn live there are snakes,lizzards,and coyotes.the vegetation are the fruit,and the climate in the desert is hot during the day and cool at night.

cindy♥♥ said...

The geography of the desert are they have alot of cliffs, and canyons, and rivers. The animals that live in the desert are snakes lizzards,iguanas,hawks,scorpions. The vegetation is the cactus, and the trees and diffrent plants. The climate in the desert is very hot. Hardly any rain drops in the desert.

araceli said...

The geography of desert is mostly canyons, mesas, ridges, and mountains. Some animals that live in the desert are snakes,coyotes, scorpions, lizards, owls, camels, and some wolves. Teh vegetation the are cactus, and some plants that are really dry. The climate of the desert is extremely hot, is really dry, and once in a while they get a bit of rain. Sometimes in the night it gets really cold.

.... *{[GrUmPy]}...* said...

The climate is dry and hot. The animals that are in the desert are lizards; scorpions rattle snakes, vultures, hawks, and jackrabbits. The vegetation in the desert is cactus.

$jake/bond$ said...

In the desert there are many types of life and climate. There many flash floods and piercing hot dry spells in the desert. Rain clouds come out of water. The cactus is a plant that can go along with no water for a month. The animals there are reptiles mostly and some birds few mamels and allot of insects.

.:Ms.LuSh:. said...

The dessert is mostly all sand and it has a very warm climate.The dessert has only cactus the only plant that survives the dessert is the cactus.There aren't many animals that will not survive in the dessert. There are no water in the dessert and the animals need some water to survie like dog's.A camel can survive in the dessert.

autumn newell said...

In the desert there is lots of trees and cactus .

There is a lot of vultures and
lizards,there is rattle snakes,scorpiens,and elf owls.

The climate iscrazy it is always like hundred degrees there.

In some parts of the deserts there could be a river.

Jennifer said...

The geography in the desert makes people were shorts and skirt and tank tops or shirtless. The animals in the desert are cold blood animals that can live in that kind of heat. And at night there are animals that can live in the cool, refreshing, night. There is not many vegetation in the desert because of the entice heat. But there are some plants that contain water inside of them so they survive longer. The climate in the desert is very hot all year round and gets little or no water every year.


♪The dessert has many diffrent climate.If a dessert is dry,its going to be hot.If the dessert is cold,its going to be cold.If a dessert is in between.its going to be hot and cold.The animals are scorpions,turtles,snakes,and many dangerous animals.

lauren said...

The geography of the deseert is sand,canyons, cliffs,catuses and rivers. The climate is hot and humid. The type of animals are cyotes, jackribbitsand snakes.There is a small amomunt of trees.

Double 33 said...

The climate in the desert is very hot and arid. The plants that live in the desert are example of a cactus. There is also a lot of rocks and dry plants. Not only do plants live there, there is also animals. Examples of animals there are snakes, hawks, vultures,owls, other types of insects, etc...

amanda said...
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Stimpy#1fan said...
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Stimpy#1fan said...

The geography of the desert would have hills, canyons, cliffs, small streams, and sand dunes. There is hardly any vegetation. There would be shrubs, mosses, and cacti. It is very dry, and hot in the desert and at night it is freezing. There is little trees. Lizards, tortises, snakes, coyotes, jackrabbits, spiders, and some other animals can be found in the desert.

rey mysterio fan#1 said...

The geography in the Desert is all hot humid and not much water. animals that live there are snakes lizards and birds. vegetation is animals plants and the water stored inside a cactus. the climate is about 100 degrees.

Trevor Smalley said...

Deserts are very hot and dry places. Deserts get very little rain each year. Deserts host plants and animals living in what strikes many humans as oppressive environments. Solar energy that green plants convert into food fuels life here. Although in most ecosystems plants compete for sunlight, here most plants are adapted to minimize the effects of too much solar energy. Annuals compress their life cycles and go dormant as conditions grow unfavorable. Sudden carpets of wildflowers mark their waking from dormancy as seeds, like time travelers, quickly germinate, flower, and renew their species before before seasonal moisture dries up once again.

cookie monster said...

The type of geography there is pure sand, and rocky. It is very hot in the desert. The types of vegetation there is cactus , and bushes.

amanda said...

