I discovered that James Madison, “Father of the Constitution,” was born the same day as me in 1751.

The Beatle's smash album Can't Buy Me Love is released on this day in 1964.

What happened on your birthday? Please post in the comment sections. (Use your LAUSD email account to register or post anonymously.)
Something that happened on my B-day is the first beer goes on sale jan 24 1935!
On my birthday January 1st The USNS ( United States Navy Seals) were formed in 1962 and the Euro was invented in 1999.
hi on my b-day 11-30 The once proud Confederate Army of Tennessee suffers a devastating defeat when its commander, General John Bell Hood, orders a frontal assault on strong Union positions around Franklin, Tennessee. The loss cost Hood six of his finest generals and nearly a third of his force.
On April 18, 1996 At 5:13 a.m., an earthquake estimated at close to 8.0 on the Richter scale strikes San Francisco, California, killing hundreds of people.
August 20 1794
On this day in 1794, General "Mad Anthony" Wayne proves that the fragile young republic can counter a military threat when he puts down Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket’s confederacy near present-day Toledo, Ohio, with the newly created 3,000-man strong Legion of the United States at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
On my birthday there was a plane crash in New York and 243 people died! thats sad.
I was born on July, 31st.
On that same day in 1975 Jimmy Hoffa one of the most influential American labor leaders of the 20th century, disappears in Detroit, Michigan. He has still yet to be found.
During 1965 J.K Rowling the author of the Harry Potter books was born on the same day as me. She also gave her character Harry Potter the birthday as well.
Wesley Snipes the star of the movie "BLADE" was also born on this day in 1962.
on my b-day u.s. president William McKinley died of infection from gunshot wounds in 1901.
Ashley Tojong
My birthday is on May 29, 1996.
A film, TV, and radio star, Bob Hope was born on May 29,1903!!!
My birthday is on January 12.
In 1876 author Jack London was born.
on my b-day,10.14. Theodore Roosevelt was shot and killed.
A man was born that day and became a famous western clothing designer.
And there was something else but I forgot.
Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated the throne and the treaty of Fonainebleau was banished.
on november 15 1996 i was born. 1942 - World War II: First flight of the Heinkel He 219
I was born on june the 5 in 1996 on my birthday robert f. kennedy a senator was shot 3 times!
Also on my birthday a british war minister had drowned
!julia M.!
On my birthday charles Dickens gives his first public reading in the United States in a New York City theater.
Faith Ignacio
On my b-day on March 22 1859 there was an earthquake that destroyed land marks in Quito,equator
On my birthday october 17, Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion.
On my birthday January 26,1996 The Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III is officially introduced into British Military Service, and remains the oldest military rifle still in official use.
my birthday is on January 13. Elizabeth the first was crowned queen of England.
A space shuttle took off at 3:12, hours after I was born!
carlos fuentes
December 23 1995 Was when the president of mexico, president salinas president george bush, and prime minister brian mulroony of canada signed the north american free trade agreement
On my birthday 9/27/96 the TWM had a very rough quater of a year becase there first airline posted that they had a $14.2 million dollars lost.
I was born at the date of 04/05/1996. Pocahontas' wedding is at 382years ago when I was born.
On my birthday tecnology was made even better!
-Heather Cornea
On May 16,1948 a nurse steals another woman's UNBORN BABY.-MARISSA
On May 16,1983 Michael Jackson "moonwlks"-Melissa Duran
carlos morehead was caught robbing stores and money was taken serious.josemoreno
Mendel was born July 22 1822 to peasnt family in Hienzendorf.- lelsie
In 2005, the retirement of Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who though conservative had helped block efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade, led to fears that the historic legislation might be vulnerable to reversal.
On november15 the day i was born. The first stock ticker debut started.
October 28, 1996 is my birthday. A man named Auguste Coffier was born on that day. He i credited for making more than 10,000 recipes
hey i found out that 103 ppl died on the day i was born and i found out that one guy was a spy
i founud out that 103 ppl died on the day i was born
On mybirthday(september 14) President Wiliam McKinley was assassinated.
On my B-day the year was 1784 the continental congress ratifies the second Treaty of Paris ending the War of independence
on my birthday in history the battle of gettysburg ends(july 3). Also that in the american revolution washington takes command of continental army.(pretty cool)
on my birthday i was born on new years
On Janurary 18,1862 John Tyler dies.
Hurricane Katrina happened on August 29.
On August 5,1992 Marylin Monroe is found dead.
A special thing that happened on my birthday was the video of titanic wreckage was released to thw public.
