Monday, September 10, 2007

First Assignment

The first assignment was due today; the keyboard drawing. If you did not finish it on time make sure that you turn it in as soon as possible.

We started organizing our 3 subject notebooks starting with the Table of Contents. The first section is for notes and the second subject will be used for daily journal entries.

Notes that we recorded today:

Journal Requirements:
  1. Copy the question
  2. Write the date
  3. Answer the question with complete sentences, when possible.
Wanted Poster Requirements:
  1. First and Last Name
  2. Draw a picture of yourself on the computer
  3. Description: at least 3 things
  4. Caution: at least 2 things
  5. Reward: something good you have to offer
  6. Worth: determine a value
  7. One page only!!
Wanted Poster Assignment Sheet


Juan said...

i remember that assignment. i liked it and i know that mine is not the best one. i messed up on my drawing. i had to make to 2 drawings because mine was crappy. But i had fun doing that assignment the first day of school.

Abe said...

me 2

Anonymous said...

Obama has alot of delagates but Clinton is in the lead with 760. the only problem is that democrats dont believe in legal imagrants.