The geography os the desert is mostly a lot of sand. Even some cactus which are known as plants. The kind of animals that they have are like kangaroos, snakes like the rattle snake. The vegetation in the desert is really just the cactus. The climate is just and humid.

mini powers said...

The vegetation in the desert is that there are cactus, dried up plants and many more, but there is not a lot of healthy plants because there is not a lot of rain and water for the plants to get. The animals in the desert are jack rabbits, coyotes, snakes, desert owls, and cactus mouse. The geography there is that there are lots of rocks cracks and steep hills too.The climate there is that the air is very thick, it at least 100 degrees and there is a little bit of humidity there too.

marco said...

Ina desert the geography is sand, canyons and open land. There are snakes, spiders, and coyotes. There are cactuses, shrubs, and other different types of plants. In a desert it is really hot during the day, but cold at night.

Spoiled Brat said...

In the desert there are very litle plants. There are cacti and dried up grass. There are animals like lizards and rattlesnakes. There are also scorpions and jackrabbits. It doesn't get very cold. Most of the time it is blazing hot.

ashley t said...

The geography in the desert is filled with cati, birds, vultures, rocks, ect. The animals in the desert are vultures because things die in the desert, birds, snakes, lizards and much more that I can not name. The only ALIVE vegetation in the desert is cati. It is alive because it grows, it has juice, well most importantly it is not dead. The climate in the desert is very hot, dry, and a place where you can hardly find water ( except for the cati). So just to talk fancy the climate in the desert is arid. If you all remember the Brain Pop it said that areas with hot and dry climates is an arid climate.

$kullking said...

The dessert is mostly just sand and sun. Animals like snakes and scorpions can stand the heat of the dessert. They also know that hiding under rocks can keep them cool. Birds like voultures can live in the dessert too. Cacti is one of the few things that grow in the dessert's heat.

Graceful Faith said...

The desert is blazing hot, you could even cook an egg there , but I don't recommend it. Deserts geography are in dry places like the sahara and sometimes Arizona. There are lots of animals and bugs in the desert like snakes, scorpions, rabits, and lizards. The vegetation in the desert are cactus, dry grass, and other poisonous plants.

sebi said...

The geography of the desert is that it is very rocky over there. Also the animals that live in the desert is snakes, lizards, jachrabbits, scorpions, and a few more. The vegetation in the desert is cactus and aklot more plants. The climate of the desert id that it is very hot and arid.

NuMaYr said...

The desert is a very dry place with very little water. The geography of it is mainly flatland with sand and very few trees. The only TYPE OF plant life are cactus, some bushes, and maybe some select plants.
THe animals that live their are lizards, snakes, and spiders.

Ashley said...

The geography in the desert is very dry and has cacti. The deasert has cacti because they don't need a lot of water. There are snakes and lizards because they like the sun. The climate is very arid hot and very dry. It would be hard for a human to live alone in the desert because there are not many resources.

josh said...

The desert climate is very harsh because it is always hot and sunny.In the desert you can easly become dehydrated.It does not have good vegitation because not many plants can grow there because there is hardly any ever water.The desert is mainly sandy and has rocks.It also has some sand dunes in some areas.There are not many animals that live there.There is mainly snakes,spiders,lizards,and skorpiens.

efrain said...

The geographics in the desert is pure sund and rocks. All of the vegetation is mostly cactus. The climate is very hot because of the sun radience. The animals are mostly insects and they are scorpions and spiders.

mjm said...

In the desert it is hotv diring the day, and cold at night. We arn't so far from theb desert. Like palm springs. Sometime it feels like a desert here. There is only spike plants like cactie.

xxxMiss_Murderxxx said...

The climate of the dessert is dry and very hot. The geography of the dessert is that it has cliff, rivers, sandy canyons, and cacti. The animals that live in the dessert are birds, snakes. Coyotes, scorpions, and jackrabbits. The dessert doesn’t have a lot of vegetation, except for shrubs, little trees, and cacti.

energy said...

The desert has rocks, sand dunes, and hills. The animals that live there are scorpions, snakes vultures, hawks, and much more animals live there. In the desert there are cacti, dried bushes, and some dried grass. The climate there is extremely hot and the air sometimes is dry at daytime. At night the tempertures are really cold.

energy said...
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julia m. said...