On my birthday,people were honoring the people that died in the 9-11 accident.
On November15 i was born. The same day in history the first stock ticker debuts was unvieled in new york
My aunt had surgery on my birthday.
on June 11 david lehman invented a poem called poetry 180
on my birth day the challenger lifts off of cape,canaveral,florida.Christa is the first ordinary US civilian to travel in space.twenty seconds later the challenger explodes in mid air ,her family i horrified.
On this day was in Tennessee and the Monkey Trail begins with John Thomas Scopes.He was a high school sciene teacherand he was accused of teaching in the Tennessee state law.
Raquel Hamm
i was born on january 8, 1996 when the crazy horses last battle between the indian and american
i was born in october 25.Pablo Picasso was born in october 25 1881.
i was born on November 16,1995 when the "horse racing breeders" started the Cup Champion!
Amber Fulper
0n April 24 1947 Author willa cather dies
January 17, 1950
Boston thieves pull off historic robbery
On this day in 1950, 11 men steal more than $2 million from the Brinks Armored Car depot in Boston, Massachusetts. It was the perfect crime--al...
Andy Guzman
i was born on october 25.Pablo Picasso was born on october 25 1881.
Araceli Gonzalez
december 18 my cousin was born the same day as me
on my birthday president ford survives his secind attempt of assassination.
by:gladys pedroza
A Sunday school teacher murders his family and goes under cover for 18 years. Then the Nazis launch Kristallnacht
one event that happened on my birthday is the battle of britains begun.
by:andres campos
I was born on April 24,1996 when the U.S library of congress is established in the capitol building in Washington D.C; it moves to it own quarters in1897
Adriana Ibarra
Archaeologist opens tomb of King Tut
On this day in 1923, in Thebes, Egypt, English archaeologist Howard Carter enters the sealed burial chamber of the ancient Egyptian ruler King ... M
In 1881 clara barton establishes the american redcross. the second one is in 1932 amelia earhart becomes first women to fly solo across the alantic.
March 13, 1942
U.S. Army launches K-9 Corps
On this day in 1942, the Quartermaster Corps (QMC) of the United States Army begins training dogs for the newly established War Dog Program, or... MORE >
in April 24 1947 Author willa cather dies
Cindy Mendez
March 13, 1942
U.S. Army launches K-9 Corps
On this day in 1942, the Quartermaster Corps (QMC) of the United States Army begins training dogs for the newly established War Dog Program, or... MORE >
october 13, 1943 Italy declares war on Germany.
October 13,1775
Continetal congress authorizes the first naval force.
October 13, 1972 a jet crashes in Moscow and killing 176 people.
hi the 2 special things that happened was that a sunday school teacher murders his family and goes under cover for 18 years. then the nazis had launched a kristallnacht
I was born in october 16, 1995. In my birthday there are 2 events that occured in that day. Abarham Lincoln talked about slavery is wrong! Another event happend on that day too!! 1 year after I was born people in central america fought just because they lost a soccer game!!! There are more events that occured on that day!!
in the year 1965 ,the biggest arch is nade in Louisiana
jennifer guardado per.2
january 12, 1926, the two-man comedy series "Sam 'n' Henry" debuts on Chicago's WGN radio station.
On my birthday a manifesto was signed by the Unabomber and it was published in New York Times and Washington Post.
Melissa Rojas
On my birthday the Skylab came crashing to earth, Another thing that happened was that Alexander Hamilton died in a duel with Aaron Burr.
sofia limon
the beatels first apearence was on 1961 on march 21
hey wats up my name is sebastian and my bday is in 09/09/96 there was a riot at the attic prison
my birthday is on may 10,1996 the presidents of the union pacific and central pacific railroads meet in promontory,Utah and drive a ceremonial last spike into a rail line that connects their railroad.
by amanda alvarez
I was born in Sept. 08, 1996. Iwas also born in Arizona and then moved to California.
Alejandro Flores; When I was born John Glenn became an American astronaut of the friend ship 7
on my birthday august 15 1996 is the same day will rodgers died on a plane
on my birth day an earthquake destroyed land marks in quito,equator on march22,1859
andrea huaso
robbert f. kennedy
was shot on 06,05,1968
my birth day is on october 30 the same day hg welles anouced his new book war of the world over the radio!
on my birthday the beatels released the album i want to hold your hand
on my b-day the great huricane flooded the west indies
Two events that happened in my b-day were "Dracula Kiler"murdered four people.Also in 1944, the siege of Leningrad was lifted
On my birthday General E.lee surrendered afectively ending the civil war.
jonathan lopez- ther were a war-United States Air Force launches Operation Ranch Hand, a "modern technological area-denial technique" designed to expose the roads and trails used by the Viet Cong.
