Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Election Results

The Republicans have a candidate: John McCain. John McCain has earned enough electoral votes to secure the republican nomination.

1,191 Needed (Explainer)
1. McCain 1,224
2. Romney 253 (Out)
3. Huckabee 261
4. Paul 14

The Democrats are still figuring out who will be their candidate. Hillary Clinton won Texas, Rhode Island and Ohio. Barrack Obama won Vermont.

2,025 Needed (Explainer)
1. Obama 1,477
2. Clinton 1,391
3. Edwards 26 (Out)
Republicans Total

What do you recommend the democrats do to determine a candidate quickly?


Anonymous said...

I say they should vote for Obama. I think Obama will do many good things. He can't possibly do any thing worse to this country. He is great.

Peter said...

I think they should flip a coin. There is a 50/50 chance. I think Mccain should flip it because he is
already a nominee for president. That way they have an equal chance to be a nominee.

T.O.M. said...

I think they should start there votes again, and see who gets the most votes. There current votes could be added up with there second votes, so we can find out who will win.

.:Ms.LuSh:. said...
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.:Ms.LuSh:. said...

There current votes could be added up with there second votes,so we can find out who will win.I think they should start there votes again,and see who gets the most votes.

Anonymous said...

I recommmend the democrats to work together or else they will make the election harder for themselves.

Ashley said...

They should all pick one side instead of scrambling up all the votes which will make it easier to decide who won the primary election. -Ashley Cunningham

ashley t said...

I think that they should make a decision very fast because we would like to know the results. Some people like Obama or Clinton. I personaly think that Obama should win. Everyone is waiting.

julia m. said...

For the Democratic candidates I think that they should just listen to who would be better for their country and who is willing to give up there everything just for their country and who really just deserves to be the person running for the president and they should just say,"Ok who is going to be the best to lead our country,"and they should just pick it off like that.

marco said...

The race should end soon. There are still states that haven't voted yet. Those states should vote sooner . The election won't end until a couple of months and that is to long.

Spoiled Brat said...

I think that Clinton will win.

Bob said...
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Bob said...
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hotshot said...

Ya I agree with Marco. They should vote sooner so they do not have to wait. I also think that they would save there money and not spend it on more campaigning. That is what I think.

Anonymous said...

For the Democratic candidates I think that they should just listen to who would be better for their country and who is willing to give up there everything just for their country and who really just deserves to be the person running for the president and they should just say,"Ok who is going to be the best to lead our country,"and they should just pick it off like that.

~♥n3n3♥~ said...
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Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

I That they should make a decision fast. I think that they should chose someone that will help this country and I think that Cliton should win because she promisis that she is going to take the war of Irak and that is good because people are just dieing and that is not taking us now where that's Why but who ever wins should agree with cliton and should make our country a better place to live in.

♥Melissa Hoopes♥ said...

I think they should just vote for Hillary Clinton. She should already be president. They should have a due date for the votes to come in. Texas should vote for Hillary Clinton and I hope New York does to. I really want Hillary to win the elections because I think she is the best presint for our country.

Aaron said...

I think that they need to maybe have more primary elections. Or advertise more in the remaining states. I really want to know who will win the democratic election and go on to the presidential election so bad. I hope obama wins. That’s what I think They need to do.

(P.S. go Obama)

~♥n3n3♥~ said...

The current votes should be added up with there second votes,so they can get more votes and win.I think they should start there voting again,and see who gets the most votes.

Or@ng3'$ Blog said...

I think they should flip a coin it will take shorter time . I want Clinton to win. But it seems that obama is winning. Lets be suported and help Clinton win. Cliton rocks!!


Arnold said...

Clinten needs 86 more votes to catch up to obama. I hope Clinton wins those points . And Clinton might lose because if she loses at least one or two she might lose. I hope her good luck. And I think Obama might win

.... *{[GrUmPy]}...* said...

Hope climnton wuld win she just needs 86 more votes to catch up to obama.

Jed-Eye the weirdest guy said...

The democrats should travel quicker than now, so elections for president will be sooner. I also recommend to make a clearer speech than making it longer than it's supposed to be. It should just get right to the point. But, it is still important. What should be done also is to make one half of the U.S. and another half vote for one democrat, and see who gets the most delegate count wins. But, this is only what I recommend, and some people might think this is bad advice.

Greg-O said...

I was not surprised for the results. I knew Obama was going to get more votes. I want Clinton to win though. I think what the democrats could do to determine who wins is just see has the highest votes. It would be easier.

Trevor Smalley said...

They should just let Obama be president. He is more qualified and has alot more experience.

Richard Escobar said...

To show what they would do has president!! Like fewering polution and/or taking away those factory that we don't need!! It will be good if they went in public and talk to people what they want!! Thats the idea I think they should do!! I hope they lower and take away factorys that we DON'T NEED!!!

mini powers said...

I recommend them to have one more vote so the can decide who will be the candidate. Anther way I would decide who to be the candidate would be to have the the supreme court decide. I want Obama to be one of the candidates because he will change our country and we will be safe from terrorists.

Heather said...

I think they should let people vote more than once so the votes would go by faster. Or they can let the people from the state vote. Anyway I want Obama to be one of the candidates to so he can change the things that need to be changed.

maria said...