The geography of the desert is very sandy, and dry there are many hills and canyons. The animals there are snakes and possibly scorpions and many different poisoned animals and bugs and sometimes even camels I think. The vegetation there is not so good because all of the plants and plants there are used to being in the sun and dry. The climate of the desert is very hot but at times can be cool in the night.

Chris said...

The climate in the desert is very arid. It has very high temperatures ranging from 80 degrees to as high as 130 degrees. At night the temperatures are extremely low. THere are snakes and lizards and birds in the desert. It is very rocky and not flat.

rock said...

The geography of the desert is rivers , mountains, cliffs, and canyons. Some of the animals that are in the desert are lizards, snakes, coyotes, road runners, and owls. In the desert
there are not many plant and the only plant that you mostly see there is cactus, dead trees, and twigs. The weather in desert is very hot it hardly ever rains. If it does rain there would be a flash flood.

daniel said...

The geography in the desert is sand and rocks. There are snakes, lizards,scorpions, and other animals. There are cactus, some trees, and bushes. The desert can be hot or cold.

DOG LOVER #1 said...

The desert geography is very arid. There is no rain but the animals manage to stay alive. all the moisture they do get with all the heat it evaporates. there are very little plants that can survive with out water. but if you were to want water there you could get it from the cactie but first you have to get in side.

alex said...

In a desert the geography is sand, canyons and open land. There are snakes, spiders, and coyotes. There are cactuses, shrubs, and other different types of plants. In a desert it is really hot during the day, but cold at night.

Elizabeth said...

The climate in the desert is really dry and hot. The animals that live in the desert are lizzards,scorpions,rattle snakes and many many more.The vegetation that is in the desert are catus.The animals such as scropions hunt there food. lizzards do not hunt there food. And the hawks just wait till something dies.

Halo Rocks said...

The geography of the desert is rivers , mountains, cliffs, and canyons. Some of the animals that are in the desert are lizards, snakes, coyotes, road runners, and owls. In the desert there is hardly any plants and if there was it is cactus, and dead trees. The weather of the desert is very hot sometimes it will rain but hardly. If it does rain there would be a flash flood.

M0N!QU3 said...

The climate in the desert is really dry and hot. The animals that live in the desert are lizards,scorpions,rattle snakes and many many more.The vegetation that is in the desert are cactus.The geography there is that there are lots of rocks cracks and steep hills too.The climate there is that the air is very thick, it at least 100 degrees and there is a little bit of humidity there too.

The Fletch said...

The animals in the desert are snakes, owls, lizards, and a lot more. The vegetation is a lot different than other places. The desert has cacti. The climate is very hot. Over 100 degrees every day.

~♥n3n3♥~ said...

The geography in the desert has rocks and a lot of sand. The animals that live in the desert are snakes, scorpions, and other different kinds of reptiles. The vegetation in the desert are cactus and some plants. The climate in the desert is hot and dry.

Juan said...

The vegetation in the desert is that there are cactus, dried up plants and many more, but there is not a lot of healthy plants because there is not a lot of rain and water for the plants to get. The animals in the desert are jack rabbits, coyotes, snakes, desert owls, and cactus mouse. The geography there is that there are lots of rocks cracks and steep hills too.

jonas girl said...

the desert is mostly dry and hot.there are not that much water.theres catus and and daed airazona theres one of the most of the desert.the animals there are lizzards,rattle snakes,and many more

Jennifer said...

The climate in the dessert is very hot.there are lots of cactus and there is no vegtation the animals that live there lizzards,scorpions rattle snakes,spiders,insects and much more.the scorpinos wait for somebody so they could go suck the blod out and sometimes even people die there because its to hot and there is no food our water.

Arnold said...

The subject is the desert. The desert is hot and dry. Desert's climate can go up to 110 degreese faren hight. Cactos and small bushes are the only plants that lives thier. Snacks,owls,rats,
scorpions, and lizards live thier. Not many plant or animals live there because of the high heat.

xxxBlacky_EvilXDxxx said...