My birthday is on July 2nd The things that happened were Amelia Earhart dissapeared international joke day and Thurgood Marshall was born
I was born in labor day.and this artist called selena died that year my birthday is september 4,1996
Jennifer Tapia
In my day it was also my parents aniversury in October 26,1989.
It was also small pock aniversury in October 26,1977
on my birthday, vincent vango cut off his ownn ear.
alexis on my birth day the 54th massachusetts left boston
Wilmar Mejia-1969:Bobby Seale gagged during this trail
a 63 year old teacher plunges over niagara falls, president truman declares war on germany, and the united nations is born and these events happened on october 24.
In October 26, 1977 small pox acored.
The san francisco earthquake and Easter day.I was born apirl 16,1996.
in my birthday the first african american man joined base ball. H joined bruklin dogers and ended up being third place n.v.p. But people ended up kiling him because he is african american that what happemed in my pirthday april 15
staney begins search for livinstone
they was a fire in shirtwaist fire in new york i was born march 21,1996
Juan Medina-On my birthday a wildfire happened on my birthday lots of animals were killed and trees were burned on October 1 1996
February 13, 1898
U.K.'s first aFebruary 13, 1898
U.K.'s first auto fatality
Henry Lindfield of Brighton, England, died on this day after being involved in an automobile accident, becoming the first driving fatality in Great Britain. auto fatality begins
My birthtday, Polio vaccine tarials found the needle for the shots.
the frist monder olympics on april 6. by Emily cardenas
On my birthday William shake spear was born. He was born on April 23.
on my birthday it was St.Georges Day Melissa hoopes
On my birthday robert E. Lee surrendered. He was 36years old whn he surrendered.
On my birthday Valentines Day gangsters in Chicago killed seven people in a group!!
On my birthday April 9 General E. Lee surrendered ending the Civil War.
ms chamber on apirl 12 the civil war ended
cristina navarrete
Joshua Solis
On June 8,1996 two astronumers discovered a comet and named it Comet Hale Bopp.
The thing that happened on my birthday is that the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conduction the Premiere of his Sing Spiel The Magic Flute,just over two months befor his death
On my birthday a blue whale was discoverd in St.Lawrence on 8/20/96
cassandra vera
june 3,1996
is a speciall day for me because is fathers day an whe always do something speciall for my dad.
on my birthday october 18,
u.s bought alaska in 1868. and they bough it for 7.2 milion.
Abraham Tejeda
I was born on July 8,1996 two events that happened on my birthday of a pilot named Francis Gary he charged a mission,and a chicago fire that occured in a barn!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerly Maria Miranda period 2 Ms.Chambers.
In 1995 four black boys were killed
when a bomb went off during sunday
survices at a baptistchurch in burmingham, Alabama in the deadliest act in the civil rights area.
on my birthday a Tornado hit nebraska and killed lot's of people and injured a lot of people too. that;s what happend on march 23,1913
In August 13,1940 on that day the German aircraft begin the bombing of Southern England.
one event on my birthday is in 1864 capture of the C.S.S of Florida.The second event is 1985 Palestinian terrorists hijack an ltalian cruise ship.
Jake Dryden
on may 1,1996 Meet the Cats and Others
Rainbow is an 18 year old girl with severe arthritis. Within hours after her arrival Dr. Wright was here to examine her. First thing was to give her something to ease the pain, for when she arrived she could barley stand much less walk. After a few days she began to stand and even walk with much ease. She is a very sweet girl and loves her daily attention.
Khan is an 8 year old boy which was very thin upon arrival. He is the son of Rainbow and Toby. He has put on weight and enjoys lounging in the sun. He always calls out for a scratch on the nose.
After medical attention and proper nutrition, all 3 of these Tigers are doing very well. We really feel like the quiet country life away from the busy life at the truck stop has made a big difference in their lives.
On my birthday there was a natural
gas expiostion that kills school chidren in texas
Daniel Garcia
On my birthday Former James Madison dies.To big earthquakes rock California.
On my birth day June 1,1996 a person named keller died.
My birthday is November 3, 1996 DC residents cast first presidental votes and Yitzhak Rabin assasinated.
explosion in Vietnam on febuary 27
Hi my name is Maria and my name Maria has a meaning and it means spanish and galician form of Maria.And my middle name Carmen means latin word CARMEN "song"
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