I think that they should do the votes over again. Or maybe thay should do another speech to see who should be the winner. I really don't know who should I go for, Obama or Clinton.

maria said...
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George Waw said...

they should decide that once someone has more then 200 votes then the person behind them in the election, they should be candidate. Once obama is more then 200 votes above Clinton he should be candidate. Mccain should be candidate because he is a lot more ahead of them.

The Cheerful alexa said...

Well what I would suggest is to have more speeches. They should talk about what needs to be done and what they could to help the cause. Plus they should let people vote about three or four times, so the election could go by faster. If we each get one vote, than yes it will take long. Thats what I think.

Juan said...

I think that since Obama is winning I think he should be president. All I know is that we need a president fast because we don't want George W Bush to be sitting in his big presidential chair in the white house living the fancy life. I think that Obama would be the best person for the job. Clinton may still have a chance but i dought it that she would get at least 100 votes and Obama not to get none I dought that would ever happen.

Kel said...

I recommend them to have one more vote, also, so the can decide who will be the candidate. Another way I would decide who to be the candidate would be to have the the supreme court decide. I want Obama to be one of the candidates because he will change our country and he make the bad people in the world to stop doing the graffiti on walls, buildings, sidewalks & more!

sabrina said...

The democrats should make quicker but good speeches. Then that way they determine the candidate quicker. I hope Clinton wins. Even though Obama is leading, I still vote for Clinton.

Firebar said...

I would recommend that who ever has the most states win. Or we can let the state's governers chose. If that wont work, it will have to end by the final speech. I want clinton to win because she would lower our taxes and she would be the first woman to be a president.

mike's blog world said...

They should all pick one side instead of scrambling up all the votes which will make it easier to decide who won the primary election. Well what I would suggest is to have more speeches. They should talk about what needs to be done and what they could to help the cause. Plus they should let people vote about three or four times, so the election could go by faster. If we each get one vote, than yes it will take long. Thats what I think.

munik said...

I think obama should win because he is able to lower gas prices and i think he is able to win he had many great speeches and he had won a few places. I think Clinton is can be helpful to our resource the battles we made i think she or he can help us stop these wars. I think obama should win because he has a lot of votes and he will be the first Hawaiian to be a president. I think they need to have good speeches to win and who ever gets the most votes they win.

* ->Andy<- * said...

I think that Obama should win. And not Clinton. Obama has more votes. And Clinton has less then Obama. It's all about Obama.

araceli said...

I think they should just listent to their ideas of helping the community and, decide which one is the best for the community and derteminate their candidate.

energy said...

Clinton should win because she can make the gas prices go down. The people should make the best desicion for our country. This can be a big change for whoever wins.

amanda said...

I think that should do a recount to determine who will win. That way they won't have to make any mistake and it would be fair. They should either do that or flip a coin. Thats what i think they should do that way it would be a 50 50 chance who would win. Thats what i would do.

amanda said...

I think that should do a recount to determine who will win. That way they won't have to make any mistake and it would be fair. They should either do that or flip a coin. Thats what i think they should do that way it would be a 50 50 chance who would win. Thats what i would do.

Graceful Faith said...

I would recommend to listen to other people ideas and how they could make a difference in America. They should decide what to do best for our community. They should find someone who is dedicated and who is hard working. I hpe still that Clinton would win the race against Obama. I think she should because my dad said if Obama is elected for president he would just keep on charging taxes to people.

Chris said...

The democratic party should just hold a quick election at the democratic party in which people who wish to vote will vote by using cell phone text messaging. That way we can have a democratic candidate by the election day and we dont have a republican president. Go Obama!!!

Stimpy#1fan said...
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Stimpy#1fan said...
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Stimpy#1fan said...

They should have advirtising still running in the states that haven't voted. They should do a recount just to make sure. Or just do like heads or tails or something like that. They both are good canidates but what I say......GO OBAMA!!!!!

Double 33 said...

I think that they should just listen to their ideas so they can determine a candidate. Maybe one deserves to have a higher vote than others. What I think is that Obama should be elected because he can do a lot for the state and plus he has great courage to speak ou and speak what he wants to speak.

Spoiled Brat said...

I think Clinton will win. Sometimes I think that Obama will win.You never know until the end. I really want to know. I dont know who is better.

Ronaldinho 10 said...

I hope Hillary Clinton wins the election.

M0N!QU3 said...

For the Democratic candidates I think that they should just listen to who would be better for their country and who is willing to give up there everything just for their country and who really just deserves to be the person running for the president and they should just say,"Ok who is going to be the best to lead our country,"and they should just pick it off like that.

Abe said...

I think that they need to get to more states quicker, I mean, can't they all just do it at once? I don't understand what the complication would be.

p.s: Go Barack Obama!

Abe said...
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alex said...

Well what I would suggest is to have more speeches. They should talk about what needs to be done and what they could to help the cause. Plus they should let people vote about three or four times, so the election could go by faster. If we each get one vote, than yes it will take long. Thats what I think.

Nico! said...

Obama should win the elections.

Period 1

Jennifer said...

They need to convince many people into voting them. They also have to win a lot of states to make sure that they would win. That what the democrats should do.

daniel said...

I think that Clinton will win because
he would be able to make the prices go down. Maybe one might deserve more votes than the other one. They would make sure to get a lot of places to get more votes to win. They should talk about which needs to be done. You never know whoever is going to win at the end.