The dessert is a very hot place because it is very close to the equater. the dessertb is very hot. The animals in the desserthave to get used to the wheather because it is very hot and so dry. The plants there suck in allot of water.

xxxBlacky_EvilXDxxx said...

The dessert is a very hot place because it is very close to the equater. the dessertb is very hot. The animals in the desserthave to get used to the wheather because it is very hot and so dry. The plants there suck in allot of water.

alessa said...

In the desert the climate is very hot and dry. There are animals who need that type of climate and live there. Some of thous animals are lizards, scorpions, rattle snakes, and more. The vegetation in the deserts are cactus. In a desert it is not always hot sometimes it is hot during the night.

Jose said...

The geography in the Desert is all hot humid and not much water. animals that live there are snakes lizards and birds. vegetation is animals plants and the water stored inside a cactus. the climate is about 100 degrees.

kiterra earles said...

I dont know the geography.The animals there are mostly reptiles.Like snakes and lizzards.I also dont know the vegatation.The climate is mostly hot and dry.And it is mostly hard to find water

☺wendy☺ said...

The climate in the desert is really dry because there is no trees or land is all dry and hot.The animals in the desert are lizards,snakes,scorpions ,and more.The vegetables that is in the desert are cactus.The animals scorpion haunt there food,snakes eat other animals,and hawks just eats things that are died.

Cristina said...

The geography of the desert is lots ands lots of rocks and maybe some plants.The animals that live in the desert are: snakes turtles and lizards.The vegetation in the desert are: plants and dry weeds.The climate in the desert is really hot and dry or cold and wet

Aaron said...

The dessert is mostly in Arizona and Utah. The vegitation that's there are scorpions snakes and others. The vegitation on the dessert is cacti and weed. The dessert has some hills called dunes. That's the dessert.

sad? said...

The climate of the desert is really hot. The vegetation of the desert is the cactus.The animals there are rattle snakes,lizards and many more.The geography of the deserts are there is less rain and not enough water.

♥Melissa Hoopes♥ said...

The geography is in the hotter kind of continents like the south and the deserts are sometimes in Utah. There are not many animals because of how hot it is but there are some animals like snakes, foxes, and in some deserts there are camels. The vegetation is not that good over there there is only cactus and a little bit of plants. The climate is so hot over there and there is hardley any water. I feel bad for anyone that has to live there. There are other types of deserts.

♥Melissa Hoopes♥ said...

The geography is in the hotter kind of continents like the south and the deserts are sometimes in Utah. There are not many animals because of how hot it is but there are some animals like snakes, foxes, and in some deserts there are camels. The vegetation is not that good over there there is only cactus and a little bit of plants. The climate is so hot over there and there is hardley any water. I feel bad for anyone that has to live there. There are other types of deserts.

Or@ng3'$ Blog said...

The desert can be one of the worlds hottest areas. It is very dry and has a lot of cactus. There is cold and median deserts. A lot of reptiles live there because their scales are good for that weather. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't rain.

♥Sydney♥ said...

The dessert's climate is very hot and dry. Alot of animals live there. Like incects and lizards. The dessert's climate is very unusaul. When the sun go's down the dessert gets cooler. There plants are like a cactus. They have alot of them. The cactusus need that kind of weather so they do not die. There are cold desserts not all dessert's are cold most of them are hot in the day and cold at night. Some dessert's are cool warm and hot all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~*~♥N@N@♥~*~ said...

The desert is very dry. There is not just a hot desert there are warm,hot,and cold. The animals stay underground when it's daytime. The animals be really cold in the cold.


Carlos Fuentes said...

In the Desert the climate is windy and hot. There are alot of animals in the desert like snakes,lizards,And many other reptiles. The geography is sandy.

.:Ms.LuSh:. said...

In the desert the climate is very hot.The desert is very dry.There are animals that can't live in the desert because they need to drink water.The geography is sandy.There are lost of animals that can't survive in the desert.

.:Ms.LuSh:. said...

In the desert the climate is very hot.The desert is very dry.There are animals that can't live in the desert because they need to drink water.The geography is sandy.There are lost of animals that can't survive in the desert.

mike's blog world said...

