My 6 year old niece, Emily, learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and that he was one of the main leaders of the American civil rights movement. To honor him she asked her parents if she could make a birthday cake for his birthday. She decided to make star cupcakes instead because Martin Luther King is a star.
What did you do to honor the life of Martin Luther King Jr? What would you like to do next year?
that was really nice for your niece to do that
I know how cool.
good job emily well i didnt celebrate but i no he was a good man
Well to tell the truth I went to my friends party then I had to work on my project.
I always do nice things in Martin Luther King Jr. day and next year I am going to do the same thing.
Your niece is cute she looks like you
To honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s B-Day I watched the parade
I really appreciate what Martin Luther King Jr. did.If he hadn't speeched I wouldn't even go to this school!
Ms. Chambers your niece is very thoughtful. Next year to honor him I would draw things that Martin Luther King did during his life.
how did martin luther king jr die
I actually had a party because it was my grandma's birthday. My family says that she has a blessed spirit.
that is real cool we just ate burgers with fries at jack in the box
he got shot in a play on the back of the easr by as guy he died about 30 years ago
my mom told me a story about him and we turned on the t.v and there was a show on him to honor him and we sat down and watched it
While standing on the lorraine motel's 2nd floor balcony, King was shot at 6:01 p.m. April 4, 1968. The bullet entered through his right cheek smashing his jaw and then traveling down his spinal cord before lodging in his shoulder.
Martin Luther King was giving a speech and a white person snuck somewhere and while he was giving his speech the person shot him.
Well he died when he was watching a movie with his wife. A guy that did not like him came with a gun behind him and shut him in the head. That is how he died. Very sad.
That was nice for your niece to do that. What I did for Martin Lurther King Jr. birthday was nothing but stay home and enjoy the day.
how old was marther luther king before he died?
He did from a gun shot. I think he was going to his car to unlock his car but someone shot him and he had died.
he died on April a,1968
he got shot behind his head at a balcony of a hotel
I noticed that a lot of you don't know how Martin Luther King died.
According to, "King was booked in room 306 at the Lorraine Motel. While standing on the motel's 2nd floor balcony, King was shot at 6:01 p.m. April 4, 1968. The bullet entered through his right cheek smashing his jaw and then traveling down his spinal cord before lodging in his shoulder."
Please research the facts.
I didn't know that Martin Luther King Jr. day was on his birthday. That is awsome
why did people not like martin Luther king?
why did your niece do this
that was really nice of your niece to do that on martin luther king day
I read about Marten Luther King.
I saw, read about Marten.
I have made a mistake but martin luther king played baseball when he was a kid
The was really nice, I didn't do anything
i didnt celebrate it but i know he was a good man and i read a book about him last year
Thats cool why didn't you invite me
I justed stayed home and relax. Next year I be making cookies with my brother.
Aww I wanted some. ): Haha, anyways, I watched a parade of Martin Luther King Jr.
I saw a Martin Luther King Jr. parade on T.V.
Ms chambers tell emily that she did a great job
that was nice for ur niece to do that.
I was nice and rememebered what he did for all people.
I honor Martin Luther King,Jr. because he is the soldier of my type and tell your niece that that is very creative. Great thinking!
I honored Martin Luther King Junior's life by going to church and respecting him.
I spent Martin Luther King Jr. day listening to songs that honored him and listening to his speech.
i always go somewhere nice or we go to relatives homes.what i want to do next year is to go to Cancun. from Jackie A.
Well I didn't really celebrate, but I know he was a great man to stop fight between Caucasians and African-Americans
I feel really sorry about his death. What I would do next year is also bake a cake and honor him as well. I think that was very nice of your niece to bake star cupcakes!
My family and I ate a traditional filipino food in honor of him. I just can't type the name because I don't know how it is spelled.
I watched his speech on the computer and listened to every word he said. I was grateful that Martin helped everyone treat other people the way they should be treated.
-Heather Cornea Period 1
that's nice 4 ur nice 2 do that
I didn't celebrate either but he is a great person
What is your niece making cookies or a cake
I spent that day working on my science fair project half of the day .The other half of the day i spent it sleeping because i was sick.
I didn't celerbrate it but he was a great person !
I thing that was so nice of her to do that. I did not do anying for him but he is still a great nice person.
That is really nice.
Me and my family went out to eat and then went to the movies and then i was so tired i went to sleep.
Next year my whole family might get together.
that's nice 4 ur nice 2 do that
hey ms. chambers,
i like that photo you put on the comment. is that your nice?
All of our family got together especially cause that is also my cousins birthday...
Nxt year i think we might go somewhere special (Hawaii)
What I think needs to change is the taxes. I think the taxes is very high. When people are tring to buy things for there family members because its there birthday. What if family members are giving money to there brothers or sisters. they were kicked out of there house and they need to build a new house.And what if the taxes are like 300 dollars just for water and you don't sue that much water.
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