Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Today you will joining wikispaces and posting your ideas on my wikispace about the biomes. Check your email and follow the link to my wikispace.
  • Table 2 = Grasslands - Prairie
  • Table 3 = Grasslands - Savanna
  • Table 4 = Tundra
  • Table 5 = Desert
  • Table 6 = Chaparral
Each person needs to pick a category and post comments under that category. Each posting needs to have at least 5 good sentences and a picture or video.
  • Animals
  • Geography
  • Vegetation
  • Climate


sabrina said...
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George Waw said...


Animals are a unique part of life.Most animals are nice but some can be mean and viscous. The sled dog class are nice and are for transportation and for pushing sleds. they do eat meat but usually don't eat humans.Caribou dont eat humans either. The leopard seal is a viscous seal that also eats other seals when there is no food around. Wolves are very strong at hearing and are very fast.

sabrina said...

The tundra is a treeless place. Summer is a brief period of milder climate when the sun shines almost 24 hours a day. The summer lasts only six to ten weeks. It is cold through all months of the year. The temperature there is 45 or 50 degrees farenheit. It has been called "the land of the midnight sun." The sun doesn't warm the tundra that much.

luis's blog said...

The animals in the prairie are usually prairie dogs.They are not harmfull.When they are fully grown they are twice yhe size of your hand.They are a little bigger than a hamster when they are born.They have good sences,they could hear a hawk about a mile away.When the hawk is near they hid in a hole

.:Ms.LuSh:. said...

Most animals are nice but some can be mean and viscous. The sled dog class are nice and are for transportation and for pushing sleds. they do eat meat but usually don't eat humans.Caribou dont eat humans either. The leopard seal is a viscous seal that also eats other seals when there is no food around. Wolves are very strong at hearing and are very fast.

hotshot said...

thank YOU ACTUALLY listen too me ya

Ronaldinho 10 said...

OKAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jonas girl said...

okiey dokie

♥Sydney♥ said...

Animals are really great!!! They are like humans but only different. They like us they make shelter like us. They rock!!! They are so cute they have they're own personality like us.

celine said...

Animals are a unique part of life. Most animals are nice that are trained. Wild ones are mean and viscous some of them. The leopard seal is a viscous seal that also eats other seals when there is no food around. Wolves are very strong at hearing and are very fast.

Juan said...

The leopard seal is a viscous seal that also eats other seals when there is no food around. Wolves are very strong at hearing and are very fast.Animals are a unique part of life.Most animals are nice but some can be mean and viscous. The sled dog class are nice and are for transportation and for pushing sleds. they do eat meat but usually don't eat humans.Caribou dont eat humans either.

xxxBlacky_EvilXDxxx said...

The rainforest animals arr the ones who have to last the rain because in the rainforest it rains and it always comes down allot. The animals there have to get used to getting wet and water. The animals in the rainforest include frogs, butterflys, leemers, and lizzards.

xxxBlacky_EvilXDxxx said...

The rainforest animals arr the ones who have to last the rain because in the rainforest it rains and it always comes down allot. The animals there have to get used to getting wet and water. The animals in the rainforest include frogs, butterflys, leemers, and lizzards.

munik said...

cool so we're gonna have wikispace accounts? So we can have wikispace acounts to do posts. i cant wait to go it and where gonna have 6 tables biome the 9 biome right. This is cool so we can't get videos.

Aaron said...
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