The geography would have Cacti, Small shrubs, and many rocks, the animals that would be there are desert foxes, lizards, spiders, hawks, and rabbits, the vegetation would have lizards, and rabbits,the climate would be mild and hot.In the desert the vegetation is cactus's and different types of plant that can survive in the desert or that don't need allot of water for along time. The climate in the desert the climate is hot and dry. In the desert rain falls like 3 times an year. The animals in the desert are snakes( rattle snakes and other snakes that live in the desert), coyote, reptiles and scorpions. The geography in the desert is that it is mostly dry and the ground is pretty hard and stiff and the ground is mostly flat and there are not that many hills in the desert.The geography in the desert has rocks and a lot of sand. The animals that live in the desert are snakes, scorpions, and other different kinds of reptiles. The vegetation in the desert are cactus and some plants. The climate in the desert is hot and dry.


The desert is extremaly hot.There are many animals like reptiles,and scorpions.The vegatation there are cactus and small plants.The climate there is hot during the day and at night it is cold.The geography there are rocks,cactus,sand,and not enough shade.That is the desert.

Ronaldinho 10 said...

The dessert has a lot of sun and a little bit of shade it has cactus and a lot of diffrent species of animals there. The animals dont need water because they suck out the liquid from there food.

Ronaldinho 10 said...

The dessert has a lot of sun and a little bit of shade it has cactus and a lot of diffrent species of animals there. The animals dont need water because they suck out the liquid from there food.

Bob said...

Vegetation in the desert includes cactus and very few other plants. The cactus is edible. You can drink and eat it. Most cacti have spikes and thorns growing out of them. Cacti can also be used as a beautiful garden plant. The desert has a very dry climate. Even when there are thunderstorms, the desert is still hot. The cactus can catch fire during thunderstorms. The temperature can climb way above 100 degrees. In some deserts, it can get very cold at night.Eventhough it is very hot in the desert, some aminals live there. Many snakes, lizards and others live there. The coyote survives by eating all the other animals. It is hard for the amimals to find shelter because trees don't grow in the desert.barren region, able to support no life, it does not have what it takes for survival. We have deserts here in California. Deserts can be found in dry places. The deserts are really hot. Not very many people live in the desert.

maria miranda said...

The climate in the desert is very hot and dry.The animals that live there are snakes,lizards,and birds.
the vegetation are the plants.
the geography are hills.

Eric's View On Sports said...

The desert is a very interesting biome. The desert is very dry and does not get much rain at all. The plants that live in the desert do not need much water such as the cactus. Some animals that live in the desert are snakes, coyotes, and lizards. The desert is usually rocky or sandy.

Elizabeth said...
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L1on3l said...

In the desert the climate is very hot and it is also very dry.The animals in the desert are snakes,eagles,and scorpions.There is many rocks,dirt,and catus

daniel said...

In the desert what the climate is there is that it's very hot and dry. The geography is that theres rocks, cactus, sand, hills, and shade. The animals there are snakes, eagles, lizards, scorpions, coyotes, and lots of other animals. The vegetation is that there is not a lot there it only has like cactus, grass and plants.

♪blink182 #1 fan aka ale♪ said...

♪In the desert the geography are plants, mountians,dir, and even rocks. Those are very important to the animals because other wise they wuoldn't have any food or any shelter. The animals that live in the desert are lizzards, birds, voltures, scorpios,coyte, and even mountain lions. The climate in the desert is very hot but in the night time it is very very cold. In the summer time it gets even hotter and in the winter it could snow and get really cold. The vegetation in the desert are plants, animals, dirt, rocks, and mountain these animals ddepend on these things because other wise they wouldn't have any food or any shelter.♪

♪blink182 #1 fan aka ale♪ said...
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♪blink182 #1 fan aka ale♪ said...

♪In the desert the geography are plants, mountians,dir, and even rocks. Those are very important to the animals because other wise they wuoldn't have any food or any shelter. The animals that live in the desert are lizzards, birds, voltures, scorpios,coyte, and even mountain lions. The climate in the desert is very hot but in the night time it is very very cold. In the summer time it gets even hotter and in the winter it could snow and get really cold. The vegetation in the desert are plants, animals, dirt, rocks, and mountain these animals ddepend on these things because other wise they wouldn't have any food or any shelter.♪